Appeals court rules Tennessee can enforce Down Syndrome abortion ban

The cure is in the prevention... not really a hard concept to understand.
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Whether religious or not, mankind is it for this universe. Millions of miles years in every direction and not a single other planet has been found with any life. That alone makes all life on this planet special.

We are an endangered species to the extent that when a life line becomes extinct here on earth for any species it becomes extinct in the entire universe and solar system.

That alone should make us cherish all life.

No other planet has a single birth of anything, ever.

You're demonstrating a profound lack of understanding of the size of the universe, how little we know about it or the incalculable number of universes that undoubtedly exist. Statistically speaking, I'd wager that life across the cosmos doesn't just exist - I'd say its probably quite common.
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You're demonstrating a profound lack of understanding of the size of the universe, how little we know about it or the incalculable number of universes that undoubtedly exist. Statistically speaking, I'd wager that life across the cosmos doesn't just exist - I'd say its probably quite common.
What does it matter regarding the subject at hand?
Even if it did you are arguing from absence. It’s like me saying considering all we don’t know about the universe there must be ample evidence for God.
You're demonstrating a profound lack of understanding of the size of the universe, how little we know about it or the incalculable number of universes that undoubtedly exist. Statistically speaking, I'd wager that life across the cosmos doesn't just exist - I'd say its probably quite common.

You are guessing.

Totally unscientific. As of now, Nothing has been found. Science doesnt give an F about your feelings.

Prove me wrong right this second about life being on other planets anywhere or shut the F up skippy.

And you are the one who turned this in to a personal attack bucko so let's go.
What does it matter regarding the subject at hand?
Even if it did you are arguing from absence. It’s like me saying considering all we don’t know about the universe there must be ample evidence for God.

You're right, but there is actual evidence of life in the universe. A God, not so much.
You're right, but there is actual evidence of life in the universe. A God, not so much.
Different thread subject. You have a penchant for missing the point and then trying to turn your miss into a rabbit trail.
So, you were off target in how I was using the term “unique.” I explained it, you ignored it, and have continued to shift the discussion based on your misunderstanding.
You are guessing.

Totally unscientific. As of now, Nothing has been found. Science doesnt give an F about your feelings.

Prove me wrong right this second about life being on other planets anywhere or shut the F up skippy.

And you are the one who turned this in to a personal attack bucko so let's go.

Of course Im guessing, that's why I mentioned that I was statistically speaking on probability. You can tell by the way I used those words.

I don't recall attacking you personally, pointing out that you have a profound lack of understanding on the size of the cosmos when you referred to "millions" of miles wasn't an attack, it was a statement of fact.
Different thread subject. You have a penchant for missing the point and then trying to turn your miss into a rabbit trail.
So, you were off target in how I was using the term “unique.” I explained it, you ignored it l, and have continued to shift the discussion based on your misunderstanding.

😂 Good for you, I didn't reply because you clarified your position and your rabbit hole was not worth diving into.

My reply was specific to @NEO statement, and you've rudly inserted yourself into our conversation.

Did you believe I owed you a response?
Of course Im guessing, that's why I mentioned that I was statistically speaking on probability. You can tell by the way I used those words.

I don't recall attacking you personally, pointing out that you have a profound lack of understanding on the size of the cosmos when you referred to "millions" of miles wasn't an attack, it was a statement of fact.

Universe is growing still.

The universe is supposedly 3 billion light years and I said millions of light years instead of billions.

Its big. Its real big. Its biggly. Its huge. So huge.

Seriously though, I believe in other beings cause i believe in angels and demons and they arent magical fairies but just beings far advanced from us that probably exist on a different plane within the context of string theory.

But as far as homo sapiens go we are it.

Hubble etc has seen nuttin.
😂 Good for you, I didn't reply because you clarified your position and your rabbit hole was not worth diving into.

My reply was specific to @NEO statement, and you've rudly inserted yourself into our conversation.

Did you believe I owed you a response?
Excuse me? Here’s your quote of me. I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to Slice and you butted in, and failed reading comprehension and were a Dick about it. Do you even realize how ridiculous you look right now? You’re guilty of the very thing you’re accusing me of. It’s always easier when folks trip over their own feet.
Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Tennessee Abortion Bans

A federal appeals court on Friday affirmed a lower court’s decision to block a Tennessee measure signed into law last year that prohibits abortions after a “fetal heartbeat” is detected and prevents citing a Down syndrome or other medical diagnosis as justification for an abortion.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit said in its ruling that the district court’s previous decision on the legislation, known as House Bill 2263, “closely follows the precedents of our circuit and those of the Supreme Court, as well as the persuasive opinions of other circuits.”

“Although this circuit’s recent and alarming decisions have broadened the extent to which the government may impede a person’s constitutional right to choose whether to carry a pregnancy to term, the law remains clear that if a regulation is a substantial obstacle to a woman seeking an abortion, it is invalid,” Senior Judge Martha Craig Daughtrey wrote for the majority opinion.

While appeals court Judge Amul R. Thapar joined the others in affirming the ruling, he dissented in part, arguing that the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade should not have been used as the method to decide abortion access.

Thapar argued that the Supreme Court’s framework “cannot be justified under the original meaning of the Constitution. Nor can it be justified under a living constitutional approach.”

Samantha Fisher, a spokesperson for Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery (R), said in a statement to The Hill, "We are disappointed in the Sixth Circuit’s decision and will seek further review."

Federal appeals court rules against Tennessee abortion bans

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