Are American cities are starting to look like a 3rd world country thanks to the left? Now this.....

Is that because they’re led by a republican or because they’re not as populous?

We understand where you're going. From my perspective if you have crime problems, don't make it worse by ignoring it or putting in place policies that embolden criminals. But yes, there will always be crime and more of it in more populous areas. It doesn't help when there are 100's of openings and either the high quality people aren't incentivized to go into law enforcement due to the pay or fomenting of negative rhetoric by politicians.

I think what we could also be seeing, as in the case of the St Louis's, is the people don't want to go into law enforcement because of what I mentioned and this is a way to save face because they will continue to lose more employees.
What is the incentive to be a cop right now? It used to be widely considered a noble profession. The pays not that great. You have to deal with the dregs of society. You may have to see things that will haunt you the rest of your life. The media is on your case. The politicians are not going to support you. And any day you might get shot.

I’m not one who thinks they are infallible or always right. Like in any profession, some can be assclowns with attitudes. But I support peace, law and order over chaos.
My prediction:
The great migration from the urban areas will begin and the migrants will F up the communities they move to until they make the entire planet uninhabitable.

While I agree with part of that, but history has proven them people move back to the cities. My only concern is what we've heard about in the below video.

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He's blaming "the left" for last year's murder rate in St. Louis. "The left" wasn't in charge last year when said murder rate occurred.
Oh wow that's a really bad look for you. Come on man. You can't be this dense. It's not Biden's or Trumps fault for the skyrocketing murder rate in Atlanta. Hence why the current mayor, despite being vetted for VP, isn't running for re-election. Turns out the vast majority of the populace is not pro Defund the police.
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You're so sad. You just keep trying to defend communism. Just sad.

He's trying to deflect the former mayor's failures on Trump because the former mayor was a Democrat. Were it the other way around (Democrat president, Republican mayor), he would be the first one to call out the failed local leadership.
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