Okay. You asked, you got a "like" for "Do tell"...
"What a waste of all this talent." I read that one a lot, I guess you do as well.
Maymon, Richardson, Stokes, McRae, and Barton are all juniors and seniors. In and of itself, it's not a big deal I don't suppose. Every single one of those guys was eligible for the NBA draft...last off season.
Maymon was hurt and missed the season, Barton wasn't starting for Memphis, so there's an explanation for why they weren't drafted I guess. Speaking of those two...have they lived up to their billing this season?
I digress...that leaves us with Richardson, Stokes and McRae. Why aren't they already in the NBA? I mean with all this talent...
"Great players make great plays."
When Stokes stepped to the line with .8 seconds left today, "Great players make great plays", I thought. Uh...I certainly can't blame the coach for that one.
So, just to cut to the chase...I don't think the players, collectively, are as good as many of you think they are. I also think there is a chemistry issue and with a young team, maybe a coach can fix that. With a group like this, I'm not sure even a guy like Calipari could fix it...maybe that's a reason he likes the one and done'rs.
Upside. Martin is a very inexperienced coach compared to the majority of coaches in this league. He hasn't won as many games as I would like. I'm sure he's made mistakes, I'm sure he's learning as he goes and I realize that there are those that think that is unacceptable at UT. I've seen a coach in his first year that would NOT abandon man to man defense, for example, change course over the last two years. Maybe, that's too slow for some, I understand that.
Stokes, Richardson and McRae have all become better in areas that were clear deficiencies earlier on in their careers. Maybe that's all them and has nothing to do with coaching. I would disagree with that, but...
When you look at Martin's winning % versus the rest of the league, he sits beneath Calipari and Donovan and ahead of the rest DESPITE his lack of experience AND that includes the assistants sitting there too. I'll give Martin ALL of the blame for that...he could use a more experienced coach/recruiter imo.
Mostly, as I've said previously...Martin is the coach we have now and he has games left to coach. I'm going to support the coach and the players. When the season is over, tourney or not, someone will make a decision about the basketball program. I'm not going to spend the next couple weeks fretting over something I can't control.