Are we a crazy country?

(Lexvol @ Jul 7 said:
Imagine that a brain without a pulse.

I'd take that over a President with a pulse and no brain, but I'm in the minority there... Well, from 2004 and on that is.

Gore was elected president in 2000.. :rolleyes:
Gore was elected president in 2000..

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

How come you do not think Ohio was stolen in 2004 like Florida was in 2000?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 7 said:
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

How come you do not think Ohio was stolen in 2004 like Florida was in 2000?

Because by then the terrorist were out to get us and W is our only hope. At least, that's what the image from R2-D2 told me..
That was a pretty good joke OE. Unfortunately, my reply button disagreed and wouldn't let me quote it.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 7 said:
That was a pretty good joke OE. Unfortunately, my reply button disagreed and wouldn't let me quote it.

You must be running the new software with the "Smart" button....
(orange+white=heaven @ Jul 7 said:
You must be running the new software with the "Smart" button....

Is that similar to the easy button?
(orange+white=heaven @ Jul 7 said:
I was pondering a reply here that had to do with one of the Nation's female posters, but better sense prevailed... :D

Smart move man. The last thing we need to do is remind LIO that she's easy.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 7 said:
The funniest one I've seen yet is the sunscreen debate. Wear your sunscreen or you'll get skin cancer. Then they turn around and tell us that sunscreen could be bad because we don't get as much Vitamin D by blocking out the sun, so use with caution.

You need to find out who "they" are, because "they" are certainly not physicians, nor do they have any idea what they're talking about. UV light exposure, and especially sunburn, is the most important risk factor for developing skin cancer, a frequently incurable and fatal disease. No laughing matter there.
(kiddiedoc @ Jul 7 said:
You need to find out who "they" are, because "they" are certainly not physicians, nor do they have any idea what they're talking about. UV light exposure, and especially sunburn, is the most important risk factor for developing skin cancer, a frequently incurable and fatal disease. No laughing matter there.

Gotcha Doc.. :eek:k: Straw hats and sunscreen. Vitamin D be danged...

Although I gotta tell you, I don't think the coffee's gonna do a thing to save what's left of my liver... :whistling:
Honestly, we complain/whine about every thing.......

We have a friend who is a native of Togo, West Africa and she gets highly agitated when she hears African Americans, but it could be anybody for that matter, complaining about how tough their life is. She want's to take them home with her for a while and let them see what tough is.
(kiddiedoc @ Jul 7 said:
You need to find out who "they" are, because "they" are certainly not physicians, nor do they have any idea what they're talking about. UV light exposure, and especially sunburn, is the most important risk factor for developing skin cancer, a frequently incurable and fatal disease. No laughing matter there.

I heard it on the news, so it must be true.. :dunno:
(kiddiedoc @ Jul 7 said:
You need to find out who "they" are, because "they" are certainly not physicians, nor do they have any idea what they're talking about. UV light exposure, and especially sunburn, is the most important risk factor for developing skin cancer, a frequently incurable and fatal disease. No laughing matter there.

Ok ok, then I'll offer the next one...

FIBER - All this time it helped prevent colon cancer and now they have discovered that it does no such thing..
(orange+white=heaven @ Jul 7 said:
Gotcha Doc.. :eek:k: Straw hats and sunscreen. Vitamin D be danged...

Although I gotta tell you, I don't think the coffee's gonna do a thing to save what's left of my liver... :whistling:
Everything in moderation and regularity(I go 3 times a day wether I need to or not) is the key to good health.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 7 said:
The thing is, we don't rely on bottled water or coffee to get us from point A to point B. It's not something that we have to buy..

Some might argue that coffee gets them from point A to point B and to you I say, coffee stunts your growth.

Gee, I cannot think of the last time somebody made me buy a gallon of gas. :cry:
(overseasorange @ Jul 7 said:
Gee, I cannot think of the last time somebody made me buy a gallon of gas. :cry:

I meant those of us who actually have cars.. :whistling:
(overseasorange @ Jul 8 said:
You seem to be very environmentally friendly...Why not get a horse? :angel:

We all might have to ride horses again someday.

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