Are we at an inflection point on illegal immigration?



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Trump's Title 42 ends and there's no clear path forward. My own sense is that even most Dems are now of the opinion that action is needed to stem the tide.

We aren't getting anywhere with general disincentives. And the notion of allowing illegals to stay here but not work or contribute for years while their case languishes, is not working either.

I personally think that there's as much willingness to deal with this now in Congress than ever before. The public is on board.

I do think we need tie it to a solution for those who are here. There are 11 million illegals in the US now and a solution that addresses both new immigration and handling those already here, seems to me to be the best bet.

My own proposed solution is to double the border police and authorize then to kick out new immigrants and they get told that if they try again they will be kicked out when found for 5 years.

Then on the flip side we massively increase processing, both for new arrivals seeking hardship asylum and also for those already here. Have a goal of clearing any given case within 90 days.

Limit appeals.

And require that persons waiting a determination work or provide family services pending a determination. And if denied they must leave and not reapply for 3 years and, if they defy that and are caught, they are sent back with permanent ban on coming back, in any capacity, legal or illegal.
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1. End birthright citizenship as it is now. Require at least 1 parent be a citizen for the child to be granted citizenship at birth.
2. for illegals already in the country without a criminal record allow them to stay with a green card and all the limitations and privileges associated with it. BUT without any path towards citizenship for those that came here after the age of 18.
3. Allow those that don’t accept the green card leave the country and apply for reentry which would give them a path towards citizenship.
4. Stop fighting the battle at the border. Fight it in the boardrooms and with the employers. Make the penalty for hiring an illegal a felony punishable by prison for the upper level management. Systemic cases could jeopardize all tyhe way up to the CEO.
5. Include the citizenship status question on the census and stop only count citizens towards reallocation of house seats.
1. End birthright citizenship as it is now. Require at least 1 parent be a citizen for the child to be granted citizenship at birth.
2. for illegals already in the country without a criminal record allow them to stay with a green card and all the limitations and privileges associated with it. BUT without any path towards citizenship for those that came here after the age of 18.
3. Allow those that don’t accept the green card leave the country and apply for reentry which would give them a path towards citizenship.
4. Stop fighting the battle at the border. Fight it in the boardrooms and with the employers. Make the penalty for hiring an illegal a felony punishable by prison for the upper level management. Systemic cases could jeopardize all tyhe way up to the CEO.
5. Include the citizenship status question on the census and stop only count citizens towards reallocation of house seats.

History suggests #4 is a nonstarter, particularly farming business in the southwest and California.
Trump's Title 42 ends and there's no clear path forward. My own sense is that even most Dems are now of the opinion that action is needed to stem the tide.

We aren't getting anywhere with general disincentives. And the notion of allowing illegals to stay here but not work or contribute for years while their case languishes, is not working either.

I personally think that there's as much willingness to deal with this now in Congress than ever before. The public is on board.

I do think we need tie it to a solution for those who are here. There are 11 million illegals in the US now and a solution that addresses both new immigration and handling those already here, seems to me to be the best bet.

My own proposed solution is to double the border police and authorize then to kick out new immigrants and they get told that if they try again they will be kicked out when found for 5 years.

Then on the flip side we massively increase processing, both for new arrivals seeking hardship asylum and also for those already here. Have a goal of clearing any given case within 90 days.

Limit appeals.

And require that persons waiting a determination work or provide family services pending a determination. And if denied they must leave and not reapply for 3 years and, if they defy that and are caught, they are sent back with permanent ban on coming back, in any capacity, legal or illegal.
The streak continues... still can't start a thread without mentioning Trump.

Rent free
It’s a purely insane notion that there’s public support for any kind of amnesty for illegal immigration.

I'm not proposing amnesty.

I'm proposing a faster process for review of applications but with harder results, denial of appeals with consequences. And with very negative consequences for failed applicants, resulting in their ejection and a bar on return.

Basically, the deal is that new immigrants are going to have their cases decided in 90 days and if they are out, they are truly out.
So after an election in his state where the Republican governor dominated, including Hispanic vote, LG is now concerned about Hispanics crossing the border 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I've said it a few times, they're turning on Democrats, even the illegal ones. But still at the timing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
If the solution comes from DC, it will be worthless **** with no chance of working. DC is incapable of solutions.

Exactly. Real solutions aren’t even the goal in DC, for real solutions mean that there won’t be as much money thrown around to pretend to fix problems. It’s all about “the pork” in the bills! Everything revolves around “the pork” in bills and I mean everything. DC is incapable of real solutions because DC wants no real solutions.
The honest answer is we are f$&ked.

I barely post on here anymore because I’ve come to the conclusion that we are just genuinely f’d as a country and there is absolutely nothing we can do.

It’s terminal.

I am paying 5 dollars for eggs now. Five dollars for something that was a buck something a year ago.

These idiots have no idea how to fix anything. Their answer is to shovel more money into the economy which only inflates it more and we think they can fix the border???


Good one.
The honest answer is we are f$&ked.

I barely post on here anymore because I’ve come to the conclusion that we are just genuinely f’d as a country and there is absolutely nothing we can do.

It’s terminal.

I am paying 5 dollars for eggs now. Five dollars for something that was a buck something a year ago.

These idiots have no idea how to fix anything. Their answer is to shovel more money into the economy which only inflates it more and we think they can fix the border???


Good one.

The solution is simple. You need to vote harder. And stock up on guns and ammo that you won't use when the time comes to fight The Man.
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The honest answer is we are f$&ked.

I barely post on here anymore because I’ve come to the conclusion that we are just genuinely f’d as a country and there is absolutely nothing we can do.

It’s terminal.

I am paying 5 dollars for eggs now. Five dollars for something that was a buck something a year ago.

These idiots have no idea how to fix anything. Their answer is to shovel more money into the economy which only inflates it more and we think they can fix the border???


Good one.
The answer to economic troubles is war.
They just haven’t figured out how to get us in one yet.
Trump's Title 42 ends and there's no clear path forward. My own sense is that even most Dems are now of the opinion that action is needed to stem the tide.

We aren't getting anywhere with general disincentives. And the notion of allowing illegals to stay here but not work or contribute for years while their case languishes, is not working either.

I personally think that there's as much willingness to deal with this now in Congress than ever before. The public is on board.

I do think we need tie it to a solution for those who are here. There are 11 million illegals in the US now and a solution that addresses both new immigration and handling those already here, seems to me to be the best bet.

My own proposed solution is to double the border police and authorize then to kick out new immigrants and they get told that if they try again they will be kicked out when found for 5 years.

Then on the flip side we massively increase processing, both for new arrivals seeking hardship asylum and also for those already here. Have a goal of clearing any given case within 90 days.

Limit appeals.

And require that persons waiting a determination work or provide family services pending a determination. And if denied they must leave and not reapply for 3 years and, if they defy that and are caught, they are sent back with permanent ban on coming back, in any capacity, legal or illegal.
Cloward–Piven strategy
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Nah .. it will be fine , you progressives just keep doing what you are doing with the it’s not an open border semantics . No reason to stop now it’s just starting to get good .
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I have always wondered why couldnt we shift the point of application away from our border? I feel like people shouldnt be standing on our stoop without having a pretty good idea of who they are and if they should be here.

Open up several/many citizenship/green card/asylum application centers in Mexico. The border is literally just that. Do not approach if you cant legally enter yet.

The issue in my opinion is that the migrants get here, and then we try to figure out what to do with them. This creates multiple issues, what do you do while they wait? How do you track them once in? And with the process taking so long the bleeding hearts get upset when you kick out someone who has been here for years, illegally.

If it's me, I do some of what LG talked about. Increase the federal side of getting things approved/rejected. I also shut down the border for a year. Tell every single illegal they have 6 months to start the application process. The reason to shut down the border is to focus on those here, and get them through, or at least started. After that year, or shorter if we make it through the backlog, the border opens up, and hopefully in that six months we have those new application centers opened in Mexico and they have begun the process of sifting through applicants, so once it hits the courts the process goes faster. The end goal would be more legal immigrants, and fewer illegals, with the focus on making sure the Gov is not the hold up, which should hopefully decrease the number trying to come illegally if they know they dont have to wait.

I agree with the hard rejections too, and I think it has to be tied to a more potent system with DNA and or finger prints to verify for the next time they try. Once the border shuts down anyone else crossing illegally or a violent criminal gets the hard rejection, even if they make it here and are here for years with kids.

I would also institute a pretty hard cap on asylum numbers, with a heavy emphasis of resolving their fate fast. Either get them on the citizenship train, or get them out. No waiting for whatever issue to go away ot be resolved.
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I have always wondered why couldnt we shift the point of application away from our border? I feel like people shouldnt be standing on our stoop without having a pretty good idea of who they are and if they should be here.

Open up several/many citizenship/green card/asylum application centers in Mexico. The border is literally just that. Do not approach if you cant legally enter yet.

The issue in my opinion is that the migrants get here, and then we try to figure out what to do with them. This creates multiple issues, what do you do while they wait? How do you track them once in? And with the process taking so long the bleeding hearts get upset when you kick out someone who has been here for years, illegally.

If it's me, I do some of what LG talked about. Increase the federal side of getting things approved/rejected. I also shut down the border for a year. Tell every single illegal they have 6 months to start the application process. The reason to shut down the border is to focus on those here, and get them through, or at least started. After that year, or shorter if we make it through the backlog, the border opens up, and hopefully in that six months we have those new application centers opened in Mexico and they have begun the process of sifting through applicants, so once it hits the courts the process goes faster. The end goal would be more legal immigrants, and fewer illegals, with the focus on making sure the Gov is not the hold up, which should hopefully decrease the number trying to come illegally if they know they dont have to wait.

I agree with the hard rejections too, and I think it has to be tied to a more potent system with DNA and or finger prints to verify for the next time they try. Once the border shuts down anyone else crossing illegally or a violent criminal gets the hard rejection, even if they make it here and are here for years with kids.

I would also institute a pretty hard cap on asylum numbers, with a heavy emphasis of resolving their fate fast. Either get them on the citizenship train, or get them out. No waiting for whatever issue to go away ot be resolved.
Well thought and applicable. Stand no chance of becoming reality because...DC politics. Just as a tiered provisional/conditional matriculation to American citizenship is a fantasy.

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