Are We Being Overhyped?



Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2005
we have a very very very tough schedule.

the florida-lsu road games, back to back. that is a killer.

and bama is gonna be very much improved.

all these mags have us hyped to the sky, but can we do it. ut always seems to trip up somewhere. first it was bama, then florida, then georgia. once to lsu. arkansas.

we had the balls bounce just right in '98. and i guess that is what it takes to win. i mean usc is good but they have had all kinds of luck the last two years.

i just dont know if we can stand the pressure.

hell, who is our qb for one?

is the secondary ready?

are the injuries healed?

can riggs really carry us if we need him to?

is simon 100%?

is wilhoit 100%?

lots of questions and alot of expectations. with all this hype it is hard to expect anything but a trip to pasadena.


what do yall think about it?

we seem to do better as underdogs. but we wont be this year.

we may be dogs to florida though.
No, I don't think that we are overhyped. Most people have us in the top 10 if not the top 5 for a good reason. We will have a lot of talent on the field this season, and just about every one of them have some tough road games under their belt.

It's hard to go undefeated in the SEC, but we are the team that has the best shot at it. So why not give us a good preseason ranking? This team has a lot of potential. We won the SEC east last year with a bunch of freshman in some key positions. Do you think it will get worse?
Yeah, you're right about always stumbling with some team. However this year, I think that we could go to the NC with 1 loss if things played out right.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@May 30, 2005 8:54 PM
Yeah, you're right about always stumbling with some team.  However this year, I think that we could go to the NC with 1 loss if things played out right.

Somehow I doubt it. I think out of the Big XII, ACC and Big Ten, two of those conferences will produce an 11-1 team. No undefeateds. But since all those conferences are viewed as more or less on par with the SEC right now, from what I can tell, we're going to have to dazzle a little bit in addition to winning.

If we go undefeated, national championship run. Easy. USC is the only BCS school with an actual probability of going loss-less.

If we win the SEC with one loss, I'd see us in the running with Texas/Oklahoma, Michigan/Ohio State/Iowa and Virginia Tech/Miami/Florida State.
Coaches coach, players play....Teams win!

I dont think we are over hyped anything! Maybe a little due of respect but thats never hurt us! IMO usc is the most over rated everything heading into the summer. But i dont read this board to hear how good anyone else is.

If this group has the leadership on the field and off, If, yes there are things that happen, "Bounce our way" or how ever one decides to view it? I believe can make a good argument for a NC run.

Its been said, and over again', a top SEC team can play and beat any team in the country.

What i saw happen to Auburn this past season honestly sucked!
No im no Aub fan or even care but......The only thing as the media/bcs was concerned and as $$ flowed was their strength in sched that kept them from ever see'n USC head to head.
Our schedule will be to our favor in the end!

Let us never be "AUBURNED" play anyone anywhere!

Ugh... More Auburn crap. The situation couldn't have been worked out any better given the circumstances, with the exception of a +1 game. But what are you gonna do. Create another bowl the minute you realize you've got three NC contenders? Whatever. Bottom line concerning last year: Oklahoma looked way better than Auburn. They went undefeated in a conference that's roughly on the same difficulty level as the SEC. They shut out the number four team in the country. They held their opponent to 46 yards of total offense while producing 498 of their own in the effing Big XII Championship Game. As much as I hate the Sooners, keeping them out of the Orange Bowl last season would have been 100x the crime keeping Auburn out ever was.

And just how is USC overrated? You think Pete Carroll just jumped in the air and landed on some National Championship trophies? No! And don't expect the loss of Norm Chow to cause their downfall, either. The Trojans faced some of the toughest offenses in the country last year, and the result? Pete Carroll's boys allowed an average of four points in the second half per game. And where exactly are the offensive woes? Sure, Chow is gone but there still remains a Heisman-winner quarterback, a Heisman winner finalist, one of the finest power running backs in the country, a beefy, talented offensive line and a group of recievers that could conceivably be called the best in the country. The woe of losing Chow may set in, but I don't see it happening for at least another season or two.

You call them overhyped? Given all this, I don't see where the problem is in calling the 2003-2005 USC Trojans one of the best squads the college football game has ever seen.


Back to us... Our guys just have to keep their heads on straight and deal with each team week to week, and hopefully our guys can enjoy New Year&#39;s Day while still looking forward to a bowl game.
Forgot im not entitled to have an opinion.

I&#39;ll stick to reading post&#39;s, not respond or reply.
Its been fun talking Vol&#39;s....Go Vols
I do not think this team is overhyped. We have as much talent as nearly anyone in the country and you cannot give someone a lower preseason ranking just because we have a tough schedule.
Milo, you can&#39;t be serious with your USC comments. I live out west and get the "pleasure" of watching PAC-10 football every week. However, I still get back and watch UT and w/ gameplan I watch many SEC games. The PAC-10 talent level is just not near any other top conf. in the country. I watched UofA beat up on big, bad ASU last year. Cal was overrated and showed it against TT.

I am a big fan of defensive football, but there is very little to be seen on the west coast. I do think that no one could have beaten USC on that night in the NC game. But put them up against 5-6 really strong teams and they would not go undefeated.

Also, I think Chow&#39;s leaving will have a huge impact on the offense. Granted, the heisman trophy "winner" is back but it was not his gameplan that was used every week, he only executed it. Just think: How good would Wuerffel have been if Spurrier left before his senior year? Is Leinart really that good or is he a product of Chow&#39;s system? Spurrier proved that an average QB can be made to look great with the right gameplan.
I don&#39;t think that we are overrated at all. We have more talent coming back this year than I&#39;ve seen return in a very long time. Sure we have a tough schedule but an undefeated season is not out of reach. Auburn had some tough road games last year and no one gave them a shot either. (UT, LSU, BAMA) just to name a few. Basically when it comes right down to it none of this preaseason stuff really matters anyway. Sure we all like to look at it and it makes us feel good when we see our team ranked so high this early. It all has to be settled on the field this fall. As for USC, some can make an argument that they are overrated and some won&#39;t. My personal opinion is that if you put USC in the SEC for a year they won&#39;t have the success that they&#39;ve had. They play a cupcake schedule for the most part with the exception of a couple of games. Sure they have a lot of talent and they would be very competitive in a tougher conference but I don&#39;t think they would go undefeated.

Whoever said that the Big 12 was as tough as the SEC no disrespect but that&#39;s crazy. If Oklahoma, Texas, or OSU had to go to UT, Gainsville, Georgia, or LSU I don&#39;t think any of them would have escaped undefeated like Auburn did last year.

As for UT, we have the talent and the experience to make a serious run at an undefeated National Championship Season&#33; So no we are not overhyped&#33;
I will run the risk of sounding like a broken record, gladly, as I say again:

1. If our defense is consistent and plays well we can beat anybody.

2. If our offensive line is good and plays well, we can win with either Ainge or Clausen.

I believe our biggest worry right now is that we have only one "practice" game before we play Florida and LSU. If the team has grown enough and learned enough when we play them to win those games...well Watch out&#33;&#33;
National Championship here we come. :twocents:
Originally posted by MtHomeVol@May 31, 2005 10:38 AM
I will run the risk of sounding like a broken record, gladly, as I say again:

1.  If our defense is consistent and plays well we can beat anybody.

2.  If our offensive line is good and plays well, we can win with either Ainge or Clausen.

I believe our biggest worry right now is that we have only one "practice" game before we play Florida and LSU.  If the team has grown enough and learned enough when we play them to win those games...well Watch out&#33;&#33;
National Championship here we come.  :twocents:

You make a good point, however, I feel that playing these games early in the year colud be an advantage for us since both of these programs will be under new coaches learning new systems. Although playing them back to back is going to be tough I would rather do it early in the year than late when they will have had more "practice" games to learn to play in real game situations in a new system.
It&#39;s hard to go undefeated in the SEC, but we are the team that has the best shot at it.

As much as I want it to be UGA this is definatley a correct statement. As for being overhyped..only time will tell. We play in what most call the toughest conference in the land and to go undefeated is a monumental task. Just dont let the hype get to you like some of our fans didlast year. If you start to believe the hype then you setting yourself up for disaster. Stay focused on the next game and you will be all right. Thats why I am actually glad we are flying under the radar this year.
I will be the most negative one here and say....Yes, we are being over-rated.

Now, when I say that...I am talking about a undefeated season. I still think we go probably 10-1 or year.

Why? Few reasons:

1) Our pass defense was horrible last year. It wasn&#39;t just bad but horrible at times. Now, someone had a chart showing how we did good in some games and terrible in others....either way...we were average 20 more yards per game in the air then 11th place VANDERBILT. Will experience and more depth help? It really can&#39;t do anything but help.....I am not sold we will be that great in the secondary just yet.

2) I love Eric Ainge and I do believe he could very well lead us to a NC but next year? He is still a sophmore and I am not sure a sophmore can lead us to an undefeated season.....prove me wrong&#33;
Originally posted by U&#045;T@May 31, 2005 1:45 PM
I will be the most negative one here and say....Yes, we are being over-rated.

Now, when I say that...I am talking about a undefeated season. I still think we go probably 10-1 or year.

Why? Few reasons:

1) Our pass defense was horrible last year. It wasn&#39;t just bad but horrible at times. Now, someone had a chart showing how we did good in some games and terrible in others....either way...we were average 20 more yards per game in the air then 11th place VANDERBILT. Will experience and more depth help? It really can&#39;t do anything but help.....I am not sold we will be that great in the secondary just yet.

2) I love Eric Ainge and I do believe he could very well lead us to a NC but next year? He is still a sophmore and I am not sure a sophmore can lead us to an undefeated season.....prove me wrong&#33;

I agree that 10-1 or 9-2 is probably more realistic, but I do think that the secondary will be much improved and the front seven will only help them. As far as Erik Ainge is concerned I realize that he is only a Soph. but how much difference is there between a sophmore with a good bit of starting game experience and say a junior who held a clipboard and watched for two years. I understand a couple years of learning from the sidelines and practice helps a lot, but nothing like real game work....on top of that Ainge is no ordinary sophmore. Most analysts seem to think that Henne out of Michigan (also a soph) can have a NC type of year so why not Ainge? I just think he is a lot more poised than most at this point in his career, but only time will tell&#33;
Originally posted by U&#045;T@May 31, 2005 2:45 PM

1) Our pass defense was horrible last year. It wasn&#39;t just bad but horrible at times. Now, someone had a chart showing how we did good in some games and terrible in others....either way...we were average 20 more yards per game in the air then 11th place VANDERBILT. Will experience and more depth help? It really can&#39;t do anything but help.....I am not sold we will be that great in the secondary just yet.


So, our secondary only gave up about 130 more yards last year than our 98 NC team did. Games can be won without an excellent secondary. They will be better next year. There is no reason to think that they will be any worse off. We just need our secondary to know what they are supposed to do and let the DL and LB&#39;s take care of the rest.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@May 31, 2005 5:29 PM
So, our secondary only gave up about 130 more yards last year than our 98 NC team did.  Games can be won without an excellent secondary.  They will be better next year.  There is no reason to think that they will be any worse off.  We just need our secondary to know what they are supposed to do and let the DL and LB&#39;s take care of the rest.

We also won the East last year with that horrible secondary.

No one said it was impossible to do it but unless we improve drastically....we won&#39;t go undefeated, imo.

Passing and speed has gotten much quicker since the mid-late 90&#39;s and it is only becoming harder and harder to win unless you can control what the QB for the other team is doing through the air

Originally posted by U&#045;T@May 31, 2005 5:39 PM
We also won the East last year with that horrible secondary.

No one said it was impossible to do it but unless we improve drastically....we won&#39;t go undefeated, imo.

Passing and speed has gotten much quicker since the mid-late 90&#39;s and it is only becoming harder and harder to win unless you can control what the QB for the other team is doing through the air

I for one definately think the secondary will be drastically improved this year. It is easy at times to forget how young we were last year and how invaluable the experience our secondary gained was. At times the secondary was outstanding last year, I think we just made a ton of freshman mistakes that cost us big plays and I think the experience will minimize those. We will need it though because I sure don&#39;t see many teams being able to run the ball against our front&#33;
first of all, look what leinart did as a soph. so squash that talk.

it means nothing.

i just dont want our hopes to be to high. preseason polls are junk. usc could have lost 3 games last year and no one would have said anything about them. it comes down to luck, coaching, and will to win.

whether we win 13 or 10, just know that this team will be very good for many more years to come. and in college football that matters almost more than anything else. its about who is the best over a period of time.

if our offense opens up a little more, and we utilize the talent at reciever, we will be playing in pasadena. i think we definetly need simon to be healty though.

our d will be fine. meyer and miles will have a few trip ups.

i think there has been only one first year coach to win it all, and that was larry coker in miami. and he did that with all of butch davis&#39;s recruits and talent.

cpf deserves another title and so does alot of those players. we may not win it all, but by god i guarantee everyone will remember that they played tennessee this year.
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@May 31, 2005 7:54 PM
first of all, look what leinart did as a soph. so squash that talk.

it means nothing.

Of course it means something. Just because Matt did it does not mean everyone else can as well. What he did was incredibly rare. I know your point is that Ainge can do it and I agree but I doubt he does, especially with Sanders as our OC (AND I LIKE SANDERS). Clausen also actually had a solid sophmore year so no one is saying he won&#39;t do it.
Vick and Fitzgerald are two utterly and completely different cases and you know it.

No one said Ainge wouldn&#39;t do good. I said I didn&#39;t think he would do as GREAT as some are projecting him to do, which I think without doubt is needed for us to go undefeated
I agree with you to a point, but if super human QB play was the key to being undefeated, Manning would have had 3 undefeated seasons and Tee Martin wouldn&#39;t have won a title. The bottom line is that predicting an undefeated season is a little nuts though. Get 9 wins and hope for the ball to bounce the right way a few times after that.
Again, I am not asking for a superhuman season.

I am asking for a mistake free, full-fledged leadership Krenzel, Mauck, Hypel, and Dorsey all gave their older, experienced QB&#39;s did.

I am not sold that Ainge has just enough experience to give us that undefeated season.

Like I said before, him giving us a 10-1, 9-2 season is what I expect.

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