Are We Being Overhyped?

oh yeah i agree. i am not saying he wil do it. i think he needs another year. hell he needs a full healthy year.

but his supporting cast will carry his mistakes. to me this years ut team mirrors the 2003 usc team to a certain extent. we are just missing a game breaking reciever like mike williams. but mechem could be that guy.
Originally posted by utvolpj@May 31, 2005 7:26 AM
Milo, you can't be serious with your USC comments.  I live out west and get the "pleasure" of watching PAC-10 football every week.  However, I still get back and watch UT and w/ gameplan I watch many SEC games.  The PAC-10 talent level is just not near any other top conf. in the country.  I watched UofA beat up on big, bad ASU last year.  Cal was overrated and showed it against TT. 

I am a big fan of defensive football, but there is very little to be seen on the west coast.  I do think that no one could have beaten USC on that night in the NC game.  But put them up against 5-6 really strong teams and they would not go undefeated. 

Also, I think Chow's leaving will have a huge impact on the offense.  Granted, the heisman trophy "winner" is back but it was not his gameplan that was used every week, he only executed it.  Just think: How good would Wuerffel have been if Spurrier left before his senior year?  Is Leinart really that good or is he a product of Chow's system? Spurrier proved that an average QB can be made to look great with the right gameplan.

All I have to say is this: USC has already won two straight AP national titles. It is the tenth time it has been done in the 71-year history of the AP poll. Does that make them one of the best in the game's history already? Yes. If they win their third straight, I honestly don't see how you could not call Pete Carroll's group from 2003-2005 one of the best squads in the history of college football.

And to the thread... Ainge has the ability to play his role if we were to make a national title run. I think Erik will come back a far better QB than most would expect. Not quite Heisman material, but very good. We just need the rest of the pieces to fall into place.
USC is sort of like the New England Patriots - a lot of people want to minimize what they've done, but 10 years from now we'll look back and recognize their greatness.
And some of us already recognize their greatness and get chastised by others for it. Even though I don't like USC (spineless fans).

Let us start a vigil for a healthy offensive line this season. Such is the way to a great season.
The secondary will, make no mistake, be much improved. Returning talent, experience, and (hopefully) healthy DB's will be huge.

IMO, we have won in the past with a very "average" secondary, anyway. We've always been suspect to giving up the big play. The way we cover for that, and the way our defense wins games, starts up front.

Probably the best asset a defensive secondary can have has nothing to do with the secondary -- it's a big, strong, fast line that can stop the run at the line of scrimmage and penetrate to the QB, hurrying the throw and not allowing time for down-field routes to materialize.
I'm going to have to go the unpopular route and say:

Yes. We are severely overhyped.

Don't get me wrong. I think we're good. REAL good. But there are WAY too many IF's that need answering for us to be considered the #2 team in the country. QB question, if Ainge, then does he have enough experience. Riggs, OL, special teams, and (what seems to be a perennial question) the defensive secondary.

Of course the pass defense will be better this year. It really can't get any worse than last year. Fact was that ANY team could throw deep on us AT WILL with a big play success rate of >75%. If a couple of those coaches had tried it more often and thrown caution to the win we would have been beaten by more than 2 teams. And the bad news is that there are two coaches on our schedule this year that will repeatedly test us deep, early and often. And they'll both keep doing it until we can consistently stop it.

Plus there's the whole biased media factor. Underrated and unrespected all of last year, then all of a sudden we're #2 pre-season? They're just building us up so they can then write about the 'tragic' downfall, how CUM and UF shocked the #2 Vols. Then if we go there and beat them by 50, they write "first year coach playing #2 team in the country, this was supposed to happen". It's a lose/lose situation for us.

We are good, but don't believe the hype. I'd rather us prove it first on the field for 12 games, then we can talk the talk.
Originally posted by JohnsonCityVol@May 31, 2005 10:44 PM
I'm going to have to go the unpopular route and say:

Yes. We are severely overhyped.

Don't get me wrong. I think we're good. REAL good. But there are WAY too many IF's that need answering for us to be considered the #2 team in the country. QB question, if Ainge, then does he have enough experience. Riggs, OL, special teams, and (what seems to be a perennial question) the defensive secondary.

Of course the pass defense will be better this year. It really can't get any worse than last year. Fact was that ANY team could throw deep on us AT WILL with a big play success rate of >75%. If a couple of those coaches had tried it more often and thrown caution to the win we would have been beaten by more than 2 teams. And the bad news is that there are two coaches on our schedule this year that will repeatedly test us deep, early and often. And they'll both keep doing it until we can consistently stop it.

Plus there's the whole biased media factor. Underrated and unrespected all of last year, then all of a sudden we're #2 pre-season? They're just building us up so they can then write about the 'tragic' downfall, how CUM and UF shocked the #2 Vols. Then if we go there and beat them by 50, they write "first year coach playing #2 team in the country, this was supposed to happen". It's a lose/lose situation for us.

We are good, but don't believe the hype. I'd rather us prove it first on the field for 12 games, then we can talk the talk.

Originally posted by milohimself@May 31, 2005 10:00 PM
And some of us already recognize their greatness and get chastised by others for it. Even though I don't like USC (spineless fans).

Let us start a vigil for a healthy offensive line this season. Such is the way to a great season.

You need thicker skin if that seem harsh. It is OK on this board to have a difference of opinion, correct? I am just stating that after watching USC and their schedule that I don't believe they rank up there with the greats. And it wouldn't be 2 AP in a row if Carroll hadn't cried to the media for a split. The system sucks but it is in place for a reason. Mack Brown got abused for whining but it's ok if it's USC.

As for UT, I see us like the OSU teams of late that have won on D. Our front 7 is going to abuse some people. They should set the tempo and allow the secondary a little breathing room. I don't worry about the corners so much as I do the safeties.

I also see Simon/Gaither being two of the best LB's in the nation.

Tennessee IMO has always had the talent and coaching (not the best coaching, but good enough) to compete for a National Championship every year. The problem that i see with TN is purely psychological. They are either too tight or too loose. In the big games they play not to lose, tight, afraid of making the so-called easy games, they come out unfocused and over confident and end up playing down to the competition. I love TN and hope that they destroy the Urban Myth but I have a prediction that will make a gator smile like a crockadile...The gators have nothing to lose, they win whether they win or lose the game. Meyer is the second coming if he wins, a loss, well that was expected against the #2 team in the nation. I believe Meyer has convinced his team that they are the tuffest andf meanest team in the nation by putting them through a BEAResue Junction Boys experince this spring. That, along with the hype and brazen attitude of Meyer, playing at home in a game which will shatter the attendance record in the swamp, will put TN in a defensive posture, they will be tight, thinking too much, afraid to make a mistake and of course thats when the mistakes will be made. I see multiple turnovers much like the the auburn game last year. I'm afraid it will be a blow out in Florida's favor..not because Fla. is better but because Florida thinks it's better and will play like they are better. The only chance TN has is if takes on the same kick-a$$ attitude, comes in loose with a message of We're better and we're going to show you why. Go back and look at the auburn game last year. Cadillac epitomized the attitude TN will have to take..He was super aggressive and knew he was better and knew no one could stop him and even taunted TN with it much like Muhhamed Ali would do to opponents during his fights. TN will have to know that they are the GREATEST and then be confident enough to show them why.
TBALLVOL, don't buy the hype!!! You are playing into their hands. But, even if UF fans didn't like Zook's coaching, they must admit he left the program stocked with talent. Meyer has so much to work with and huge hype that I think the fans will not be happy w/ losses to UT, UGA, or SC. They will put as much talent out there as anyone, but I just think they will fall short this year.
Originally posted by utvolpj@Jun 1, 2005 6:40 AM
You need thicker skin if that seem harsh.  It is OK on this board to have a difference of opinion, correct?  I am just stating that after watching USC and their schedule that I don't believe they rank up there with the greats.  And it wouldn't be 2 AP in a row if Carroll hadn't cried to the media for a split.  The system sucks but it is in place for a reason.  Mack Brown got abused for whining but it's ok if it's USC.

I am a Longhorns fan as well, and I still think, no matter what, that Cal was the more deserving team to be in the Rose Bowl. They never did anything to lose that spot. HOWEVER Texas still went anyways and got the win. Likewise with USC. Was Carroll's complaining good? No. But it doesn't make him any less the AP Champion of the 2003-2004 season.

And I'm not taking it harsh... Don't worry. I would have myself checked out ASAP if I started taking what people said to me online personally.
That's good to hear Milo. It's just hard for a guy who spend his whole life in Knoxville (me) to now live out west and only hear how great the PAC-10 is. It has been a long time since UT was truly discussed as a top-5 team and a true NC contender. Amazing considering that UT was the 2nd winningest program in the '90's. I don't mind USC being seen as a top program now, I just wish that past accomplishments were looked at. They just jump up every 20 years or so and get all the pub. Our Vol teams have been doing it year in and year out (except for '88) without being discussed on the truly elite level that Cal and USC now seem to be on.

I admit I have a big orange chip on my shoulder about UT athletics and don't plan to remove it until everyone agrees w/ me that the Vols are the best program ever! I just need to get out of the west and back to the South where I belong.
I just picked up a copy of Lindy's College Football Preview and they have us 6th Nationaly, and Athlon's Annual spring issue has us 2nd Nationaly(USC #1). I think we will awfully tough, but.....I must play Devil's Advocate and say that to have us above a loaded Texas team is a little questionable. That being said, and I agree with those of you who call our schedule into question, very tough, there are not too many teams out there that have as good a team (on paper) as we do. Auburn lost a ton of talent, Gators are learning a new system, Oklahoma has QB issues as well as Miami. Michigan and Georgia should both be tough as well. Overhyped? Nah...Go Vols!!
Sixth place sounds good to start. Low enough that we're not as overhyped as we should be, but high enough to get spek if we make a MNC run.
OK....I haven't been on in awhile and I am sorry for that....WOOOO HOOOO GO VOLS.....ok now on to the topic.....

Ok now we are ranked between 2-6 on most prominate polls....but all this is speculation and we don't know what is going to happen....we have all the talent in the world.....but most of it that we have is young and we do have experience but alot of our players don't have exclusive playing time.....what I mean by that is playing at one spot consistantly and effectively.....and out of all the problems we had in the secondary last year number 2 is a but can't win a national championship with a first year recruiting class and that is what alot of the hype is about....we still don't have a clear starter at QB and unforunately after the Brent Schaeffer problem Crompton, as far as talent on our QB chart, is prolly gonna be forced not to we have too many IF'S on our roster to be ranked that high.....Tennessee has not really had a season where most of the starters stayed healthy since 98'. So lets see where we end up....I would be happy with one loss and some luck on our side.....but lets pray and hope we stay healthy and then if we are still healthy mid-season and we have no losses odds will prolly be good for us.....but the season hasn't started or been played yet so lets see what happens and stay behind the VOLS ALL THE WAY.....
What's this talk of Crompton not being redshirted? We already have two capable QB's... And I see little controversy. I believe 110% that Ainge will be the starter, as his mental ability should be just behind if not on par with slick Rick's, and twice the physical capability. And Rick would make a great backup, for either cleanup crew or if Ainge gets injured again, God forbid.

Regardless of how we feel, we DO have the talent to be a top 5 team this season, and we should play to that level. I have read on Tidefans from time to time that they say we underachieve... And while I generally hate that forum, they do have a decent point there. Our talent level is too high not to be a national championship contender.
Originally posted by g8terh8ter_eric@Jun 7, 2005 1:00 AM
OK....I haven't been on in awhile and I am sorry for that....WOOOO HOOOO GO VOLS.....ok now on to the topic.....

Ok now we are ranked between 2-6 on most prominate polls....but all this is speculation and we don't know what is going to happen....we have all the talent in the world.....but most of it that we have is young and we do have experience but alot of our players don't have exclusive playing time.....what I mean by that is playing at one spot consistantly and effectively.....and out of all the problems we had in the secondary last year number 2 is a but can't win a national championship with a first year recruiting class and that is what alot of the hype is about....we still don't have a clear starter at QB and unforunately after the Brent Schaeffer problem Crompton, as far as talent on our QB chart,  is prolly gonna be forced not to we have too many IF'S on our roster to be ranked that high.....Tennessee has not really had a season where most of the starters stayed healthy since 98'. So lets see where we end up....I would be happy with one loss and some luck on our side.....but lets pray and hope we stay healthy and then if we are still healthy mid-season and we have no losses odds will prolly be good for us.....but the season hasn't started or been played yet so lets see what happens and stay behind the VOLS ALL THE WAY.....

I would disagree that the class we have coming in has much to do at all with the hype. The only incoming FR. that is being mentioned as a possible impact player besides Bolden is Morley....other than a few references to the OL and Briscoe. None of these other than maybe DM are being mentioned as reasons the vols are being ranked so high. I think it has a lot more to do with the success we had last year with so many young players being forced into action and making an impact. We finished 10-3 last year with a ton of young players in key roles, and have almost everyone coming back! Our 3 losses came to an awesome Auburn team twice and ND on a bad mistake by a 3rd string QB who at the time had minimal playing time under his belt. The difference between a kid coming out of high school and a kid with a year of SEC game experience is huge and it will show this year in a lot of these players. #2 may or may not be a little high but top 5 is realistic IMO.

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