God bless you all, you are in for a recovered economy, a war policy that doesnt adhere to your lack of appreciation for american soldiers life, a better health and education system to improve the current one which is terrible! Obama for 8 years, get used to it!
I'm worried about his pick for a CIA director
Not that it surprises me, that he would pick someone with very little relevant expereince, I mean look at him he's not exactly the most qulaified, or experienced President elect
do you think they would have quit had we elected a R?
conjecture of this nature is worthless. He was, fiscally, a disaster for the conservative movement.terrorist didn't quit, but neither did we unless Hussein O decides to dismantle what bush did.
the fact is Hussein O has it pretty easy with the war on terror. Bush did all the hard stuff, Hussein O just has keep everything in place. If there is an attack, he'll just blame bush and get another free pass.
as for Bush being a good president. he was better than the 2 alternatives, Gore and Kerry.
conjecture of this nature is worthless. He was, fiscally, a disaster for the conservative movement.
conjecture of this nature is worthless. He was, fiscally, a disaster for the conservative movement.
Among the many ways in which W has been a dissapointment this may be the worst. He ensured that whoever the dems ran would win. Sometimes I wonder if he tried to piss off liberals, conservatives and everyone in between or if he was simple not very bright.