Arizona Election Audit

How do you know they don’t have a clue what they are doing?
The company Cyber Ninjas have never done an election audit. They are literally learning on the fly. They also hired random Trump supporters off the street that have zero experience in election auditing to count the ballots.
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Because they would be handing sensitive information to people who literally don't have a clue what they are doing and it could get in the wrong hands.

What sensitive information, and how do you know the qualifications of the auditors? I wouldn't suppose most financial auditors would know much about hardware, so you'd expect that part to be conducted by people who deal with data transmission, and that still doesn't give them anything except machine A connected to machine B from x time to y time. If people in the organization aren't connecting to nefarious sites, where's the issue? It still doesn't give them what was sent or received - just addresses. Maybe some routers keep track of the size of data sent or received (I don't know), but they still don't have the memory to retain the transmitted info.

If I know you get a package from Amazon, I still just know you got a package - but nothing about the contents. Unless you are banned from Amazon and I'm your handler, it would mean nothing that you dealt with Amazon. Same applies to the routers.
The company Ciber Ninjas have never done an election audit. They are literally learning on the fly. They also hired random Trump supporters off the street that have zero experience in election auditing to count the ballots.

Maybe they are the guys who are there to look into hardware issues?
If you were on the defensive 24 hours a day starting before you even took office, don't you think it would affect your demeanor? Biden would be a sniveling piece of snot if he faced a press and DC establishment like Trump faced - Obama and most others would wilt facing that onslaught.

I don't like Trump and never did because of his attitude and demeanor, but we never got to see if when in a more distinguished setting how Trump would have acted as president. What I suspect you and others hate most is that Trump was willing to get in the mud and fight it out and not be a just another republican pansy afraid to get dirty. Democrats are guerrilla fighters - only way to cure that is fight them their way.
Please don't rationalize Trump as a victim. Even before the 2016 election, he would have never measured up to garner a spot in upper management at any Fortune 500 company. There's too much on the record of his cons and unethical shortcuts
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Please don't rationalize Trump as a victim. Even before the 2016 election, he would have never measured up to garner a spot in upper management at any Fortune 500 company. There's too much on the record of his cons and unethical shortcuts

You are looking for ethics at the top level of a Fortune 500 company??? Con and Shortcut, Inc. The people who bring you stuff like the 737 Max and gave our jobs to China? The people who amass and store your information and then fail to secure it ... those upstanding people?
You are looking for ethics at the top level of a Fortune 500 company??? Con and Shortcut, Inc. The people who bring you stuff like the 737 Max and gave our jobs to China? The people who amass and store your information and then fail to secure it ... those upstanding people?
Just another poor rationalization. As a almost a poor rationalization as " Trump is an astute businessman". The guy has been a grifter since he was given 54,000,000
The company Cyber Ninjas have never done an election audit. They are literally learning on the fly. They also hired random Trump supporters off the street that have zero experience in election auditing to count the ballots.
For some reason this made me think of when the FBI assigned Hillary supporters to investigate Trump. Only they had the text messages to back that up. Again, if you'd just open your eyes, you'd see it runs both ways. It's silly to pretend that either side isn't running a hustle. I can assure you, both sides are.
Lmao. Says the one defending this bs. I believe you're the one that needs to accept defeat.

The only thing I am defending is a state's ability to conduct an independent, objective audit about suspicions of potential unscrupulous voting activities.

To be honest, I am not keeping detailed notes on what is going on with the audit. Are you concerned about the merits, the process or the firm conducting the audit?

Why aren't democrats concerned about the process in the states they lost? Is it because it might expose or open up other states to do an audit as Arizona is doing? We know some of the things that happened are not unlawful based on the 23rd hour law changes but they are still unsavory.

I think any voter or group conducting unethical ways to manipulate voter tally's are a threat to democracy. With the rollout of the changes in order to "accommodate" Covid it was ripe for corruption.

Ultimately it is too late for 2020 because all of this is rear view or reactive, but it can lead to proactive changes for the future. Sometimes it takes a shocking event to understand the need to shore up processes and procedures. An audit is a way you go about it. It is difficult to understand the depths people will go to find ways to cheat until they do it.
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Oh please.
What? You don't think Joe's a con man? Go back and find out why his first Presidential bid failed. Or does the left teach you to ignore the '80's? His first campaign was marred by plagiarism and lies about his academic accomplishments. And before you "but Trump", I've already agreed Trump's a con man too. That doesn't mean Biden isn't one. Politics isn't the noble profession it might once have been. Politicians do not serve their fellow man as they like to pretend. They serve themselves and their party. They are, in fact, grifters. Any one willing to open their eyes and put aside partisanship can clearly see it.

They're used car salesmen who keep selling us lemons for President.
What? You don't think Joe's a con man? Go back and find out why his first Presidential bid failed. Or does the left teach you to ignore the '80's? His first campaign was marred by plagiarism and lies about his academic accomplishments. And before you "but Trump", I've already agreed Trump's a con man too. That doesn't mean Biden isn't one. Politics isn't the noble profession it might once have been. Politicians do not serve their fellow man as they like to pretend. They serve themselves and their party. They are, in fact, grifters. Any one willing to open their eyes and put aside partisanship can clearly see it.

They're used car salesmen who keep selling us lemons for President.
No, I do know that he's a con man.
Suppose we were talking about some 3rd world country:

Their former prime minister was voted out and he screams fraud every day. His group of supporters violently stormed their parliament building before order was established. 6 months later they are still crying and demanding an audit.

That country would be a laughingstock
No, I do know that he's a con man.
Check his history. Damn, I'd thought you guys would know more about who you voted for.

And again, before the standard "but Trump" response, I didn't vote for Trump either. To be quite honest, I sat this past election out.
Check his history. Damn, I'd thought you guys would know more about who you voted for.

And again, before the standard "but Trump" response, I didn't vote for Trump either. To be quite honest, I sat this past election out.

Caitlyn Jenner said she/he sat last election out too. She/he said it was because as a Republican in California her vote didn't matter.
They asked her if voting doesn't matter then why should people vote for her for governor? And she/he said "because I'm cute."

I like her future in the Republican Party. Rising star no doubt.

Also, they checked and Caitlyn Jenner DID in fact vote, so the whole conversation was a lie!!! Even more reason why she's the perfect candidate for the latest version of the Trump/Republican Party

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