Armed robber shot in face by armed victim in Texas just days after permitless carry begins

"Secure" would be more secure than not secure. It's a ridiculous argument to make that the president was somehow interfered with at the WH to the point where he had to do work elsewhere.

Where was it posted that Trump had to flee to M-A-L to do his work? The argument is that Trump was fully capable of doing the government’s business from his personal residence and wasn’t spending all of his time on golf vacations. Try to keep up before spewing more of your nonsense.
How many “live there”? How many thousands are inconvenienced in DC when the POTUS motorcade is out and about? Nice try.
At least in DC most of the people inconvenienced probably work for the government so they're getting paid for it. Tourists trying to get around are either walking or using the underground transit system. Only a crazy person would try to drive into DC and find parking unless it's changed since I was there in the 90s..
Is there an answer on this yet?

Clearly, OP was implying that the new law allowing people to have guns with no permit resulted in this guy, in the intervening few days between the law taking effect and the incident, went out and got a gun.

Otherwise, the whole story is pointless.

At this time I'm not aware of that being released. I definitely haven't heard it stated he had a permit though.

The rest is using a bit too much club on the approach. I'll grant it is arguably implied there is a 1-1 relationship with the permitless issue and this incident but in no way would it require someone to have "went out and got a gun" as the weapon could have been owned for years and simply not carried previously. As for "pointless" it's possible the person might have been legally carrying by permit regardless but it is a timely example of self-defense by an armed would-be victim in a state where the ability of being legally armed has been expanded.
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He also accomplished more, so there's that.

Lot's of room for disagreement in that opinion. He took over an economy that was on the upswing and left one that was in the sh!tter. Trump's signature piece of legislation, the tax cuts, was a simple transfer of wealth that added trillions to the deficit.
Is there an answer on this yet?

Clearly, OP was implying that the new law allowing people to have guns with no permit resulted in this guy, in the intervening few days between the law taking effect and the incident, went out and got a gun.

Otherwise, the whole story is pointless.
Well he could have had the gun, and just started carrying because before he didnt have the required permit.

Permit wasnt for getting a gun, but carrying it.
Lot's of room for disagreement in that opinion. He took over an economy that was on the upswing and left one that was in the sh!tter. Trump's signature piece of legislation, the tax cuts, was a simple transfer of wealth that added trillions to the deficit.
The tax cuts didnt add trillions to the deficit.

The spending added trillions, and it still would have been trillions even if no Trump tax cut. Including the Covid spending and it was even more trillions of spending regardless of tax rate.

@McDad have you seen how the tax revenue was impacted by Trump tax cuts? I ask you because that has always been a particular burr up your skirt.
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So you support Biden "discretely" meeting with Pooh Bear to make sure Hunters laptop stays secure?

And the relative natural security of the places dont matter if there is no actual issue.

Cheyenne Mountain is the only real safe space for Trump to discretely meet with his towel headed Saudi sponsors.
"Towel headed" ? Is that your woke liberal term for people from SA? What other racial slurs do you use ? I bet your bigot a$$ uses all kinds behind closed doors or behind people's backs. A true coward liberal.
Uh… where does it say “more secure”. It was certainly more easily controlled. The general public didn’t have access. GTFO with your failed reading comprehension.

The media couldn’t shoot their cameras through the Mar-A-Lago walls like they could from outside of the White House fence.

Calm down, Sweetie.

What's important is that we celebrate a president's willingness to hide from public oversite while also billing the American people for the personal use of his private accommodations.
The tax cuts didnt add trillions to the deficit.

The spending added trillions, and it still would have been trillions even if no Trump tax cut. Including the Covid spending and it was even more trillions of spending regardless of tax rate.

@McDad have you seen how the tax revenue was impacted by Trump tax cuts? I ask you because that has always been a particular burr up your skirt.
According to Tax policy center. Org

Total tax receipts the year before trump inaugurated = 3.268T in 2016.
Totals following:
3.316 '17
3.330 '18
3.463 '19
3.421 '20
3.581 estimated for '21
"Towel headed" ? Is that your woke liberal term for people from SA? What other racial slurs do you use ? I bet your bigot a$$ uses all kinds behind closed doors or behind people's backs. A true coward liberal.

LOL at a trumper feigning outrage over the use of the term "towel--head"

According to Tax policy center. Org

Total tax receipts the year before trump inaugurated = 3.268T in 2016.
Totals following:
3.316 '17
3.330 '18
3.463 '19
3.421 '20
3.581 estimated for '21

Wonder how much covid shutdowns and subsequent unemployment had to do with the fall off in 2019.
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Wonder how much covid shutdowns and subsequent unemployment had to do with the fall off in 2019.
That was my gut feeling too. didn't make any footnotes about the reduction so it is a guess.
Same phenomenon observed following housing bubble and wall street firm failures in 09.

Eta: receipts are historically correlated to GDP; not tax rates or cuts. So the assumption is grounded in reality.
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So you support Biden "discretely" meeting with Pooh Bear to make sure Hunters laptop stays secure?

And the relative natural security of the places dont matter if there is no actual issue.

Cheyenne Mountain is the only real safe space for Trump to discretely meet with his towel headed Saudi sponsors.
Wrong, Raven Rock is the closest most secure site to DC. Go try and knock on their door for a tour.
say's the guy that's trying to sell us on the fact that "trump didn't take vacations."


How much does each of Donald Trump's golf rounds cost taxpayers?

Nice spin by you:

“President Donald Trump has played golf or visited one of his 17 owned-or-operated golf properties on approximately 22 percent of the days he has been in office, dating back to Jan. 20, 2017.”

“or visited”

So if Trump picks up a golf club on any single day, or puts on a golf hat, the entire cost of that day is attributed to a round of golf? How much did it cost each time Barry touched a basketball while vacaying in Hawaii?
Nice spin by you:

“President Donald Trump has played golf or visited one of his 17 owned-or-operated golf properties on approximately 22 percent of the days he has been in office, dating back to Jan. 20, 2017.”

“or visited”

So if Trump picks up a golf club on any single day, or puts on a golf hat, the entire cost of that day is attributed to a round of golf? How much did it cost each time Barry touched a basketball while vacaying in Hawaii?

Dude, waive off - there is no defense for Donny playing golf as much as he did while soaking the American taxpayer to line his pockets for the trouble. Whatabouting to Obama isn't the clap back you think it is.

It's indefensible, given that 1. Donny made such a big deal about Obama's golf outings (that turned out to be a drop in the bucket to his) and 2. that Donny said he'd be too busy working to play golf.

I'm not mad that Donny played golf, hell the leader of the free world ought to swing the sticks. But pretending he didn't do it while lining his own pockets while being a complete hypocrite is something I will absolutely mock given the chance.
Dude, waive off - there is no defense for Donny playing golf as much as he did while soaking the American taxpayer to line his pockets for the trouble. Whatabouting to Obama isn't the clap back you think it is.

It's indefensible, given that 1. Donny made such a big deal about Obama's golf outings (that turned out to be a drop in the bucket to his) and 2. that Donny said he'd be too busy working to play golf.

I'm not mad that Donny played golf, hell the leader of the free world ought to swing the sticks. But pretending he didn't do it while lining his own pockets while being a complete hypocrite is something I will absolutely mock given the chance.

How much golf did he actually play? Days at Mar-A-Lago aren’t days on a golf course. Unless you’re counting time on the putting green. Barry had a basketball court at the White House, so any day when he shot a free throw shouldn't we, in order to be consistent with the fake golf narrative, allocate the Secret Service costs for that entire day to his hoops habit?

Lining his own pockets? Expenses were reimbursed and at cost (that means without a profit for you anti-capitalist loons).
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