S Florida was more or less the hometown school. The interest of other big time players apparently fell off after his injury. It could end up being somewhat of a sleeper pick. All the same, rankings of 16 per scout and 55 from rivals aren't bad. He's good enough to be well regarded by the better recruiting services... with some coaching and development he should be solid.
Why is everyone so hung up on stars?? The more you look at recruiting, the more you realize the stars don't mean JACK...........look at our 2005 class, biggest BUST ever, no true superstars in that class......the best player is Dan Williams, who could be a star if he comes back next year, I believe.......he was only a three-star recruit.......see what I mean???
5 star recruits by TN in 2007 included:
*Kenny O'neil - biggest bust ever
*Brent Vinson - one big problem after another
*Chris Donald - nowhere to be found
*Ben Martin - going to be good with better technique
*Eric Berry - the real deal
For every EB, there's 4-5 guys (if not more) who are busts, overrated, slow to develop, problem-childs, lazy, etc.......So le'ts not get hung up on the stars.......Let's get excited about the upside that these kids have, and after they become superstars, and get drafted to the NFL, then we can judge their careers, not before hand.......