Article: Gas prices going up because of COVID...

So people being locked down at home is causing gas prices to spike???????

That's exactly what they're saying, or *reads article* they're saying if the nation recovers broadly in 2021 that demand could outpace production that was curbed due to shutdowns which could then cause prices to move higher.
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Biden administration... plain and simple

Biden certainly won't be friendly to the legacy energy industry, but anyone who thinks there is anything "plain and simple" about the global commodities market is a simpleton. The chart below is from the source data report referenced in the link you posted in your op. They are forecasting a 12.4% increase YOY this year. That compares with a realized increase of 12.7% during the first year of the Trump administration. Does this mean that Biden is "plain and simple" better for cheaper gas than Trump? Probably not since there are complex geopolitical factors that impact gas prices beyond which idiot sits in the white house.
The redditors' user issues and the effects on the stock market are an entirely different matter.

Well of course they are, in many ways.

But can you give us the date Biden's influence begins to affect pricing? Because confusing his inauguration date with the beginning of his affect, would be stupid. It would be more appropriate to use election date.
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So what if the price of gas skyrockets? This despicable disgusting piece of human garbage and evil sorry excuse for a human being will give zero fricks. I would say his biggest and most frequent lie has been that’s he’s stood for the working man. A lifetime spent destroying middle class America.

That' s exactly right. Nothing Biden has done would have affected gas prices this soon

So last year when gas dropped below a dollar, it happened pretty quick. Companies can see future trends and have a good idea the imapct of potential supply drops, so they're pretty quick to raise prices. I
So what if the price of gas skyrockets? This despicable disgusting piece of human garbage and evil sorry excuse for a human being will give zero fricks. I would say his biggest and most frequent lie has been that’s he’s stood for the working man. A lifetime spent destroying middle class America.

Elitists can afford 8 dollar a gallon fuel, politicians have those expenses added in their salary, so their not effected. The people who are affected are the middle class. The gap between, the elits and regular Americans continue to grow.
That' s exactly right. Nothing Biden has done would have affected gas prices this soon
Then why did they go up right when he took office after being stagnant forever? To me, people know crap like home shutting down Keystone was coming and news affects pricing. It’s only the beginning.
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More people are driving now, more use. Refineries reduced capacity over the summer when demand was down.
We will be up to $3 by the summer. I think a lot of this is due to the dementia patient ending domestic production. The middle eastern countries probably have been giving 10% to the big guy

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