Article: UT Football Disciplinary Problems

(OldVol @ May 4 said:
Marvin disobeyed coach's orders on a whole number of levels.

The team has been instructed not to go to the Rocky Top since it's been a place of contention with other players.

I'm not sure if Marvin violated curfew, but I'd be surprised if Coach is happy with any of his players being out at 3:30 unless
they're headed to a tree-stand.

The team has been ORDERED to walk away from confrontation.

It always takes more of a man to walk away than to allow the testosterone to overrule the brain. I know some will follow up
with piss and vinegar, moaning and sniping, but I've found that type to be the biggest cowards on the planet anyway.

Now, most of us have failed in that situation. I have failed to walk away when I was younger.
But when you compound this with the alcohol, his judgment was
impaired, which also put him on the bad side of the staff's new tougher policies. And there's not a player
on the team who can claim they haven't been warned of the newer, tougher consequences.

If Marvin gets a 3 game suspension for this he really has no one to blame but himself.

If he threatens to leave due to multi-game suspensions, (as I've heard he has. Hopefully that was just
anger and frustration talking) don't let the door hit ya ...
You're close to being right.
Not following fairly pedestrian requests indicates that head coach has absolutely no respect from the troops. That said, if he chooses to suddenly start punishing people, that's his prerogative. Thank you Bobby Brown. Just a guess: Mitchell calms down, does what is asked, and Fulmer sees that as a show of good faith. Mitchell does a lot of 5 AM running and starts the Cal game. Henderson deserves what he got.
(hatvol96 @ May 4 said:
Not following fairly pedestrian requests indicates that head coach has absolutely no respect from the troops. That said, if he chooses to suddenly start punishing people, that's his prerogative. Thank you Bobby Brown. Just a guess: Mitchell calms down, does what is asked, and Fulmer sees that as a show of good faith. Mitchell does a lot of 5 AM running and starts the Cal game. Henderson deserves what he got.
that's probably closer to the truth of what will happen, than anything i've seen thus far....
(hatvol96 @ May 4 said:
You're right.
yep, for this ONE incident. the only reason the word "humiliating" could be used, is because this and Henderson's incident come on the heels of last year's discipline problems. It's just ANOTHER incident involving a UT player, thus promoting the stigma that UT is a bastion for bad apples and the coach has no control.

If this were the only incident that had happened in a few years, it'd be exactly right, but at this point in time with the current repuation we have right now, it does further validate that stigma, right or wrong.

So, in that respect, i'd say it is "humiliating", or at the very least embarrassing.
You get that many kids that play a rough game in hopes of making it their career you are going to get some that are rough around the edges. The inability to control themselves at that age is something coaches all around the US deal with during the year. Big Programs make the news when these kids make dumn decisions and get themselves on the blotter report. This has happened and will continue to happen. New kids making the same old mistakes no matter how many times you try to warn them. The struggle now is how do coaches deal with it. Hard line, soft line, oh what to do. CPF made the right choice on this one. Hendersen gone and Mitchell suspended. I believe Mitchell should get a 1-3 game suspension. We'll see how this all falls out in the coming months. There will always be second guessers but its CPF's butt on the line. Personally, I like what he did on this one.
I don't disagree with Hat's summary of discipline. I did not call for game suspensions in my post but acknowledged that Coach has every right to implement that if he chooses, under these circumstances.

Marvin's error was not in the same mold as Henderson's.

That being said, I still believe the coach is well within his rights to suspend him for games if he wishes. All of the kids knew they were on a short
leash and all knew exactly what, when, where and with whom they were supposed to be. So suspension from play would be fair under
these circumstances.

Again, if CPF chooses to punish him with a lot of in-house stuff, that would not bother me. I do believe it needs to be very harsh. Harsh enough that other players will think before they embarrass the university.

But regardless of what some say, this incident is an embarrassment. It is an embarrassment because of the added attention
previous incidents have illuminated. If this were an incident in normal times, it would not be so bad. But in an off-season following the
worst string of reckless behavior in UT history, it reinforces the public perception that things are not under control and it opens
a Pandora's box for sport's writers, talking heads and Internet chatter to continue to refer to us as UThug and the like. We’re without recourse to such rhetoric because they are right.

It doesn't take a plethora of common sense to see it.
(OldVol @ May 5 said:
But in an off-season following the
worst string of reckless behavior in UT history, it reinforces the public perception that things are not under control and it opens
a Pandora's box for sport's writers, talking heads and Internet chatter to continue to refer to us as UThug and the like. We’re without recourse to such rhetoric because they are right.

As regards the media OldVol, I posted the following in another thread..

(orange+white=heaven @ May 5 said:
Thus far, my impression of the media's response to most recent events is that they have not really taken flight with it all just yet.
Sure it has gotten ample coverage, especially here in TN, but the tone has not been over the top about trouble in Rocky Top.
Most reporting I've seen has made just as much of CPF's quick response as of the problems themselves.

There appears to me to be more alarm here on the boards of the Nation than on the presses.

So far.
Let there be more issues and the writing will most certainly change it's tone.

I understand where your emotions are on this I think, but I don't think the media has taken us as much to task this time around.
As I said above though...So Far.
(orange+white=heaven @ May 5 said:
As regards the media OldVol, I posted the following in another thread..
I understand where your emotions are on this I think, but I don't think the media has taken us as much to task this time around.
As I said above though...So Far.
yep, you're right owheaven...i went on a few websites...the only really scathing thing i saw was from Bruce Feldman on his blog on it was a take off from Biddle's article...o/t than that, there's either nothing reported, or it's being viewed as "handled appropriately". so kudos, you hit on the far, like you said!
(hatvol96 @ May 4 said:
Not following fairly pedestrian requests indicates that head coach has absolutely no respect from the troops. That said, if he chooses to suddenly start punishing people, that's his prerogative. Thank you Bobby Brown. Just a guess: Mitchell calms down, does what is asked, and Fulmer sees that as a show of good faith. Mitchell does a lot of 5 AM running and starts the Cal game. Henderson deserves what he got.

I almost agree totally with you hate. You're getting smarter every day. :D
Dang Hillbilly that has to be the quote of the year on Volnation. Come on everybody neither one of these players represented UT in a positive manner and thats all that really matters. What disciplinary action that is taken really doesnt matter at this point. The damage has already been done. Just something else negative towards the football program.
not it is handlded directly affects the perception of TN....that's the whole these kinds of issues have been handled in the past, is, according to some, one of the reasons that the problems persist.

What happens after the incident is important. it's how you deter others from making similar mistakes. Something that a lot of people would say was lacking in past disciplinary issues.
(jakez4ut @ May 5 said:
not it is handlded directly affects the perception of TN....that's the whole these kinds of issues have been handled in the past, is, according to some, one of the reasons that the problems persist.

What happens after the incident is important. it's how you deter others from making similar mistakes. Something that a lot of people would say was lacking in past disciplinary issues.
What it really boils down too jake is the fact these players have no respect at all for the UT coaches.
that's a very general statement, regarding two specific situations.

and the only way you earn respect is by doing what you say you will do, good or bad. IN this case, if CPF says you will be punished for mis representing this university, then he has to punish them. but the punishment should fit the crime.

Again, the issue for CPF in the past has been that he's too lax in his punishments, which, again, could be looked at as a contributing factor to the sheer number of incidents players have been involved in. So in that respect, while we would all just rather not have the issues, the disciplinary action taken when they do occur is extremely important.

I would hardly consider two guys running their mouths any kind of huge problem. Sure, they should have kept their mouth shut, but if that's as bad as it's going to get this year, then that's a big improvement.

I don't know why some of you think that it's Fulmer's responsibility to hold their hands and guide them through life. He can't be everywhere at once. All he can do is get the team together and tell them what's going to happen if they screw up and punish them properly when and if they do. So far, he has done that.
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 5 said:
I would hardly consider two guys running their mouths any kind of huge problem. Sure, they should have kept their mouth shut, but if that's as bad as it's going to get this year, then that's a big improvement.

I don't know why some of you think that it's Fulmer's responsibility to hold their hands and guide them through life. He can't be everywhere at once. All he can do is get the team together and tell them what's going to happen if they screw up and punish them properly when and if they do. So far, he has done that.
We still have a whole summer to go
(bleedingorange @ May 5 said:
Its a shame basketball season is over aint it

Yep, I wish that basketball season went until August.
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 5 said:
Yep, I wish that basketball season went until August.
It didnt take long for all the negative stuff surrounding the football team to get started did it, basketball season has just been over a little over a month now.
(orange+white=heaven @ May 5 said:
As regards the media OldVol, I posted the following in another thread..
I understand where your emotions are on this I think, but I don't think the media has taken us as much to task this time around.
As I said above though...So Far.

Yes, I agree. I think Vol fans, myself included, are on pins and needles, just wating for the next big, prime-time sports center exchange about trouble on The Hill.

I think their responses have been subdued because the punishment has been swift, and in the case of Henderson, maybe even more harsh than some expected or even agreed with.

He has to get control though.

I agree with his moves so far, and as Hat presumed, I wouldn't disagree with Marvin's punishment if he doesn't miss games.

But ....... if he doesn't get suspensions ........ put out the fire, the party's over. The media will shred Fulmer for anything less than game/s suspensions.
Fulmer's response to player problems last year versus this year is the subject of Chatt. Times Free Press's Darren Epps commentary in this morning's tfpOnline story.

I've said before that I thought Fulmer's swift response this year is a big reason the story has not blown up on us this time around.

Epps is just one writer, but the story sheds light on how the media views the 2006 version of Fulmer in this instance...

Article: Proactive Fulmer

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