Asumnu gettin physical



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
I heard he is not doing so well the past few days.
He's doing well. As a receiver, not the best hands, but he might be our mvp on special teams besides wilhoit and colquitt.
I also read he said he won't be able to continue without a scholly. His bball one runs out this month I think.
his route running and pass catching haven't been stellar, but taylor and fulmer apparenlty love his work ethic...he's been there early, been there late, apparently doing anything he can to get a spot.

and from that picture posted the other day of him blocking a fg, i think he could find a way on ST....i think CPF has one more scholly to give out, and imo, a guy like this that wants it really bad, and has the type of work ethic this team needs, he might end up being the recipiant of that scholly...would be a great story.
With Fulmer's "Loyalty to a Fault" I think with the contributions Stanley has already made to UT Athletics via Basketball might get him the scholarship.
ah, i don't think his bball contributions will necessarily get him a scholly in football...fulmer will give that scholly to the most deserving guy, and hope that guy can contribute...if stanley fits that bill, then he'll get it.
I saw an article the other day that listed the Senior Walk-Ons and I didn't recognize a single name. That would make you think that SA has a legit chance to earn a scholly.
Well, if my TAX DOLLARS are paying for things at UT--which I know they are, then spend my portion on a scholarship for this young man.

All he has to do is catch one pass or block a kick for my payoff. He should be on the team to inspire others to work hard if not his skill.

What a role model!! Geez, he has not even been arrested, booked, indicted by the grand jury or placed on probation.

Is Stanley on course to graduate? If not, and I don't mean to be negative, but why give a guy whose contributions will probably be minimal, a scholarship. He doesn't graduate and he hurts both the BBall & FBall teams APR when it comes to graduating student atheletes. I really hope Stanley can contribute, but in terms of APR the football team has already taken a few shots this year.
Is Stanley on course to graduate? If not, and I don't mean to be negative, but why give a guy whose contributions will probably be minimal, a scholarship. He doesn't graduate and he hurts both the BBall & FBall teams APR when it comes to graduating student atheletes. I really hope Stanley can contribute, but in terms of APR the football team has already taken a few shots this year.

He's scheduled to graduate in December. He is very few hours from graduation. I may just be ignorant here, but I don't see why he can't get a loan for that last little bit. He sounds like if he doesn't get this scholly he won't even finish his degree, which would be retarded.
He's scheduled to graduate in December. He is very few hours from graduation. I may just be ignorant here, but I don't see why he can't get a loan for that last little bit. He sounds like if he doesn't get this scholly he won't even finish his degree, which would be retarded.

I agree completely. Why can't he be like half the college population and take out a very small loan to pay for his last semester of college. If he is not, in fact, on pace to graduate in December, then I can see why he would not want to get a loan just to ride the pine on the football team. However, if he's going to graduate, get a loan and do so whether you play football or not. I just don't understand the no scholarship = no college. What does one semester's tuition and books cost these days...a couple of grand? A guy could easily pay that off in a few months with a college degree and a job.
Fulmer has two scholarships to give right now....IF Lee Smith leaves school. If he stays at UT, his scholarship will remain tied up.
i seriously doubt SA gets a scholarship. it's difficult to go out and in one year learn a new position and start contributing. A contributor on special teams is probably most likely. I'm not sure that is enough to earn a scholarship in one year.
I think that SA is one helluva athelete. I admire his attitude and work ethic which could certainly be contagious on a team searching (in vain) for an identity. Inspirational value alone has got to be huge and an immediate fan favorite. Sometimes you just need a spark to start a fire and lord knows we got plenty of kindling. GO SA GO! Gary
He may have a good work ethic, but i doubt anything would become contagious because of him. He's a laughing stock... the man painted the rock on campus saying " Candice I love you, please take me back". It's hard to be respected on a football team when you do that. Not to mention that she didnt take him back.

No knock against love or anything but c'mon...we all know football is the macho-est of macho sports.

I don't see how that has anything to do with how he works on the football field. I wouldn't hesitate to say that his hunger to work and earn a spot has at least done something for Meach and Swain... he's had them working all summer just to help him out, and I'm sure that has in turn helped them.
Well, I have to say that I am ignorant to the man's love life and most of my info is via the net as I am stuck down here in FL (enemy territory). I am looking for something anything to get these guys going on the football field. I just think that soemone with "whatever it takes attitiude" couldn't hurt. UT teams traditionally have been good because of heart and just plain ole hard work (minus the last couple of Peach Bowls and last years debacle). If we are going to get back, which we will, a good attitiude with strong fan support couldn't hurt. Look I realize that SA is no saviour and I think most of us here are realist enough to know that this won't get totally fixed in one year. Just show us something that indicates movement in the right direction, get back in the recruiting battles and let us have a half decent Saturday for a change. G
Well, if my TAX DOLLARS are paying for things at UT--which I know they are, then spend my portion on a scholarship for this young man.

All he has to do is catch one pass or block a kick for my payoff. He should be on the team to inspire others to work hard if not his skill.

What a role model!! Geez, he has not even been arrested, booked, indicted by the grand jury or placed on probation.


i'm not convinced he's the most valuable walk-on on the team yet, he's the only one getting any attention from the media. i'd would rather give it to a walk-on freshmen who has 4 yrs to develop as opposed to a senior who has 1 yr to contribute. :whistling:
i'm not convinced he's the most valuable walk-on on the team yet, he's the only one getting any attention from the media. i'd would rather give it to a walk-on freshmen who has 4 yrs to develop as opposed to a senior who has 1 yr to contribute. :whistling:

But if you give the scholarship to Asumnu, you have that scholarship free to use again next year.

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