Is Stanley on course to graduate? If not, and I don't mean to be negative, but why give a guy whose contributions will probably be minimal, a scholarship. He doesn't graduate and he hurts both the BBall & FBall teams APR when it comes to graduating student atheletes. I really hope Stanley can contribute, but in terms of APR the football team has already taken a few shots this year.
He's scheduled to graduate in December. He is very few hours from graduation. I may just be ignorant here, but I don't see why he can't get a loan for that last little bit. He sounds like if he doesn't get this scholly he won't even finish his degree, which would be retarded.
He may have a good work ethic, but i doubt anything would become contagious because of him. He's a laughing stock... the man painted the rock on campus saying " Candice I love you, please take me back". It's hard to be respected on a football team when you do that. Not to mention that she didnt take him back.
No knock against love or anything but c'mon...we all know football is the macho-est of macho sports.
Well, if my TAX DOLLARS are paying for things at UT--which I know they are, then spend my portion on a scholarship for this young man.
All he has to do is catch one pass or block a kick for my payoff. He should be on the team to inspire others to work hard if not his skill.
What a role model!! Geez, he has not even been arrested, booked, indicted by the grand jury or placed on probation.
i'm not convinced he's the most valuable walk-on on the team yet, he's the only one getting any attention from the media. i'd would rather give it to a walk-on freshmen who has 4 yrs to develop as opposed to a senior who has 1 yr to contribute. :whistling: