At 22 years old, I'm finally going to my first game at Neyland!!

I remember my first game it was against Candy. They kicked a field goal and the guy behind us was waving a Vandy flag and yelling about the them doors. They kicked off and Willie took it the the house. A UT fan jump up and waving a Jack Daniels bottle half empty and said what about the doors now. I remember that day for the rest of my life. Go Vols
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Congrats on the sweet George Foreman grill............oh yeah, and the tickets.

Funny, I thought it was a waffle iron. Anyway, kid, congrats. Neyland is awesome, so are the pre-game events. Food and beverage prices at the stadium are sick. Not sure if we will try again but last year, Shirley and I packed sandwiches and drinks in simple paper bags and no one stopped us. Not the cops, not concession people, not the folks who help you locate your seat, nobody. I think we may try being more discrete this year, though.
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Man the good old days.. it was a blast on Fri n sat of a home game. So much energy n maybe it was the liquor making everyone so happy!!!
My first game that I remember was 20 years ago. Oct. 2, 1993, Duke came into town and I went with my Boy Scout troop. We set in the nosebleeds and watched the Vols put something like a 30 point whoopin on Duke.

I dont remember a lot about the actual game, but I do remember never sitting so high up before except on the skylift at Gatlinburg. But I fell in love. My parents are big men's basketball fans but there's just something special about Neyland and Tennessee Football, and it's only gotten nicer over the years.

You will really enjoy yourself.
Child abuse if you ask me.

Anyway, congrats, you fixin to get edg-u-ma-kated!

I remember one game where some drunk guy, way up in the back, kept hollering " Go to hell Vandy" quite frequently the entire game. Everyone was amused.....we weren't playing Vandy.:)True VFL IMO.
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My parents aren't football fans, so I never got a chance to go to a game growing up. This year... I'm going to three! :rock2:

Congrats man!! You'll love it. Make sure to go to the Vol walk and experience all of the pregame traditions. I took a friend of mine from school last year (Guy was from Haiti) and even though he doesn't really understand football, he loved it. We were at the Troy game with the other 50,000 fans.... Lol. But it was exciting with all the scoring. He had a blast and I was trying not to puke.. Haha
Hope you have a great time and get to see a W.

I honestly couldn't tell you my first Neyland experience because my parents took me before I even knew what football was. I would bring Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures and would play with them in my seat. But, as I aged, I realized the importance of Tennessee football. I think I'll call my Dad just to tell him thanks.
Man the good old days.. it was a blast on Fri n sat of a home game. So much energy n maybe it was the liquor making everyone so happy!!!

Maybe it had to do with UT being a good team? It sucks knowing there is a high probability of losing a big game (UF, BAMA, UGA, etc.).
My first was the 1990 UT vs FL game. I was 6. Don't remember much, other than my Dad loving every second of it. I know now it was an ol' fashioned country azz whoopin!
You're going to have a blast. I remember the first time I walked out of the tunnel into the open stadium. It was a sight I'll never forget.
I remember going to a bunch of UT games starting at age 7..Those were some of the best times of my life and I still look forward to going whenever the opportunity presents itself. That's one experience that never gets old. The Vol Walk, the band marching into the stadium, the band forming the "T" and the Vols running thru it. You will get absolute chills even before the game starts. ENJOY!:clapping::rock::loco::dance2::peace2:

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When you go to the concession stands, pay those prices, and please, pay no more.....
My parents aren't football fans, so I never got a chance to go to a game growing up. This year... I'm going to three! :rock2:

Get you a case of beer and a half gallon and a handful of azz and you will be on your way, and pick the right game so we will win.

VN Store
