At their peak who was the more dominant player

Which makes Alfonso Soriano's balls look even bigger. He is a replica of Bonds (as far as crowding the plate) from the right side and he gets away with it. Of course he doesn't wear a sheild on his arm.

He got away with it because he was the veteran on the block. You think some rookie's got the hair on his ass to throw at Barry Bonds? Nope.

The vets, like Smoltz, had respect enough not to hit him they wanted to get him out. That's why I think he was never head hunted.

If you don't wear the armor, then fine. That's the way the game is supposed to be played. You cheat up so that you can reach the outside corner, and I'll knock you off the plate so that you can't. That's why wearing the armor is such a big deal; it changes the entire pitcher-hitter dynamic. It's one thing when a player is nursing a recent injury, perhaps, but once it become obvious that it was a permanent part of Bonds's offensive arsenal, somebody with the stature of Smoltz (for example) needed to start drilling the MF in the ribs every time he came up. It wasn't like any of Bonds's teammates were going to leap to his defense or anything.

Spot on Vercin, but as I recall, Mark Prior went after that part of the plate. I hate the Cubs, but I'll always like Mark Prior just for that encounter.

I remember that too, and like you, I've liked Prior ever since.
have yet to see it actually. I could only think of that or "smooth as the other side of the pillow" and I definitely didn't want to quote Stuart Scott.

If you go watch it you'll get the "Silky Smooth" reference.

But back on topic, without doubt Griffey has the sweetest swing in baseball since I've followed the sport.

Chipper when he's on has a beautiful swing as well.

Most god-awful looking swing in the bigs? Eric Byrnes, I hate when he hits a Home Run and does that arms up crap. I can't friggin' stand that dude. Seriously. He makes me mad watching him like Jim Leyritz.
it's a shame Mark Prior couldn't stay healthy.


"Yeah, that sucks that Prior couldn't stay healthy. What a shame. No idea what happened there."
He also destroyed another promising talent, but Reds fans would differ.


Corey Patterson is absolute garbage. Dusty tried to put him in the leadoff spot everyday in the beginning of this year and he has responded by batting a solid .201. Yeah, it's Dusty's fault the kid sucks...great analysis...
He ruined him back when he was with the Cubs, so do some research before you call someone out.
Patterson was never any good to begin with. He was one of these "toolsy" guys who can run and throw and looks good in his uniform; the scouts drooled over his "talent" but forgot to worry about whether he could actually play baseball. He never had even one good year higher than **A ball**. Baker didn't have anything to do with the fact that Patterson sucked other than that he had a really good seat for some of it.

He burned through Prior and Kerry Wood by overworking them. There's not really a parallel for position players.
No young player developed well under Baker except for Mark Prior until the overuse of him. So Baker is to blame for Corey Patterson.
Patterson was never any good to begin with. He was one of these "toolsy" guys who can run and throw and looks good in his uniform; the scouts drooled over his "talent" but forgot to worry about whether he could actually play baseball. He never had even one good year higher than **A ball**. Baker didn't have anything to do with the fact that Patterson sucked other than that he had a really good seat for some of it.
Exactly, other than the fact that Corey Patterson has one of the most girlish arms in all the majors.

No young player developed well under Baker except for Mark Prior until the overuse of him. So Baker is to blame for Corey Patterson.
Ridiculous. The Cubs scouting director and all the hitting coaches are more to blame than Baker. You can't blame a manager for a guy that just can't hit. Patterson has the worst swing in the majors and it is not the managers job to fix that. The scouting director should have seen that long ago when he was in the Cubs system and assigned someone to fix it.
It's fine but whatever, i guess the Cubs fans have no clue about what they're talking about.

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