Man, what a sh!tty ordeal for Tyrion, but I'm soooo glad he did what he did. I hope he sticks around a while longer, but I don't trust Varys.
Baelish.......he's involved in everything.
Jon Snow.....badass.
What a fight between Brienne and The Hound! I hated seeing the hound go out. He kinda grew on me. Nice fight between Oberyn and The Mountain also....brutal ending for Oberyn.
Arya.....developing badassery.
Poor Theon. I mean, he sorta deserved what's become of him....but damn. Ramsey Bolton has put him through hell. I'm still guessing that the "Battle of the Bastards" or whatever it became known as this past season involves Ramsey and Jon Snow. Of course, Baratheon's bastard son is still rowing his boat ashore somewhere too.