I don't normally sit and drink half a dozen pints of Guinness on a school night, but I've got to get this keg cleared out so I can have a fresh one on for St Patrick's day. Tough job but this beer isn't going to drink itself.
I don't normally sit and drink half a dozen pints of Guinness on a school night, but I've got to get this keg cleared out so I can have a fresh one on for St Patrick's day. Tough job but this beer isn't going to drink itself.
Think I'll just celebrate your birthday by starting out with a hangover instead. I need to drink it all tonight so I can pick up the new keg tomorrow and have it safely squirreled away well before the weekend. This is the one week out of the year when morons will wander in and buy your keg of Guinness out from underneath you if the liquor store employees aren't paying attention. I've been burned before.