No idea how he managed to secure the job as lead announcer for both the FF and The Masters.
Golf is bowling or darts with better scenery. I understand why playing it is fun; I don't understand why watching other people play it is fun.
I don't get the appeal of watching the however many dozens of hours of coverage there are before that.
That's one thing that The Masters does right. Like how we were discussing the NFL and overexposure earlier in the week, Augusta National isn't going to allow that to happen. They stick to the first rule of showbusiness and always leave you wanting more. Even on Thursday and Friday I don't think they come on the air until 3:00. It's not like the British and US Open that are literally on from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM every day.
I should say that I like watching the last half hour or so on the Sunday of any major golf tournament, just because the drama of human sport is always interesting regardless of what the vehicle is. I don't get the appeal of watching the however many dozens of hours of coverage there are before that.
Unless you play seriously yourself, of course -- I myself have watched televised chess before, and there's not much that sucks more than that.
Due to work schedules I barely get to see much of Thursday and Friday but you couldn't give me enough Masters coverage on the weekend. I'd watch it from sunup to sundown.
I did not watch my comedy. Guess I'm going to watch the last of these irrelevant tall-men-bouncing-a-ball games and then either watch Enter the Dragon or Idiocracy, neither of which I've seen before. Still so much rage. Wish I were a cyborg like GA.
Was this on ESPN the Ocho?