Attempted Coup In Haiti

Haiti is a disaster followed by a catastrophe wrapped in a tragedy.

What's always amazed me is how you have the Dominican Republic on the same island that's doing pretty well for itself.

Much like Puerto Rico, there is absolutely no reason why Haiti shouldn't be prospering through tourism, the financial sector and agriculture. The worst problem with Haiti?

It's the Haitians...
Haiti is a disaster followed by a catastrophe wrapped in a tragedy.

What's always amazed me is how you have the Dominican Republic on the same island that's doing pretty well for itself.
You'd think sometime Haitians would look next door and think, "Why don't we try that?"

History there is a heavy albatross, I guess..
The ole "disguised as DEA agents" trick... Move along. Nothing to see here. There was no colour revolution....

Watch: Assassins Disguised As DEA Agents Killed Haitian President | ZeroHedge

Perhaps new insight from The Miami Herald shows "assailants claimed to be agents with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, according to videos taken by people in the area of the president's home."

The Herald continued:
On the videos, someone with an American accent is heard yelling in English over a megaphone, "DEA operation. Everybody stand down. DEA operation. Everybody back up, stand down."
Always seems the mainland European colonies haven't faired well..interesting.
Only one I can think of is French Canada but they were taken by the English In mid 1700s so I guess they don’t count. Something special about the English common law and it’s following iterations that seems to promote social stability and some degree of prosperity.
Haiti is a disaster followed by a catastrophe wrapped in a tragedy.

What's always amazed me is how you have the Dominican Republic on the same island that's doing pretty well for itself.

Much like Puerto Rico, there is absolutely no reason why Haiti shouldn't be prospering through tourism, the financial sector and agriculture. The worst problem with Haiti?

It's the Haitians...
Well its because the evil colonists cut down all the trees (deforestation) on the Haiti side of Hispaniola and as we all know the lack of green spaces directly correlates to increased violence, low IQs, and poverty.
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I guess they will have no problem getting that vaccine now...

A year after pandemic hit, Haiti awaits vaccines amid apathy

Lauré Adrien, general director of Haiti’s Health Ministry, blamed the vaccine delay on scrutiny of the AstraZeneca shots and concerns that the country lacks the necessary infrastructure to ensure proper vaccine storage, adding that his agency prefers a single-dose vaccine. AstraZeneca requires two doses.

Many also fear being inoculated, despite educational campaigns. In addition, some officials have raised concern about the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has recently come under scrutiny in Europe after a very small number of people who received it developed unusual blood clots.

“We can receive the vaccine and then discover with a heavy heart that the stocks expired a couple of months later because no one wanted to be vaccinated,” Adrien said.

Among those in Haiti who say they will not be vaccinated is Dorcelus Perkin, a brick factory owner. On a recent morning, the 60-year-old supervised more than a dozen employees working outdoors. No one was wearing any personal protective equipment.

“We can’t wear masks in the sun. We would be suffocating,” he said, adding that the sun kills the virus, something scientists have not proven.
I like how "American Accent" = A Haitian who speaks ok English.

And the "DEA Agents" remind me of people who think they know what American operators look like from only watching movies. "Le Baseball caps will make zem zink we are Américain!!"

I know that there are many variations of the "American" accent, but that one doesn't sound like any I've ever heard.
Whatever you need to help you ignore the shame of quadrupling down on that point.
What, that this (Haiti) is what actual insurection looks like? An actual attempt to actually overthrow the government. Not a percieved threat that could some how if you squint really really hard at the Legos potentially overthrow our government?
What, that this (Haiti) is what actual insurection looks like? An actual attempt to actually overthrow the government. Not a percieved threat that could some how if you squint really really hard at the Legos potentially overthrow our government?
Or, you know, your determination to wallow in your inability to comprehend what the possession of human restraints says about the possessor’s intent, given the wealth of other context clues.

Given that it’s not even the most embarrassing thing you’ve posted recently, I’m heartened by this attempt to pivot away from it.

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