Attention: All Employees

The 19% of Warren Buffet's income is, more than most of those "destitute" college students you describe will earn in a lifetime.

He made his money honestly. Why should he have to give it away to the "less fortunate"?
I said lasseiz-faire capitalism; the dominant form of economic system prior to the Great Depression.

We live pretty damn good in a mixed economy, and the nations of western Europe have an even higher standard of living due to the evil socialist policies of their governments.

i bet we could raise enough to get you a one way ticket to Europe
Snakes possesses the mindset of a thief. He can dress it up with all the emotional drivel and rationalizing he wants, but it is still that of a thief.
You are quite fortunate

no it means I'm smarter than those idiots who rack up huge debt to go to schools they view as more prestigious. There are even a few state schools where people can go for free if they meet minimum requirements. I feel no sympathy for someone who claims they are intelligent enough for higher education that chooses to leverage their financial future for a degree. And to think I owe them something for their choice? Laughable
We have a lower life expectancy than western Europe, a higher infant mortality rate than all the famous "socialized medicine" nations (Cuba, UK, France, Canada, etc) and most of Western Europe, and in the past two decades life expectancy in the US has dropped dramatically.

Sure, we're not some third world country. But we've certainly been left in the dust by just about everyone else.

The life expectancy is because we eat a freaking ton of food, not because of inferior health care.
We have a lower life expectancy than western Europe, a higher infant mortality rate than all the famous "socialized medicine" nations (Cuba, UK, France, Canada, etc) and most of Western Europe, and in the past two decades life expectancy in the US has dropped dramatically.

Sure, we're not some third world country. But we've certainly been left in the dust by just about everyone else.
Our lifestyles have much to do with our mortality rate. We eat, drink, smoke, and relax too much.

Tough life we have here.
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The life expectancy is because we eat a freaking ton of food, not because of inferior health care.

Exactly. Length of life is not quality of life.

Some turtles have average life expectancy of 100+ years. Thus, turtles have a better existence than humans.
As of January 20, when President Obama is officially sworn into office, our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness

Did you make similar posts back when Bill Clinton was elected President?

Based on what I saw of Bush, cant be any worse then what we just had.
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Did you make similar posts back when Bill Clinton was elected President?

Based on what I saw of Bush and Clinton, I'll take a democratic President for a while. Cant be any worse then what we just had.

Yeah, lets bring back the Jimmy Carter days, can't wait for that.
Here I sit in my lower standard of living.

I'm starving. There is a diner down the street that serves a great breakfast. Eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy. :good!:

Why am I starving?

It's cold outside. I have to get out in the cold to actually get to this great breakfast.

WAIT! I have eggs, sausage, and biscuits in the fridge. NAH.....that would mean getting off my lazy ass and cooking. Then I would have dirty dishes to deal with, not too mention having to wipe down the stove when I'm done.

DAMN! We live a tough life here in the USA.
The 19% of Warren Buffet's income is, more than most of those "destitute" college students you describe will earn in a lifetime.

He made his money honestly. Why should he have to give it away to the "less fortunate"?

Well actually he is giving away the majority of his wealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation

So Snakes... Would you rather see Warren pay a lot more in taxes and give little to charities or for him to just give everything to charities and pay little in taxes

Because I am sure that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is using the money for far greater good then the US govt.

You do know that envy is a cardinal sin, right?
It means that there is something seriously wrong with any government that taxes the middle at higher rates than the rich, while the people who need medical care die because they can't afford it. It means that there is something very morally questionable about the richest country in the world having a lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rate than the rest of the civilized world.
you've now officially proven yourself as nothing more than a leftist idiot. Using Warren Buffet's campaign fodder as source of anything is retarded.

Further, how is medical care something that should be available to everyone. The guys providing it are some of the most talented in our society and expect to be paid handsomely for their services. Back away the mountains of government overregulation and we probably have something manageable. Pretending that everyone has right to our top of the heap medical care is just pure leftism, which I can see is a knee jerk reaction of yours.
Spread the wealth means that Warren Buffet doesn't get to pay only 19% of his income in taxes while students have to graduate in huge debt from student loans. It also can be used as a buzzword in order to paint socialism as a black-and-white issue, either you're in the USSR or free market. In the latter use, it's a amusingly ignorant understanding of the nature of modern economies and a laughable attempt to use an old boogeyman to scare people into endorsing lasseiz-faire capitalism, which behind Communism has the worst track record in all of economic history.
Why don't you help us with the nature of modern economies and how socialism might help?

Nobody in America is advocating laissez-faire capitalism. Regulation is part and parcel to making it work. Access to free crap is part and parcel to tearing it apart.

Pretending that capitalism has the worst track record in history is just silliness, but you probably knew that. It simply didn't support that you think college should be free and Buffet should pay more in taxes. His 19% bracket that you so proudly wield is simply a useless red herring. You have no idea the way he came to that final tax payment. None whatsoever and he hasn't divulged it because it would absolutely torpedo his lefty argument.
Oh, sorry, I'll make it more obvious.

Spread the wealth means that Warren Buffet doesn't get to pay only 19% of his income in taxes while students have to graduate in huge debt from student loans

There we go.
how are the 2 remotely related. Enormous swaths of our country pay ZERO taxes while students graduate in huge debt. That's genius.

By the by, you know how Buffet reduced his tax rate to 19% from the 35% it started at? I thought so.
I said lasseiz-faire capitalism; the dominant form of economic system prior to the Great Depression.

We live pretty damn good in a mixed economy, and the nations of western Europe have an even higher standard of living due to the evil socialist policies of their governments.
this is an absolute lie.
In terms of him getting a college degree in the US without having to rack up large debt, he is quite unremarkable.

Also, the value of the degree surpasses the value of the debt. Otherwise, people wouldn't do it. So your point is????

I actually agree with this.

I graduated debt free and paid my own way through the whole way. Working two jobs and going to school full-time allowed me to do it. If people work hard enough and sacrifice for a few years it is not impossible. I had no life and lived continually under stress and being tired, but it was my choice to do so to be debt free.

My wife is paying off student loans right now. They aren't that bad to pay off if you make the decision to do so and sacrifice to pay them off early.

I view a college degree as an investment, and like any investment, you have to be smart about how you manage it.

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