Polling is not old.
Gallup Daily.. updated at 1 PM today has Obama at 42% approval 50% disapprove
You cannot go by POTUS polling in August of 3rd year of Presidency and tell who is going to win in November of next year.
These are Gallup polls.
August of 3rd year in office:
Reagan was at 43% won in a Landslide
HW Bush was at 71% lost to Bill Clinton
Clinton was at 41% won 2nd term
GW Bush was at 60% won 2nd term
Obama is at 42%
Gallup.Com Politics News ? Political Views, Job Approval Ratings, Insights for Leaders
Here is linlk to Real Clear Politics:
RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
Average # 8/16-9/01 Obama approve 43.7 % disapprove 51.3%
Average # 8/01-8/22 Congress approve 12.3%
disapprove 84%
Obama numbers are bad but congress numbers are terrible.
With over 14 months to go anything can happen. Previous polling shows that, Reagan was polling about the same as Obama and he won in a hugh landslide.
Bush 1 was at 71% approval and he lost.
14 months in politics is a long time.
I'm just saying with the money Obama has and the terrible way the hugh majority of citizens are viewing congress, he can sucessfully place blame on congress for not being willing to negotiate and can win reelection.
IMO every politician in Washington that is running for reelection in 2012 should be replaced... Dem , GOP or I.
They all need to just go away.
The problem is, it doesn't matter how good or bad a member of congress is doing in a lot of districts. It just matters if a D or R is after their name. People will vote strickly party lines which IMO opinion is not to bright!!