Auriemma is SUCH a DOUCHE!!!!

And if you read the post, you would see that I said that Phill didn't petition the league to not have the Vols play Bama.

So wait... if Bama wasn't in the SEC, am I hearing you say that it would have been OK for Fulmer to have considered not playing them? :eek:hmy:

Yes it is absolutely ok for any coach of any team to cancel a series without consulting you first.
You guys hate Geno for the same reason that people hate Barry Bonds, Tony Stewart, Randy Moss, Bill Belicheck, Tim Tebow, etc. They're all great at what they do. So everytime they say something border line out of control everyone is jumping on them. I'm not sure about what's went on behind the scenes but can some of you people admit that Geno has a winning record against Pat and is a great coach?

I hate Geno, Bonds, and Belicheck because they cheat. I don't hate these other guys. If you cheat to get there then you don't deserve to be there.
Or some people (like the thread starter) have blinders on and have so far up a coach's rear that even when they make a dumb decision, they can't find the stomach call them out on it.

The only dumb decision was you make this comment. Pat did the correct thing in cancelling the UCheat game. If you believe anything that Italian says you seriously need professional help.

You are so far out of touch with what goes on you don't need to comment. You know the old saying about being better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone believe? You should follow that course until you have a clue! TennesseeFan07 you need to follow this also or should I say UCheat fan!
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The only dumb decision was you make this comment. Pat did the correct thing in cancelling the UCheat game. If you believe anything that Italian says you seriously need professional help.

I don't care what he said. He could be lying or telling the truth... doesn't matter, nor is that the issue.

The issue is that instead of settling her differences with Geno on the court and trying to beat his brains out in that manner, Pat just took her ball and went home. Not exactly showing a competitive spirit.
I don't care what he said. He could be lying or telling the truth... doesn't matter, nor is that the issue.

The issue is that instead of settling her differences with Geno on the court and trying to beat his brains out in that manner, Pat just took her ball and went home. Not exactly showing a competitive spirit.

That's really what Pat Summitt is lacking, a competitive spirit. :crazy:
Pat has set the standard for coaches in NCAA b-ball while doing so ethically and with class. Imagine how much more dominant she would have been had she been willing to ditch those pesky ethics like Geno is famous for.
I don't care what he said. He could be lying or telling the truth... doesn't matter, nor is that the issue.

The issue is that instead of settling her differences with Geno on the court and trying to beat his brains out in that manner, Pat just took her ball and went home. Not exactly showing a competitive spirit.

Oh so according to your halfcocked view of things she should have continued to play someone that is cheating? That's not having a competitive spirit.

See your response is typical of today's society. Accept the Cheater, don't punish him, let him continue to do it.

Pat is not hurting UT nor her team by not playing UCheat.

Its called Integrety, you either have it or you don't and Pat has it...Geno doesn't Fact not fiction.

If little Cheater and his UCheat team want to play UT then get to a championship game.
See your response is typical of today's society. Accept the Cheater, don't punish him, let him continue to do it.

No... my response would be to beat a cheater on the playing field/basketball court... And don't try to lump me in with the rest of the bleeding hearts out there that turn a blind eye to shoplifters/looters after a hurricane or people that make excuses for people that make bad decisons that have more of an impact on our lives than a basketball game.

This would have been a perfect opportunity to teach a life lesson by pounding Geno's eyes shut on the basketball court and looking a cheater square in his eye. Instead, Pat chose to take her ball and go home... and just because she isn't playing him, that doesn't mean he is necessarily going to stop cheating, either (assuming that he was cheating).
Uconn needs ut. Ut doesn't need uconn. That's the bottom line in all this.
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