Autistic teenager has perfect bracket

Couple of things

1) the chances are being exaggerated, if you were to pick a random bracket, sure, the chances are that small. But anyone here has to concede that a bracket with ETSU beating Kentucky is not as likely as a bracket with Kentucky beating ETSU

2) From the article: "...and the software does allow changes after the tournament begins. But the Hermann's insisted that they filled out their brackets as a family before the tournament started, and haven't touched the picks since."

3) It also says his mom contacted the media. This all looks very fishy to me.
Couple of things

1) the chances are being exaggerated, if you were to pick a random bracket, sure, the chances are that small. But anyone here has to concede that a bracket with ETSU beating Kentucky is not as likely as a bracket with Kentucky beating ETSU

2) From the article: "...and the software does allow changes after the tournament begins. But the Hermann's insisted that they filled out their brackets as a family before the tournament started, and haven't touched the picks since."

3) It also says his mom contacted the media. This all looks very fishy to me.

Thanks Captain Buzzkill
Everyone knows that autistic people have at least one superpower. His is apperantly bracketology.
Saw a thing the other day that had 100 people picking brackets with only the seed numbers, no teams on the card, and they had about a 73% pick rate.
to go the cheap route and steal a definition

this does not apply to the tourney. Some randomness? Perhaps but all outcomes are still decided by human intervention.

How do you determine which team gets the most favorable human intervention? They both put five humans on the court at a time, and have a set of human coaches. Humans drive both team buses.

I fail to see how human intervention rules out "randomness."

Now, I am not saying that it is "totally random." Each game is certainly weighted in a particular team's favor. I'm just saying it is in no way forecastable. Does Northern Iowa beat Kansas in a best-of-seven? Do they even beat them more than once in such a series? Probably not. It was chance that they got the better of them, through a series of minor events during the course of the lead-up to and during the game.

All because the possible outcomes are slanted in a particular direction doesn't make them any more or less random.

And nothing is more unpredictable than humans. Otherwise, why would we follow sports so closely? We NEVER know what will happen.
How about you try to show whatever little amount of class you have and not insinuate jokes about his autism.

What the hell is wrong with you? You're the guy that yells at all the people that laugh when a person with a mental disability is out there dancing having a good time or something. So he has autism. That sucks. But it doesn't make it any better by just pretending he doesn't have it at all.
What the hell is wrong with you? You're the guy that yells at all the people that laugh when a person with a mental disability is out there dancing having a good time or something. So he has autism. That sucks. But it doesn't make it any better by just pretending he doesn't have it at all.
There's nothing wrong with me, what the hell is wrong with you? And what the hell does all that crap you just talked about even have to do with anything I said?
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Nice story but im getting the feeling this is a bit exaaaagerated. I mean he said he watched EVERY team? Even Lehigh? I know he probably doesn't do much but still, come on.
I have a feeling he meant that he looked at a lot of box scores and stats.
Couple of things

1) the chances are being exaggerated, if you were to pick a random bracket, sure, the chances are that small. But anyone here has to concede that a bracket with ETSU beating Kentucky is not as likely as a bracket with Kentucky beating ETSU

I was thinking the same thing. The odds of nailing the first two rounds would only be astronomical if every team had roughly the same chances of winning, and we all know they don't. But there haven't been any off-the-wall outcomes like a 16 seed beating a 1, just several noteworthy upsets. The only one that shocked me even a little was Ohio beating Georgetown. Teams like Cornell, Murray State and Washington all had much better talent than their seeds; in fact, I had Cornell and Washington making the Sweet 16. (But I also had Kansas in the Final Four... :no: )

This kid: 1) knows his basketball; and 2) has had some good luck with his picks. I hope he nails them all this weekend, and then gets his Final Four all wrong. :)
Dang, I must be autistic! I have us in the Final Four too.

:eek:lol: :lolabove: :eek:lol:

So he is a basketball autistic idiot savante?

This is pretty inappropriate. Autism is a very serious disorder that should not be taken lightly. Please think before you post.

Tell ME about it Ace, Tell ME about it Ace, Tell ME about it Ace, Tell ME about it Ace,

Maybe AlaskaVol is actually autistic.

Are you good at playing the piano Alaska?


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