Couple of things
1) the chances are being exaggerated, if you were to pick a random bracket, sure, the chances are that small. But anyone here has to concede that a bracket with ETSU beating Kentucky is not as likely as a bracket with Kentucky beating ETSU
2) From the article: "...and the software does allow changes after the tournament begins. But the Hermann's insisted that they filled out their brackets as a family before the tournament started, and haven't touched the picks since."
3) It also says his mom contacted the media. This all looks very fishy to me.
to go the cheap route and steal a definition
this does not apply to the tourney. Some randomness? Perhaps but all outcomes are still decided by human intervention.
How about you try to show whatever little amount of class you have and not insinuate jokes about his autism.
There's nothing wrong with me, what the hell is wrong with you? And what the hell does all that crap you just talked about even have to do with anything I said?What the hell is wrong with you? You're the guy that yells at all the people that laugh when a person with a mental disability is out there dancing having a good time or something. So he has autism. That sucks. But it doesn't make it any better by just pretending he doesn't have it at all.
Couple of things
1) the chances are being exaggerated, if you were to pick a random bracket, sure, the chances are that small. But anyone here has to concede that a bracket with ETSU beating Kentucky is not as likely as a bracket with Kentucky beating ETSU
Dang, I must be autistic! I have us in the Final Four too.
lol: :lolabove:
So he is a basketball autistic idiot savante?
This is pretty inappropriate. Autism is a very serious disorder that should not be taken lightly. Please think before you post.
Tell ME about it Ace, Tell ME about it Ace, Tell ME about it Ace, Tell ME about it Ace,
Maybe AlaskaVol is actually autistic.
Are you good at playing the piano Alaska?