So its actually better to be in the playin game? Love the sound logic.
I never said it was better to play in a "play in game." For someone well versed in logic you don't read very well. Of course its not better to be in a "play-in" game. It requires of you to play an extra game that most teams don't have to. But the win technically counts as a tourney win. So I don't see how in any way I said its better to be in the play-in game.
Here's some logic for you:
Expectation: Get in Tourney, and Win a game. (minimum requirement for expectations of the season to be met).
1.Vols are selected for the tourney/play-in game (first round)
2.Vols win.
3.Vols advance to 2nd round.
1. Initial expectations met.
This in no way means that a lose in the second round will not be a disappoint for me because I think its a winnable game. A second win will go beyond my expectation for this season as a whole.
If you have problems with my expectations that another thing but you can't say anything about my logic.
If you take issue with the play-in game counting as a tourney win, thats not my problem, you can take that up with the NCAA. A win is a win. And guess who's expectations we're talking about here? Mine. I think I would know when my expectations are met or not. If anyone has flawed logic it is you my friend.