Bad jokes. Dad jokes and whatnot

Two true stories:

First, a friend of mine had a birthday recently, when she opened the card from her husband (surgeon, so reasonably well educated), she read the card, it was beautiful, compassionate, just perfect. She looked at him and said, " I know you didn't write this, what did you do? Use AI?" He turned bright red and was busted.

Second, this is an old one from the 1980s. A lawyer here in Eugene went out to the airport to pick up another lawyer that was flying in to work on a case. The Eugene lawyer drove out to the airport in his Rolls Royce to pick up the lawyer. When they got in the car the local lawyer said, "I bet it's not every day that you get picked up in a Rolls Royce." The second lawyer simply responded, "Not and ride in the "FRONT" seat"

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