Its just not possible for Cup guys to run races in the rain on ovals. They couldn't make a tire capable of doing that. They would get so hot they'd blow out every 10-15 laps like they did at Indy last year under regular conditions. I wish they'd run the rain tires at the two road courses if needed though.
Besides just the tire issue you also have the issue of how much faster they run on ovals than on the road courses too. Plus, on top of that, you have to worry about the issue of "spray" off the track that would hamper visibility. It just isn't conceivable for ovals to try this.
On another note - those California ticket sales numbers by Miller may not have been totally accurate but I've read two more reports they are deeply worried they won't get 40,000 people this Sunday. And did anyone see what time this wonderful race is going to start here on the East Coast? 6:15 scheduled green flag time. My lord, even those poor folks that are going to Fontana will have a late night. This IS a Sunday race NASCAR. And I've heard horror stories about getting in and out at Fontana even with bad crowds because of the roads coming in and out of there. Maybe if NASCAR is so dead set on racing this late every week now to accommodate the left coasters we should run all Cup races on Saturday's. At least then the poor people that have to drive home from the race and go to work on Monday's would have a little rest.