This is a long one so be warned. I appreciate the opportunity to tell this story. It will save me some therapy
In second grade we had work books for completing assignments. I'm pretty sure they were bought for the students (e.g. one use items). Anyway, we had one main one for most of the year and then a supplemental one at the end. The supplemental one had two kids playing on the front. I drew some beards and glasses on the kids (standard stuff).
Mrs. Brown (the teacher) saw my doodles and absolutely flipped out. She started yelling about destroying property etc. etc. I was scared sh*tless! I think she had Graves Disease because her eyes bugged out of her head - looked like they were going to pop right out! She also wore those little half glasses. It was a pretty disturbing site all the way around (especially for a 6 or 7 year old). She made a huge friggin' deal about it.
What really had me worried was not getting in trouble for the drawing on the supplemental work book. That was over. No the real problem was that I had drawn all over and through the main work book. I mean that thing was covered with doodles and drawings. If a beard and some glasses about popped her eyes out, I knew I was screwed when she saw the other work book.
I had about a week or so to think about it too. The main work books were all stored in a closet in the classroom. Everytime I looked at the closet I started to freak out some.
Then came the news. The next day in class we would be pulling out the main work books for review. CRAP! I'm screwed. Less than 24 hours to live!
The next day on the bus I was really worried. Nothing like knowing you are in trouble but it hasn't hit yet. When we get to school though I find out that I'm going to be spared. Turns out, Mrs. Brown DIED the night before! I'm not kidding, she died. There was no work book review and the substitute clearly wasn't too worried about my doodling!
Looking back, I'm pretty sure that I didn't kill her with my mind