Bama BB shooting event per police report

Possibly one of the poorest-written pieces of investigative journalism I can recall. First, needs to be cut by about 40% of the words. Second, the bias is leaking through in just about every paragraph. Third, the guy keeps referring to his own objectivity "methinks the lady doth protest too much."

As another reader points out in the comments below the article, it's borderline incomprehensible. Save your bandwidth.
Possibly one of the poorest-written pieces of investigative journalism I can recall. Firsto, needs to be cut by about 40% of the words. Second, the bias is leaking through in just about every paragraph. Third, the guy keeps referring to his own objectivity "methinks the lady doth protest too much."

As another reader points out in the comments below the article, it's borderline incomprehensible. Save your bandwidth.
meant to put writer in quotes
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Possibly one of the poorest-written pieces of investigative journalism I can recall. First, needs to be cut by about 40% of the words. Second, the bias is leaking through in just about every paragraph. Third, the guy keeps referring to his own objectivity "methinks the lady doth protest too much."

As another reader points out in the comments below the article, it's borderline incomprehensible. Save your bandwidth.

I actually think Phillips did a decent job parsing the video evidence. I completely agree that he goes on way too long and tries so hard to make the narrative "interesting" that he winds up making the timeline confusing. I had to double back several times to confirm the order it which certain events occurred. While it may not make for the most interesting reading, sometimes a writer is better served by simply structuring a story with the basics: this happened and then this happened and then this happened and they finally led to this big thing happening.

Even if Phillips is describing the video evidence in a 100% accurate way, I'm not sure this it paints a picture of self-defense on the part of Davis or a lack of complicity on the part of Miles. Perhaps it makes a case for a lesser charge than capital murder. I don't know and will withhold forming an opinion if and until I can see the video for myself. What Phillips does make clear, and thus all the more tragic, is that both groups had ample opportunity to just drive away. Two wannabe gangsters decided to settle an argument with gunfire, and an innocent mother was taken from her child as a result.
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I actually think Phillips did a decent job parsing the video evidence. I completely agree that he goes on way too long and tries so hard to make the narrative "interesting" that he winds up making the timeline confusing. I had to double back several times to confirm the order it which certain events occurred. While it may not make for the most interesting reading, sometimes a writer is better served by simply structuring a story with the basics: this happened and then this happened and then this happened and they finally led to this big thing happening.

Even if Phillips is describing the video evidence in a 100% accurate way, I'm not sure this it paints a picture of self-defense on the part of Davis or a lack of complicity on the part of Miles. Perhaps it makes a case for a lesser charge than capital murder. I don't know and will withhold forming an opinion if and until I can see the video for myself. What Phillips does make clear, and thus all the more tragic, is that both groups had ample opportunity to just drive away. Two wannabe gangsters decided to settle an argument with gunfire, and an innocent mother was taken from her child as a result.

We will have to agree to disagree. It's extremely poor writing. Whoever that guy is, he needs an editor. Egocentric writing, baggage words, foreshadowing that leads nowhere of's like a bad student assignment.

And then the bias just leaks through. This reads like a piece commissioned by Alabama, to be published in whatever team-friendly rag will take it.

We will have to agree to disagree. It's extremely poor writing. Whoever that guy is, he needs an editor. Egocentric writing, baggage words, foreshadowing that leads nowhere of's like a bad student assignment.

And then the bias just leaks through. This reads like a piece commissioned by Alabama, to be published in whatever team-friendly rag will take it.

I tried to read this piece, but can't really. It's so long-winded with multi-paragraph tangents. Too much work to keep up with everything.
I actually think Phillips did a decent job parsing the video evidence. I completely agree that he goes on way too long and tries so hard to make the narrative "interesting" that he winds up making the timeline confusing. I had to double back several times to confirm the order it which certain events occurred. While it may not make for the most interesting reading, sometimes a writer is better served by simply structuring a story with the basics: this happened and then this happened and then this happened and they finally led to this big thing happening.

Even if Phillips is describing the video evidence in a 100% accurate way, I'm not sure this it paints a picture of self-defense on the part of Davis or a lack of complicity on the part of Miles. Perhaps it makes a case for a lesser charge than capital murder. I don't know and will withhold forming an opinion if and until I can see the video for myself. What Phillips does make clear, and thus all the more tragic, is that both groups had ample opportunity to just drive away. Two wannabe gangsters decided to settle an argument with gunfire, and an innocent mother was taken from her child as a result.

it was a difficult chore simply reading the article -- good editors are about to become extinct.
saw him on finebaum on monday and gained npthing
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it was a difficult chore simply reading the article -- good editors are about to become extinct.
saw him on finebaum on monday and gained npthing

I assume it was meant to be a long form piece. But that isn't a wise decision for an online publication. ESPN did a similar piece that I linked earlier in the thread. It covered much of the same ground, but did it in a much more concise way.

I think Phillips made the mistake of not settling on a key point that carried thru the story. Is the point the narrow tailoring of the detective's testimony? Is it that Davis might have been acting in self-defense? Was in that Johnson is mixed up with known criminals and might have set out to assault someone that crossed him? Was in that Miles was a calming influence? It's all over the place. You can do that in a long form magazine piece to which you expect your reader to dedicate half an hour or so. But you can't do it in a story that you hope will get passed around social media to up your click count. If you settle on a key point and remove everything that doesn't drive that point, you come up with something that isn't burdensome for the reader.

And it's too bad, because Phillips did hit on interesting new information that hadn't been previously discussed. But it was buried way too deep and after way too much irrelevant crap. No one cares that Miles had chicken wings in his take out box, and yet Phillips mentioned it multiple times.
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Possibly one of the poorest-written pieces of investigative journalism I can recall. First, needs to be cut by about 40% of the words. Second, the bias is leaking through in just about every paragraph. Third, the guy keeps referring to his own objectivity "methinks the lady doth protest too much."

As another reader points out in the comments below the article, it's borderline incomprehensible. Save your bandwidth.
He sets up the article as a hard news piece but then uses subjective terms and “our”, “this reporter” that shouldn’t be used when trying to convey objective facts in a news piece. To say nothing of the fact that it reads like an opening argument from a defense attorney “Be sure through this story to keep in mind that it will likely to take you longer to read this than it did for the events to develop on the morning of Jan. 15. This is a poorly constructed opinion article in the guise of hard news. He makes no effort to convey the prosecution’s and victim’s arguments. I hope he didn’t slip a disc carrying all that water for the defendants.
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We will have to agree to disagree. It's extremely poor writing. Whoever that guy is, he needs an editor. Egocentric writing, baggage words, foreshadowing that leads nowhere of's like a bad student assignment.

And then the bias just leaks through. This reads like a piece commissioned by Alabama, to be published in whatever team-friendly rag will take it.

It’s the Alabama patch so I’m guessing he’s making his subscriptions off fluff pieces being a sheep for Bama and putting pictures of people’s grandkids in the paper. Maybe not, but reading this article probably gives some insight into the low quality of journalism and editing you’d waste in reading this “news” source. I wonder if he defended Burton turning around slapping women? Also-was he the guy who broke the story about Dooley eating spaghetti in the tunnels of Neyland given his propensity to be a food critic on current event news pieces?
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So the best case is that Miller got in his car at 1:30ish a.m. to bring a gun to Miles, but did not know what it was going to be used for.

The medium bad case is he knew of a dispute between Miles/Davis and the victim as being behind the request to bring a gun.

The worse case is he knew that Miles/Davis planned to shoot the victim.

Honestly, the first one is .... hard to believe.
Consider an alternate scenario where Miller ran a stop sign before meeting Miles and the TPD pulled him over and saw the weapon was in the backseat. Does Miller just get a ticket and sent on his way or does the TPD escalate things even though Miller states he didn't know the gun was there?

How often do cops in general have someone tell them "I didn't know that gun was there" and they believe them ?
How many times have you shuttled a gun to someone at 1:30 a.m.?
SIAP (known troll, blue font and what not)

I believe the dude is making a joke here…notice the time is right after Bama lost…the implication being that Sankey is spineless and is the type that would wait until there’s absolutely no consequence before he takes action
I believe the dude is making a joke here…notice the time is right after Bama lost…the implication being that Sankey is spineless and is the type that would wait until there’s absolutely no consequence before he takes action
Same with Bama’s administration. Just waited it out till the season was over. Move along. Nothing to see here. He gone and we don’t have to do anything now. Obvious that the only interest was in winning. Never mind that a girl is dead and Miller had a part in it.
Same with Bama’s administration. Just waited it out till the season was over. Move along. Nothing to see here. He gone and we don’t have to do anything now. Obvious that the only interest was in winning. Never mind that a girl is dead and Miller had a part in it.

No doubt…one of my favorite parts of this fiasco was seeing Saban’s recent shots he took at the situation…as if that douchebag has any sort of moral high ground to take on issues like this

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