Somewhere I can hear John Ward "the dive.....touchdown big the superdome"
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just protecting her son eh?
Nice video of her here before the incident doing a double bird and her innocent son inviting some folks to join them...
Bama Mom Flashes Double-Bird Before Dive-Bombing Oklahoma Bro
If you've ever been around Bammers it's ironic how they talk so much about class (as in they have it and other fans don't)...
The only issue here is that this video comes from the OU section she attacked. Kinda makes both sides look rather guilty. I'm not defending her horrific, yet hilarious actions, but it actually does give validity to the OU fans taunting her. My guess is she was drunk off her ***, and the OU section was laughing and mocking her, so she decided to go full on bat sh** crazy like only Bammers know how to do.
She says that the OU fans were taunting her son, and that's when she went bat crazy on them.
Her son, her, the whole family, whatever. I read it started with taunting her, then moved to her son, thus causing her over the top (literally) reaction. But for the section she went top rope on to be filming her apparent drunkenness/good time having moment isn't exactly the right thing for them to be doing either. Again, it doesn't excuse her actions, just kinda makes both groups at least partially guilty in my book.
She said she'd do it again if she had to, and her greatest concern was how disappointed Nick would be when he heard about it.
(I swear, that fanbase has become a cult.)
Yeah, as someone mentioned this is a fanbase that teabagged someone in public (funny, just bad timing), poisoned famed trees, shot a fellow fan for not being down enough over a loss and now went Superfly Jimmy Snuka on a rival fan. I never know what they'll do next.