Bama or UF

For me, Bama, always has been and always will be. Some of my friends (born and raised in TN) are traitor bama fans. All they ever talk about is Bear this and Bear that. Get over it!

Let's settle this once and for all. Florida is our biggest game. Almost every year the SEC east comes down to the winner of this game. It always seems to determin how successful our season is. I wish we could play them later in the year. And over the last few years the gator fans have become more vocal and annoying. BUT!!!!! I hate Bama. Bama is and always will be our biggest rival. I hate them to the point that I get mad just thinking about it. I live in this God Forsaken state of Alabama. I have to listen to these inbred, toothless, dead bear loving, cheating, lying, crack heads every day of my life. I hate the color Crimson and any shade of red. I hate elephants. I hate BAMA. I was born and raised in God's Country. (East Tennessee) and was sent to this hole some twenty years ago due to my work. I remember the 12 Year streak they put on us and how they would paint the score on every overpass from Knoxville to B-ham. I was a senior in high School (1982) the first time I seen the Vols beat Bama. I Cried and vowed that I would hate BAMA with all my being till the day I die or until the NCAA shuts down the cheating inbreds. I hate BAMA. Anyone who thinks there is any rival any bigger than BAMA needs to spend some quality time in this state and understand how they think about Tennessee. These are the most football stupid people on the planet. According to them football wouldn't exist if it were not for alabama and the bear. Looks like to me it has made it just fine without either of them the last 20 years. I am so mad right now I can not express my true feelings. I HATE BAMA.

I sir feel your pain l live in birmingham myself. i hate Alabama with every fiber of my being. florida will always be second but Auburn is slowly moving up on my list.
I have lived in AL and TN ad my answer to you , from the "bammer" perspective is that it all depends on where you live. I was born and raised in the Nasville area and for me it will always be the Third Saturday! When I live in AL (18 mos) it was by far the AU game, for the local population not myself, that was bigger! I love this weekend and I ain't missed but one in eleven years. I got my tickets in hand and I'll see y'all this Saturday on The Hill.

My friends, who are all Vile, oooops pardon the slip, Vol fans send me this joke every year thought you'uns might like it!!

We've all wondered how the school colors were chosen. Here's the scoop...
>Some Tennessee, Georgia, Auburn and Alabama fans decided that
>black-and-white school colors were a bit too dull. So they called upon
>God to give them colors that would truly represent them .
>First, the Tennessee fans stepped before God and asked for their school's
>colors. God said, "When I see Tennessee, I see a great big orange sun
>coming up over puffy white clouds. Tennessee will be orange and white".
>Next, the Georgia fans stood before God and asked for their school colors.
>God said, "I see a field of fertile black soil...from which will grow a
>beautiful field of red roses. Georgia will be black and red."
>The Auburn fans were next. God said as he patted his favorite sons on the
>head, "When I think of my beautiful Auburn, I see a glorious sky of blue
>with the bright shining orange sun shining down on my favorite town. You,
>my loved ones, your colors are orange and blue."
>God then turned to the Alabama fans and said quite hastily, "Your colors
>are crimson and white."
>Later, after the fans had left, St. Peter came to God and said, "Lord, as
>you handed out each fan's colors, you explained their origin-all but the
>Alabama fans. I'm curious. Why crimson and white? What do you see when you
>think of Alabama?"
>"I see the same thing as you see," God said, "white trash and red necks".

Hell, I don't like it, but its pretty dang funny!
I was only kiddin' about that Vile stuff, my wife and I have a great time every time we go to KnoxVegas!! We always try to remember that thars an A__hole in every crowd! I know some "bammers" embarass me!
Obviously they're both big... and it depends on your circumstances. I was still fairly young when 'bama was in the midst of the 11 game streak so that one didn't affect me that much personally. I did suffer through the 8 game streak however, and hated the tide with a passion. However, it was during my high school and college years that Florida became a huge rival - and I went to Tennessee from '93-'97, so my experiences as a student led me to HATE Florida. I still HATE Florida. I have no respect for Florida, they are vile and nasty, the new money with no manners crowd. I've been to Gainesville and they are just plain nasty... Of couse I picked a good year for the trip (2001).

I've never lived in 'bama. I can understand why those of you who do have no question as to the bigger rival. At least 'bama has tradition though... and generally more manners than Florida fans. I'll be crucified by some on this thread, but I would rather beat Florida than 'bama, hands down.

(of course if bama starts beating us again consisently I might change my story...)

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