This is an opportune time, as we watch Alabama ahead 52-0 in the 3rd quarter, to remind everybody that D4H is on record stating that Alabama doesn't have more talent than anybody else.
I really thought Vandy would give them a game. Between the 59-0 loss, USCe with the walk off field goal against Louisiana tech, UT beating 0-4 Umass by 4, Florida looking bad, and Missouri being terrible, the east will probably come down to Georgia and Kentucky. The tallest midget will win the east. If UT had an ounce of competent coaching, this would be an 11-1 season.
The myth of Vandy players being smarter than others has been destroyed by:
1) trying to rob gangbangers with a toy gun
2) talking trash to Alabama week before you play them knowing they've been bored all to hell the last two weeks.
Vandy won me 500 from a 50+ pick I made..Vandy is NOT all that this season..Any team/person who watches their game film long enough kind can find hole after hole in that "vaunted" defense..Cunningham was the man and they will never find a player like him again...Anchor Down??..LMAO..Abandon ship would be a better phrase..