I have a theory about the fans being classless. Their are a big section of the US population that are clingers. They check out which team is winning over a few years, and they buy the shirts, jerseys, And license plates. Say stupid things in arguments because they do not know the players or even the teams history. The first time the going gets tough, or the team starts losing, they abandon them and latch on to the next hot team. Their are several words that can describe them. Classless, uneducated, etc, but the biggest and best descriptive words are no character. They never build their character by staying loyal to a team in the down years. I have never seen so many new Bama fans spring up in tennessee than during Sabans era. When ut was beating Alabama for a decade, it was hard to spot a Bama license plate on a trip across the state. I imagine Florida is seeing the same thing with the new fsu fans coming out from under the rocks. When fsu comes back down to earth, they will be gone.