Bammers at it again

I am not sold on UT's talent level yet, but more importantly, Phat can be outcoached and outplayed.

:lolabove: Yep. I guess Bama's record against him over the past decade speaks for itself.
What I find hilarious about those types of bammers is that they think their teams in the mid to late 70's were the best ever. Yes, they did win championships and beat UT for nearly a decade straight. What they fail to remember is how bad some of those teams were, and how close quite a few of those games were, much like our recent streak against them. Gotta love the one track mind of a bammer.
Isn't it about time for Bama to get placed on probation again?

An old joke:

Q: "How do you keep Freddie Kitchens from hitting you with a football?"
A: "Wear a Bama jersey"
Originally posted by orangetd88@Aug 12, 2005 2:33 PM
Gotta love the one track mind of a bammer.

If you can even call it a mind...
Originally posted by GenNeyland9@Aug 12, 2005 1:52 PM
I'm gonna log onto that board and poke some fun at the bammers . . .

Good luck staying for any length of time if you do. :wavey: Say "HI" from the Volnation when you go.
My new favorite line is the one about how Spencer Pennington SHREADED our secondary.

Spencer's stats 14 for 28 (50%) for 113 yards and an INT. :laugh1:

I hope all the QB's we face this year SHREAD us too! :nener:
So how did logging on go for you General? I had to laugh at that. Any luck, I looked and didn't see any new Tennessee posts.
Here's another thread on you might find interesting...

And how about this quote from another thread???
(In response to what Mike Shula has done wrong)

"Well, when he made his speech accepting the job, he didn't speak as eloquently as Winston Churchill.

Don't you see how IMPORTANT that is for his job? The barners and viles know. Finebaum knows. It doesn't matter if he recruits and manages his players well or if he takes a team that had endured 3 coaches in 3 years and huge scholarship reductions to a bowl game. If he can't mesmerize the throngs of reporters and fans with his mellifluous speeches, then how can he possibly be a great coach?

For instance, take Fulmer. Every time that he announces a reduced sentence against one of his players, he just captures the audience. Just observe the audience while he speaks. You won't hear one UT fan spit their Levi Garrett, you won't see a brother and sister kissing, you won't hear one goat being violated. They are affixed on him, denying all their inbred desires. That's the sign of a great coach."

Originally posted by volinbham@Aug 11, 2005 9:17 PM
My favorite is the one about the sun going down on our day in the sun

or the guy talking about our winning "steak" against them because of their reduced "scholerships".  Clearly they don't have a LIC (Lady in Crimson)  :laugh1:

Given the spelling exhibit by the Bama Fan, we can safely assume that this came from one of the Alabama's leading English Professors.

You do know that the Tootbrush and Toothpaste had to have been invented by Alabama Grad, don't you?

Had they been invented in any other state, they would have been called Teetbrush and Teethpaste. :cool: :devilsmoke:
They blame the loss of schollys on the NCAA

Yet forget they got caught cheating

As if, the players didnt deserve the reduction

What idiots

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