Bammers Make Funny

so they got a point. fat phill ratted them out so we wouldnt get in trouble. its hard to admit but i not going to hide it.
My favorite part is the one that is linked to the Miami Board talking about this street agent thing. The last one says Well, dang, it's not there anymore! :dlol:
Could it be because it wasn't true! :dunno:
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 18, 2005 8:33 PM
but there half right. tee martin did admit we payed him.

wrong!! Tee Martin got money to repair his car from a person he knew prior to coming to Tennessee. That person had zero ties to the University. According to NCAA guidelines, its perfectly within the rules.
Originally posted by allvol+Jan 19, 2005 11:00 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (allvol @ Jan 19, 2005 11:00 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-vols2345@Jan 18, 2005 8:33 PM
but there half right.  tee martin did admit we payed him.

wrong&#33;&#33; Tee Martin got money to repair his car from a person he knew prior to coming to Tennessee. That person had zero ties to the University. According to NCAA guidelines, its perfectly within the rules. [/quote]
allvol :bow:
:cool: Bammers know that we got there number and they cant stand it we have just outrecruited them for years like florida did to us in the 90&#39;s and guess what we caught up to florida and bammer just keep&#39;s falling behind i love it.


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Pass the link to the "75% Tennessee Bammer page.... I really dont see that many posts regarding us.

why are we still talking about alabama. who cares what they think. we going to beat them again. we are two diffrent programs going in diffrent directions. they are hoping for t top 20 finish and we wont be happy without the sec crown and the nc. man i hope we get it. i have a question for you, who would you rather have kevin burnett or an injury free kevin simon.
What&#39;s funny is people used to ask me "what&#39;s the difference between the Tennessee/Forida rivalry and the Tennessee/bama rivalry?" And I&#39;d tell them that UT/UF was more a hate thing because it&#39;s 2 totally different parts of the country that have little in common other than being the top 2 football schools in the SEC, where as UT/bama was was a true rivalry because it was border states going at it, recruiting the same kids, but each respected the other while not liking each other.

Suffice to say, that is no longer the case.
Well, when you&#39;re no longer the Superpower of the West, and the East is about to go from "Dang Good" to "LOADED" after a couple of high-profile coaching changes, what do you expect? AND, to add insult to injury, you have to call the state of Alabama "home." It doesn&#39;t get much worse than that.

BTW, LIO, I feel for you. . . .Some of the posts in this thread are even killing me&#33; :withstupid:
Originally posted by allvol+Jan 19, 2005 11:00 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (allvol @ Jan 19, 2005 11:00 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-vols2345@Jan 18, 2005 8:33 PM
but there half right.  tee martin did admit we payed him.

wrong&#33;&#33; Tee Martin got money to repair his car from a person he knew prior to coming to Tennessee. That person had zero ties to the University. According to NCAA guidelines, its perfectly within the rules. [/quote]
I&#39;m not sure what the whole story is but that is the ruling that the NCAA made. There were two people involved - one was a season ticket holder which makes them a borderline "booster" or "friend" of the University. There are provisions in the bylaws for people to provide &#036; to players if they (the giver) is not "connected" to the University in anyway (it doesn&#39;t take much to be considered "connected"). To me this is the real crux of the Tee Martin case. There is no doubt that the source had a long standing relationship with Tee and his family (which makes it okay). On the otherhand, there is evidence that the source also fits the description of being connected. Does the long standing relationship trump the connection? The NCAA says yes.

Regardless of the "connection", it is another jump to say that the NCAA ruled the way they did in return for testimony against Bama. I&#39;ve seen NO evidence of this - it is claim by TG and adopted as truth by some Bama fans. :bs:
Originally posted by volinbham+Jan 20, 2005 11:53 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (volinbham &#064; Jan 20, 2005 11:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by allvol@Jan 19, 2005 11:00 AM
@Jan 18, 2005 8:33 PM
but there half right.  tee martin did admit we payed him.

wrong&#33;&#33; Tee Martin got money to repair his car from a person he knew prior to coming to Tennessee. That person had zero ties to the University. According to NCAA guidelines, its perfectly within the rules.

I&#39;m not sure what the whole story is but that is the ruling that the NCAA made. There were two people involved - one was a season ticket holder which makes them a borderline "booster" or "friend" of the University. There are provisions in the bylaws for people to provide &#036; to players if they (the giver) is not "connected" to the University in anyway (it doesn&#39;t take much to be considered "connected"). To me this is the real crux of the Tee Martin case. There is no doubt that the source had a long standing relationship with Tee and his family (which makes it okay). On the otherhand, there is evidence that the source also fits the description of being connected. Does the long standing relationship trump the connection? The NCAA says yes.

Regardless of the "connection", it is another jump to say that the NCAA ruled the way they did in return for testimony against Bama. I&#39;ve seen NO evidence of this - it is claim by TG and adopted as truth by some Bama fans. :bs: [/quote]
No. There was no season ticket holder involved. Is that what is being passed as news in bammer land?

He actually got the money from a newspaper reporter in Mobile. The reporter says he got the money from a lady that sales insurance. Neither have been tied to the university other than the insurance sales lady&#39;s late husband went to school at UT-Martin.

And it is not borderline to be season ticket holder. Season ticker holders ARE considered boosters by the NCAA. Especially since a person has to donate to the VASF to even have the opportunity to buy season tickets.
I don&#39;t want to debate it but my understanding is that:

1) the money came from a long - time family friend - whose relationship predates Tee&#39;s athletic prowess (one of the conditions of the NCAA).

2) it has been suggested that he (in #1 above) received the money from Diane Sanford who also had a relationship with the Martins. What I thought had been revealed was that Sanford had at sometime been a season ticket holder or some other connection (in some form or fashion patronized the university - it doesn&#39;t take much to be considered "connected" and being married to an alum of the University system may be enough (right or wrong)). Essentially the money was a pass through. If I understand correctly, money in the same amount that went to Tee from the guy above - also came to that guy from Sanford. I believe in the original investigation, it was suggested that it was coincidental that the amounts were the same and in fact it was not coming from Sanford.

I&#39;m not trying to say there was violation. My understanding of the facts is as stated above. The questions of interest are: 1) did the money come from Sanford? and if it did 2) could she be considered to have some connection to the university. These are the two areas that are open to interpretation. The NCAA investigated and found it to be kosher. I&#39;ll go with the NCAA ruling :p
I&#39;m not trying to say there was violation. My understanding of the facts is as stated above. The questions of interest are:

1) did the money come from Sanford? and if it did
2) could she be considered to have some connection to the university.

These are the two areas that are open to interpretation. The NCAA investigated and found it to be kosher. I&#39;ll go with the NCAA ruling

It was my understanding in all that I have read regarding this issue is that Dianne Sanford was NOT considered to be related to the University. Tee&#39;s mother worked for Ms Sanford as a housekeeper. The family relationship predated Tee&#39;s time at UT. So the answer to #1 is YES. The answer to #2 is NO.

News quotes,

"The NCAA enforcement staff found that neither Rowe nor Sanford were considered boosters at the time and that no one considered a booster was involved."

"Based upon the available information, it does not appear that there is sufficient evidence to sustain that any individual connected to this money transfer was a representative of the university&#39;s athletics interests at the time that the money was transferred," Chris Howard, NCAA assistant director of enforcement, wrote to Dickey in a letter dated Jan. 7. "Secondly, it does not appear that there is sufficient evidence to sustain that any possible representative did in fact provide such money to Martin."

"At issue was whether Sanford would be considered a booster. She has said she&#39;s been to several Tennessee games, but does not hold season tickets and did not attend the school."

"Sanford said she met Martin when he was in high school and remains friends with his mother, Marie Martin. Sanford employed Marie Martin as a housekeeper."
Originally posted by volinbham@Jan 20, 2005 2:21 PM
Works for me. :p

I&#39;m not trying to be an :censored: , it just still burns me up about the bammers trying to dig up any and every little thing that they think MAY be a violation by Tennessee. And I don&#39;t think they really care if its really a violation or not, they just want Tennessee to get on probation... even if its trumped up charges... or just hurts Tennessee&#39;s reputation. Sometimes, if you tell a lie often enough, people start believing it. Ironic, since that is what they claim happened to them. :blink:
Originally posted by allvol+Jan 20, 2005 2:37 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (allvol @ Jan 20, 2005 2:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-volinbham@Jan 20, 2005 2:21 PM
Works for me.  :p

I&#39;m not trying to be an :censored: , it just still burns me up about the bammers trying to dig up any and every little thing that they think MAY be a violation by Tennessee. And I don&#39;t think they really care if its really a violation or not, they just want Tennessee to get on probation... even if its trumped up charges... or just hurts Tennessee&#39;s reputation. Sometimes, if you tell a lie often enough, people start believing it. Ironic, since that is what they claim happened to them. :blink: [/quote]
I couldn&#39;t agree with you more. It is becoming "lore" here.
Bammers are funny creatures. They will never be able to enjoy football again as long as we have Fulmer.
anyone besides me that the crazy alabama fans might try to shoot fulmer. if i was him i would wathc the game from tennessee and call plays from over the phone. i have heard some of these bammer fan talk and im really scared for him.
How sad for them. They are to be pitied, all they seem to want to talk about is how they were screwed, that, and what there gonna do next year. Pity.
yeah that sucks. god i hope we dont have to go through that. i would cry.

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