Banks Wants To Walk On At Ut



Senior Member
Jul 10, 2004
As reported on the radio Banks wants back on the Team at UT and is willing to walk-on and pay his own way.

I say good riddance and he's not needed.
Wow? I havent heard anything of this. Suppose he found out jus how much he'd screwed up.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? I wouldnt think he'd be allowed to? If so' fraid we are stocked to the gill with recievers and if i have to mention QB's
If he has seen the error of his ways and if he has dealt with his problems, then I don't see why he couldn't walk on and pay his way. I am a firm believer of giving people a second, third or fourth chance as long as they haven't done something serious like kill somebody etc....

However, what we don't need is him coming back on the team and getting in trouble again. We don't need anymore bad publicity with all that has been going on. It would be a huge risk letting him back on, but one that could pay off is he is different now. I agree though, it's not like we really need him.
Thats my view as well' Id never heard of it ever happening before.
But sure if he's got his act together etc and it is allowed then great! But keep your nose and else clean. He'd also have to understand the word TEAM a bit better.
Let him walk on. I believe he could feel the gap at safety. We don't need him at QB or WR, but make him play SS and I think he will shine. He got a chance to make it right and I think UT should let walk-on and pay for his schooling himself. I think he is owning up to his mistakes and has learned from them. That takes a man in my book.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Former Tennessee receiver James Banks, who was suspended three times before finally being dismissed in December, has asked if he can return to the team, but coach Phillip Fulmer said Friday he doesn't believe that is a good idea.

"I was not encouraging of that with him at this point. He wanted to try to see if he could change our minds," Fulmer said.

Banks, who was recruited out of Ben Davis High School in Indianapolis as a quarterback, was Tennessee's leading receiver during the 2003 season.

But Banks was suspended for the first half of the Peach Bowl at the end of the 2003 season, 2004 spring practice and the first three games of last season after various incidents. He was cited last summer for underage drinking and a violation of the city's noise ordinance. Both charges eventually were dropped.

His situation worsened after he could no longer play because he hurt his knee in last year's preseason and had knee surgery. He told reporters later he was smoking marijuana and deliberately submitted a diluted drug test sample before being dismissed from the team.

Banks has contacted Fulmer a couple of times, the last about a month ago, Fulmer said.

"He's obviously very apologetic and humble and remorseful and realizes the mistakes he made. That's where we are right now," Fulmer said.

The coach declined to elaborate further on what Banks said to him. Athletic director Mike Hamilton said Friday he didn't know about Banks' request.

Banks could not be reached for comment, but reportedly enrolled this spring at Franklin College, an NCAA Division III school just south of Indianapolis, to improve his grades. His father, James Banks Sr., had said his son intended to transfer to another school this fall to play football.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope CPF lets him come back. I still remember that Hail Mary catch against UF, I guess.
Originally posted by Smokey_Vol@May 20, 2005 7:14 PM
I think he is owning up to his mistakes and has learned from them. That takes a man in my book.
]  Hey, he won't cost UT a thing. Why not?

It could cost UT plenty in the FACE department.

I agree with Smokey Vol. If Banks is really remorseful, he'll have to earn his way back on the team. Maybe Fulmer can set seemingly unattainable goals for him to accomplish BEFORE he rejoins the team. If he can meet them, then he wants to be a Tennessee Volunteer.

Maybe if he get another chance to be a VOL, he will be a little more attentative to just how much he could lose if he doesnt get his head on straight.

Originally posted by volbrian@May 20, 2005 8:04 PM
It could cost UT plenty in the FACE department. 

I agree with Smokey Vol.  If Banks is really remorseful, he'll have to earn his way back on the team.  Maybe Fulmer can set seemingly unattainable goals for him to accomplish BEFORE he rejoins the team.  If he can meet them, then he wants to be a Tennessee Volunteer. 

Maybe if he get another chance to be a VOL, he will be a little more attentative to just how much he could lose if he doesnt get his head on straight.

It would be the cause of some ridicule. But if he was to surpass the rules guidlines laid out for him, Id certainly liked to see him succeed!

Sure we're loaded! But maybe in the DB area' or certain situations on O' "end around" type plays.

It would be nice to see a player that has caused/had problems be able to get turned around and have a good comeback.

His story of why he was dismissed to begin with isnt excusable! But i could almost understand it and why it happened. Dont get me wrong i do not condone the activity he was involved with, But as a young easily influenced student/athlete he got distracted by his injury and made a very bad decision. I guess we'll all follow in the next weeks etc and see what happens?
I don't get how we would lose face in this deal. CPF booted him off the team and yanked his scholarship. How much more can you do to the kid? If Banks is in good academic standing and is willing to walk on and adhere to some extremely stringent guidelines, it will be beneficial for everybody involved and most importantly a young man can put his life back on track.
Why have him back? Because he has some talent? That is not good enough. This person had more chance than most guys have whiskers and blew everyone of them. He is not needed nor should he be wanted back on a team that he cared nothing about. He may see the errors of his ways or he just may have seen his paycheck go up in smoke but either way it would be a very bad idea to let him back on the team.
What is good enough is that at his core, he is a good kid. Some bad judgement....absolutely. A strong family standing behind him and pointing him in the right direction...absolutely. If CPF agrees to allow him to walk on, I say we do it, not as much for the football team but for James and more so for his father who is a solid, class act man trying to raise an immature son.
How many chances is too many? I say let him come back and prove himself. If it's just about FACE to rival teams and fans, then college football has sunk to a new low. IF however, it's about affecting young mens' lives and producing better citizens, then James Banks is a prime opportunity to show what college sports is all about. You can bank on one thing though. If the team won't have him back, the drug dealers and the "street" will welcome him with open arms.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@May 21, 2005 8:58 AM
How many chances is too many? I say let him come back and prove himself. If it's just about FACE to rival teams and fans, then college football has sunk to a new low. IF however, it's about affecting young mens' lives and producing better citizens, then James Banks is a prime opportunity to show what college sports is all about. You can bank on one thing though. If the team won't have him back, the drug dealers and the "street" will welcome him with open arms.

:clap: couldn't have said it better myself, LIO :good:
If CPF lets him comeback then I would make him set down at a news conference and apoloize for his actions, and let people know that he is willing to walk-on and pay for his on schooling. I think this could motive the whole team. We have that one little hole on D and its at SS. Personally I think he would become a star at SS. His frame kinda reminds me of Blaine Bishop.

I can see it now James picking off a pass...... :td:
Originally posted by IBleedOrange24/7@May 20, 2005 6:22 PM
Wow? I havent heard anything of this. Suppose he found out jus how much he'd screwed up.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? I wouldnt think he'd be allowed to? If so' fraid we are stocked to the gill with recievers and if i have to mention QB's

I'm all for chances too, but I think this poses too great a risk. Phil is getting lots of bad press, deserved or not, for all of the incidents over the past 12 months. Should he give Banks another shot, and should Banks resort to his old self, then Phil would open himself to be dragged through the mud.

I don't think this is what the program needs right now. We obviously don't need his services and I fear the repercussions would far outweigh the cost/benefits of the situation. James was given 3 chances to play by the rules and he failed.

Coach Fulmer has already been more than fair with this lad.
Since this is a TEAM sport and UT's shortcomings over the last several seasons can be attributed to team chemistry, the real issue is the impact on the team. What message does it send? Will the borderline players (we've got em) see this as evidence of a "free pass" or will it make them realize what they are risking with their actions.

If I were PF, I'd be real careful about how this fits into my overall plan to get things under control in the program. While we'd all like to help on someone that owns up to their mistakes, it is the success of the TEAM that is paramount. JB was part of that team and through his own actions, gave that up. The biggest thing he could do might be to "take one for the team" and not follow through on this request.
A walk on and pay your own way. Sounds like an acceptable offer to me. I am 52 years old and still do dumb crap all the time. Sounds like he would be a good example to the team of been there , done that . I think .............good kid, bad decision maker. I think he learned a hard lesson and now knows the value of being a Vol...........................................................................PRICELESS!!!
Tough call... I believe that giving him another chance isn't out of the question. Maybe let him enroll and concentrate on academics and being a model citizen for a year - just a regular Joe on campus - and then after that year let him back on the team. He should still have the same elligibility. That should prove whether his head is really in the right place. CPF certainly doesn't need to give the media another opportunity to tear into his management of players' off the field antics.

Whether or not we need the kid playing this year or next year shouldn't factor into the equation - this is bigger than that.
Originally posted by JCVOL@May 21, 2005 11:43 AM
A walk on and pay your own way. Sounds like an acceptable offer to me. I am 52 years old and still do dumb crap all the time. Sounds like he would be a good example to the team of been there , done that . I think .............good kid, bad decision maker. I think he learned a hard lesson and now knows the value of being a Vol...........................................................................PRICELESS!!!

This scenario is all dependent on him doing GOOD.

What if he messes up? Coach gets absolutely fried in the press, the other players who are on the edge and haven't yet learned their lesson might view it as a license to make just one more mistake.

With the guys we have had arrested in the past year, I don't think we can afford the risk.

If it happens and it's all upside, then it makes a great story. If he spits on the sidewalk there'll be someon there to record it though.

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