This is where I'm at. Guy is insufferable. I am surprised that he is still tolerated. Not a fan of censorship at all, but I have seen bans for much less than gs' racial/religious hatred bs.
Sad thing is that I wonder what percentage of his posts are an act and what isn't. I've had conversations with him via PM. Wasn't a bad guy at all. I actually enjoyed the conversations. I take a break from the site for a while, and he attempts to insult me with personal attacks (over a freaking spelling mistake and supposedly a word misused that was used correctly) and childish name calling referencing my profession (not that it bothers me) on one of my first if not the first post back in the politics forum. I felt my comments were not inflammatory or an attack in any way- definitely not directed at him. I actually thought they were fairly benign. I have even defended him to a degree in the past. Guess the cease fire is over. That's fine. I'm a big boy that can play rough and be an ass as well. Game on!:machgun::gun::boobies::loco::rock:
Here, let me illustrate what just transpired.
Good to get that out of the way, now maybe we can get on the same page.
Ps; I was just wondering what was up with you when you made your first return post. Hope the condition of your condition hasn't worsened. Best wishes.
pps; How is the walleye fishing lately?
ppps; Wish we still had the PM option, supposed to be a spam issue, looks like a simple spam filter could cure that.
Massive government employment and spending (military personnel and military contracts with private industry to support the war effort) are what finally ended the Great Depression. I'm not advocating that now by any means, but that's the way it happened.
And that's how it will happen next time.
Wish we still had the PM deal.
I knew and enjoyed many an afternoon drinking beer with a guy (1) who called himself FDR's personal emmisarry at what he called his 'field office, (the field office was where ever you could get together with friends and beer and enjoy uncensored, intelligent conversation,) during the war he met with Hirohito, Churchill, Stalin and others, carrying verbal messages that won't ever be recorded in history books. (He also was scheduled to meet with Hitler but that involved an assassination plot and never came to fruition.)
BTW, in the book 'tragedy and hope' secret messages between all the major leaders, Churchill, FDR, Stalin, Hitler, Mousolini and Hirito is mentioned. The copy I read had 57 pages missing and another 57 pages repeated and from examining the glossary I could see there was a lot that I missed in those pages because the code words for those missions were referred to as being in those missing pages.
Here is a story from another guy (2) who knew him (1) well and worked with him during the war and afterwards.
I had asked the guy (2) about an incredible story the guy (1) from the field office told me that happened during the Cuban missile crisis in which he (1) was acting as JFK's messenger and speaking with Khruchev in the Kremlin and he (2) replied that he would never doubt a word the man (1) said, they had worked together on a foreign mission once and when they were briefed beforehand, our friend knew more about it than the guy briefing them.
I also asked another guy who had dated General Mac's
secretary and he said he sure as hell knew the General as he had went with him to Washington once and they visited the General's home in Virginia and the guy had spent all afternoon talking with him in his library.
Anyway the story I am retelling comes from the second guy who delivered 'eyes only' messages among other things, (that's where you handcuff a briefcase to your wrist and deliver it directly to the person the message is for, no one else), one of his favortie people was Joe Kennedy, when he was ambassador to England my friend (2) said Joe always bought him lunch or dinner after he delivered a message.
I am using (1 & 2) to differentuate between the two guys because I am writing this hurriedly and don't want to use their actual names or be too confusing.
Both these guys described themselves as sons of Tennessee moonshiners.
So #2 and I were talking about a mutual friend who basically drank himself to death on vodka and I villified the drinking of vodka, it's killed too many people I've known.
So he told me about the first drink of vodka he ever had.
He stepped off a transport ship in a port in the north of Russia in the early part of WWII and a little old crone offered him a liter of vodka for a cigarette and he gave her two cigs and took the vodka since they had just finnished off the last bottle of Scotch celebrating a safe trip to Russia. His government supplied guide said he could have gotten two bottles for two cigs.
Being a good listener, I heard the whole story leading up to that event.
While waiting in port in Scotland for intelligence to give them the all clear signal that it was safe to sail because at the time 80% of all ships crossing the Norwegian Sea were sunk by German subs, he had met John Haig and Mr. Haig had given him 12 cases of John Haig personal reserve Scotch. Haig and Haig personal reserve is never for sale at any time, sometimes it is gifted to others for whom the family has great respect.
He had a stateroom on the transport ship and his job was to escort 12 men (he called them dollar a year men because the US paid them a dollar as token for their services), to Russia to aid Stalin in building war machines to combat Hitler. These men were the heads of US industry such as Mr Pratt of Pratt and Whitney fame. Those guys just had six small, two bunk quarters so thay all spent most of their time in his stateroom drinking the Scotch provided by Mr Haig.
As I said, they finished off the last bottle as they sailed into the Soviet port.
Ever hear of or read the 'report from Iron Mountain?'
You can play nice, give and get respect or you can be an ankle biter and be the brunt of my disdain, the choice is entirely yours.
One particularly irritating ankly biter called me a dolt and in one of the few posts he makes that I dignified with and answer, I told him he should study hard not to be a dullard and then he could perhaps be a dolt like me.
What happened? Milo banned me for three days.
I am only unsufferable to those who want to say they are absolutely right and don't want other views expressed.