what does the last president have to do with the debacle last night?
The guy is shoving a shoddy piece of legislation down our throats and sounds like a nimrod doing it. How does that have anything to do with Bush?
QUOTE=dickens821;2118087]He..... Talked.. Uhm... Like. um....... This....
As I remember it he said ''There are those that say do nothing'' I don't recall him saying they were republicans.verbal tics aside, Obama uttered three blatant lies in his opening statement. One was that economists are almost unanimous in their agreement that this Porkulus bill is the best way to jump start the economy. They're not.
Two is that there is no pork in the bill. Keep dreaming Barry.
Three was his contention that only the government can solve this problem. Government is what created the problem in the first place.
and a bonus lie is his statement that it's the GOP that are saying "do nothing", the CBO said doing nothing would likely have a better result than passing the "stimulus" package.
the man is almost as pathological a liar as Bill Clinton and without a teleprompter he is only about as eloquent as Roger Clinton.