Personally think that Uros, at his size, doesn’t play big man ball. Every time he touches it he makes himself the smallest guy on the court by bringing it down to his knees and he can’t attack the rim. He has had to resort to being a thug, which to me, doesn’t do anything with the exception of inciting the opponent and their fan base. It doesn’t energize our team, to me it becomes a distraction and causes everyone to lose focus. That’s just my two cents.
I like Aidoo, but he needs to bulk up 20 lbs so he can actually get position under the rim, plus he has a good mid-range shot and the wing span to become a force at blocking shots.
Awaka has the highest upside to me, size, strong hands, rebounds with tenacity and high points each rebound, gets good inside position. Shooting and basketball IQ are the things he will need to work on.
Need additional fresh bodies in the 5 spot for sure for depth.