Barry Bonds



'Papa Burgundy'
Aug 26, 2005
I read an article in Sports Illustrated that points out Bonds's abuse of steroids and his off field activities. It painted Bonds in a very negative light. I for one have never been a huge barry bonds fan and really dont want him breaking Aaron's record. A record broken through cheating is not honorable.
I'll just say I wouldn't relieve myself on him if he were to be burning alive.
To quote Gene Wojciechowski quoting a talent scout from Bonds' HS career, Bonds is an enormous talent and an enormous pain the ass.
I'm not much of a baseball fan these days but I will tell you Barry isn't worth the energy it took me to type this reply.
I feel bad for him. Everyone knows he is guilty and the thing is, I think there is a good 50% of baseball players that have cheated using steroids and barry bonds is the only one being picked on here. I am going to play the rasicm card and garuntee if he was white you would never hear half of this. and if you say otherwise you are dead wrong.
I will say different. He has a cocky, holier than thou attitude, and he is the one that started the racism card. Even if SS and MM did use steroids, they didn't throw such a negative light on the sport. If anything they brought fans back with the positive. Bonds has a bad attitude, period.
(TennesseeTuba68 @ Mar 15 said:
I read an article in Sports Illustrated that points out Bonds's abuse of steroids and his off field activities. It painted Bonds in a very negative light. I for one have never been a huge barry bonds fan and really dont want him breaking Aaron's record. A record broken through cheating is not honorable.

I'm not a BB fan either. I have been a Henry Aaron fan since the late 1950's. Remember watching the '57 World Series- Spahn, Burdette, Aaron, Mathews, Crandall, Adcock, Bruton, Buhl -that's enought for now. Henry was not a power hitter but made good contact and good control with the bat. It was all in the wrist action. I couldn't believe Barry broke 70 HRS in less than 5 years. I thought it would take at least 10 years to accomplish. Barry, Sosa, McGwire were on steroids.
Sosa and McGwire during a 3-5 year span hit so many HRS it made you dizzy.
I'd like to see Barry hit not more than 20 HRS and then something happen that he'd have to sit out most of the season and not come back next season.
(vols2345 @ Mar 15 said:
I feel bad for him. Everyone knows he is guilty and the thing is, I think there is a good 50% of baseball players that have cheated using steroids and barry bonds is the only one being picked on here. I am going to play the rasicm card and garuntee if he was white you would never hear half of this. and if you say otherwise you are dead wrong.

More importantly, if he wasn't guilty you'd never hear half of this. So race is not the major issue here. For years Bonds has been an egomaniac who has been nothing but trouble for the media to deal with. You don't think they're lining up to take shots at him as payback? That's why you hear so much less about Sosa, he's never drawn the ire of the media like Bonds has. It will be a sad day if Bonds breaks the HR record of Ruth or Aaron.
(vixenvol @ Mar 15 said:
I will say different. He has a cocky, holier than thou attitude, and he is the one that started the racism card. Even if SS and MM did use steroids, they didn't throw such a negative light on the sport. If anything they brought fans back with the positive. Bonds has a bad attitude, period.

Exactly... he's always been a prick, he's just not always been a druggie. The media won't do a guy like that any favors when they get something on him, no matter what color they are.
Until Bonds fails a drug test, nothing can be done to his records

Selig has already stated that he needs actual 100% proof

Until so, he can't touch or * his records

Doing so would require him to * McGwire's, Sosas, and others who they can't prove
(tidwell @ Mar 15 said:
Exactly... he's always been a prick, he's just not always been a druggie. The media won't do a guy like that any favors when they get something on him, no matter what color they are.

Thank you! I am so tired of hearing his crap about the racist thing and blah this and blah that. If he was amicable with the media and fans, more might like him and this would not really be an issue. He is just a jerk, and jerks come in all colors. :banghead:
they shouldn't celebrate if he breaks the record. he cheated no dought and he should be banned from baseball. along with anybody else who gets caught.
I'm just wondering why the Giants plan on celebrating if he passes Babe Ruth... since when did we start celebrating moving into second place on an all-time list???
(vols2345 @ Mar 15 said:
I am going to play the rasicm card and garuntee if he was white you would never hear half of this. and if you say otherwise you are dead wrong.

I guess that's why they hauled Mark McGwire in front of Congress and gave Bonds a free pass. :wacko:
i am getting sick of hearing bonds bash how bad baseball has gotten. He is part of the problem!
(vols2345 @ Mar 15 said:
I feel bad for him. Everyone knows he is guilty and the thing is, I think there is a good 50% of baseball players that have cheated using steroids and barry bonds is the only one being picked on here. I am going to play the rasicm card and garuntee if he was white you would never hear half of this. and if you say otherwise you are dead wrong.
First of all, he is NOT the only one getting picked on. Palmero and several others got suspended last season for steroids. Secondly, the reason he is getting it handed to him by the media is because he is such a pompus jacka$$. It has nothing to do with his race. Finally, playing the race card is exactly what will get Bonds into the hall of fame no matter what becomes of the steroid deal. Too bad Pete Rose cant play that card huh.
(TennesseeTuba68 @ Mar 15 said:
I read an article in Sports Illustrated that points out Bonds's abuse of steroids and his off field activities. It painted Bonds in a very negative light. I for one have never been a huge barry bonds fan and really dont want him breaking Aaron's record. A record broken through cheating is not honorable.

I could give 2 ____s about Bonds, and I could honestly care less about the career HR record. The only records that really mean anything are those associated with championships, and Bonds will never have one.
(therealUT @ Mar 18 said:
I could give 2 ____s about Bonds, and I could honestly care less about the career HR record. The only records that really mean anything are those associated with championships, and Bonds will never have one.
So, you're not much of a Peyton Manning fan.
(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Mar 17 said:
First of all, he is NOT the only one getting picked on. Palmero and several others got suspended last season for steroids. Secondly, the reason he is getting it handed to him by the media is because he is such a pompus jacka$$. It has nothing to do with his race. Finally, playing the race card is exactly what will get Bonds into the hall of fame no matter what becomes of the steroid deal. Too bad Pete Rose cant play that card huh.

Bonds admitted to "UN-KNOWINGLY" taking steroids by using a clear and cream substance provided by his trainer. We learned from the BALCO hearings that these substances were steroids or human growth hormones that could not be detected by the drug tests at that time. I believe that Bonds is guilty. I hope the media keeps after him and makes him miserable. Your probably right MBRO, he will get into the hall because of his race. Too bad Pete Rose will not get in, he deserves it ten fold over Bonds.

:thefinger: Bonds
(Volman130 @ Mar 19 said:
Too bad Pete Rose will not get in, he deserves it ten fold over Bonds.

In my view, Bonds and Rose are two peas in a pod.
(Rocky Top @ Mar 15 said:
I'm not much of a baseball fan these days but I will tell you Barry isn't worth the energy it took me to type this reply.

(Volman130 @ Mar 19 said:
Bonds admitted to "UN-KNOWINGLY" taking steroids by using a clear and cream substance provided by his trainer. We learned from the BALCO hearings that these substances were steroids or human growth hormones that could not be detected by the drug tests at that time. I believe that Bonds is guilty. I hope the media keeps after him and makes him miserable. Your probably right MBRO, he will get into the hall because of his race. Too bad Pete Rose will not get in, he deserves it ten fold over Bonds.

:thefinger: Bonds
As a player, Pete Rose isn't in the same class as Barry Bonds. Pete hung on way too long and set a record that is based more on longevity than greatness. Bonds had three MVP awards, and was gipped out of two others, before anyone alleges he ever took any performance enhancers.
Yep. He didn't start taking steroids until after the '98 season, at which point he was already a HOF'er
(hatvol96 @ Mar 19 said:
As a player, Pete Rose isn't in the same class as Barry Bonds.

I don't think anybody that knows anything about baseball would argue with you on that point. I say they are similar only in that they both damaged the integrity of the game for purely selfish reasons.

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