Barry Brunetti? Interesting development.

Congratulations on not being one of them. There's a pretty long list of geeky words that more and more of these mindless wankers have been using. Some 12-14 year old comes up with it and it just sticks like malaria.
Here's a short list of some of the most annoying words currently being abused by geeky children and adults that are children in their minds.:

Noob - not even sure what it means anymore. Used to mean inexperienced. Now its a generic insult that doesn't really mean anything in particular.
Lulz - comes from laugh out loud. meaning : I'm an idiot and have to tell everyone that I'm in fact laughing out loud.
LoL- laugh out loud
Fail- means just what you think it would. Failure. Except its used to the point of obsession and is god d#$n annoying.
Woot - I'm thinking it means they're excited in a girly way...
Lmao ...laughing my @ss off
lawlz - same as lol with a homo twist
+1 - means the poster agrees. Cause it would be so hard to say ....agree .

There's dozens more but those are the ones you are sure to hear constantly cause these lame @ss people copy cat everything they see and have no originality.

Noob, woot, lmao, and fail are about as old as the internet.

I think those kids are on your lawn again.

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