Basketball Recruiting Rumors



Senior Member
Jan 29, 2004
A couple of Tennessee boards are boiling with rumors that Benson paid TS and got a job in Knoxville for TS dad. It is being rumored that CBuzzP had no idea what was going on. Also, some are saying that UT and the NCAA investigated and have taped conversations between B and the BS family. NOTE: these ideas haven't been substantiated publicly by anyone.

Apparently, when CBruceP went to TS home for his first visit, the fam was wondering where the $$ was. The newbie said he wasn't paying anyone to play hoops at UT.

I hope the parts about B and BS are not true.
can you please use actual names when telling stories

i know TS is tyler smith, but i have no clue who b and bs are
Hopefully, those are just Rumors....Sounds like something a bama fan would make up if you asked me..
i'm a member of this board too..And i've read it..I think this kid is full of himself. I really hope he is..
Originally posted by UTVOLFAN@Apr 24, 2005 8:34 PM
Benson got fired, so either way....Tyler and his dad will be the ones in trouble

no we can still get in trouble
i dont think it will either..............

if this was football it would already be all over ESPN
If this was football, we would never hear the end of it. I might actually stay off the board just to not hit the BAMMERS.
UT is currently in the process of self-reporting that Benson and his father arrainged payments to Tyler Smith and possibly to Jamont Gordon.

The NCAA and UT arrainged to set up Benson by getting him on tape offering money and other benefits to Smith at the request of Smith's father. Buzz was not in favor of setting up his assistant.

Smith's father had asked Benson Sr. (the AAU coach) over a year if he could arrainge some financial compensation for his son signing with UT. Benson Sr. agreed. The payments didn't come because UT's athletics finaces are closely monotered by the CFO after the Schumaker debacle. Benson Jr. told his father that he would pay the Smiths out of his own pocket, leaving Buzz out of it.

Buzz knew nothing of it until Hamilton was tipped off by a Middle TN booster who Billy Smith had asked for some "benefits." This booster is 100% clean and was insulted that a prospect's father could ask for something like that. Buzz was floored by the accusations.

The NCAA investigators told the AD that UT would be in no trouble as long as they cooperated in the Benson set up. Buzz is fired. Benson is retained so he can meet with the Smiths to formally offer the cash.

Smiths are still in the dark that the NCAA knows of the Bensons' activities. Bruce Pearl is asked about the money in his first meeting with Papa Smith. Pearl says he knows nothing about it and won't do anything illegal to get a kid in school. Tells the Smiths that if they don't want to do things the legal way, then they don't need him at TN. Shortly after, Benson formally cleans out his desk at TBA.

After learning they aren't going to get their promised cash, Smiths announce Tyler won't be coming to UT. NCAA tells Ut not to release him until investigation is complete.

As of now, it appears that UT is 100% clean because the only person involved in payments was Benson. Smith will be declared ineligible if it can be proven that Benson Sr. had already made payments. Bensons will be out of coaching at both AAU and college levels.
WOW!! I had a feeling something funny was going on in that whole situation.
really, this shouldnt be talked about until the facts are out..because this is gonna get even more :censored: started..

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