Basketball reruit Gossip

Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jul 8, 2005 11:10 AM
Ridgeway's Pierre Niles is reported by the KNS as not being interested in TN like he was before Buzz Peterson left. He 's a 6'7 wide body power forward-275lbs. Is it he is not interested in us or are we not interested in him. I'm sure it would be hard for him to keep up in Pearl's fast pace game. Anybody know the real story? I personally don't think Pearl needs another Memphis recruit pumping up Buzz. I would like to see Edgar put some shine on Pearl in the Memphis area.

Niles was very close with Tyler Smith, and had a very good relationship with the old staff.

That pretty much explains it...

Pearl and Edgar have already made tremendous headway with just about every player in Memphis besides Niles.
Yeah, my insider that talked with Niles at camp last week said he didn't even mention any interest in UTK. And, that all extends back to his relationship with Tyler Smith. They have plenty of talent to comprise an excellent recruiting class without Niles.

P.S. Whoever mentioned Niles not being able to keep up with Pearl's system has not seen him play. Most of you assume when you see his body size that he is slow. The fact is that he is getting criticized right now at all of his camps because he keeps floating outside too much and doesn't want to get his butt under the basket where he belongs. He moves very, very well for a guy his size. But, it is just a waste to have that much size and not utilize it under the basket.
I know our chances of getting Stanley Robinson are slim to none, but I absolutely love what I have seen from this kid and he still has UTK listed with high interest. Does anybody have any updates on his status?

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