One of the easiest and dirt-cheap methods of increasing testosterone levels is by increasing your serum level of vitamin D3. "A study found that giving men with low testosterone and vitamin D deficiency 3,332 IUs of vitamin D daily for a year raised their free testosterone levels by 20 percent. They also lost 6 kg over the course of the study! Vitamin D is thought to inhibit aromatization of testosterone to estrogen.” See Get Lean By Taking Vitamin D - It Raises Testosterone & Elevates Metabolism | Poliquin Article. "Low vitamin D is [also] associated with greater fat mass in all ages, races, and both genders. For instance, a new study of overweight women found that those who took Vitamin D for 12 weeks lost 2.7 kg of fat compared to a placebo group that lost nothing. They didn’t even modify diet or weight train" (Take Vitamin D To Lose Fat & Gain Muscle | Poliquin Article).

Most people are seasonally, if not chronically, low or outright deficient in vitamin D3. "The best way to know your vitamin D status is to have your doctor measure the blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (not to be confused with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). The minimum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D required for health is controversial, and can also vary by the method used for measurement. However, most authorities have argued that a rock-bottom minimum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 30 ng/mL, or 75 nmol/L, is the point at which phenomena associated with deficiency begin to be corrected” (Vitamin D). According to Michael Faloon, editor of Life Extension Magazine, "Some people waste their money by taking baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood tests. If you are not taking at least 3,000 IU of vitamin D each day with a heavy meal, you are almost certainly going to have insufficient blood levels. It's better to start taking a total of 3,000 to 8000 IU of vitamin D each day with your heaviest meal and then have your blood tested for 25-hydroxyvitamin D in 30-60 days” ( Vitamin D Blood Levels - Life Extension).

For a dissenting opinion on long-term high-dose vitamin D supplementation, see Precision Nutrition » Vitamin D supplements: Are yours helping or hurting you?.

Please be careful with this info. Vit D is one of the few fat soluble vitamins which means when too much is ingested it is not excreted in the urine. Not questioning rex's info or motives; just advising that you don't overdo it with D supplementation.
Please be careful with this info. Vit D is one of the few fat soluble vitamins which means when too much is ingested it is not excreted in the urine. Not questioning rex's info or motives; just advising that you don't overdo it with D supplementation.

What happens if you over do it?
Please be careful with this info. Vit D is one of the few fat soluble vitamins which means when too much is ingested it is not excreted in the urine. Not questioning rex's info or motives; just advising that you don't overdo it with D supplementation.

This is good advice

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