Be Safe Tonight Vols



Senior Lurker New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Mods please leave this in the football forum just until tomorrow when this nasty storm system blows through.

As Fade mentioned earlier today, a tornadic storm system tore through the Western part of the Southern USA. That same system is bearing down on Middle TN right now and many regions directly north and south. It is headed East toward Knoxville and has been producing tornadoes along the way.

I know most of you are probably aware already but just in case you didnt know, check your local weather to be prepared for this booger (insert Jimmy Cheek joke here.) Fade mentioned deaths in Arkansas so this thing is serious. Thread might seem unnecessary but if one person reads it and avoids being killed or injured it is totally worth it.

That's all. Go Vols and be careful tonight.
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Mods please leave this in the football forum just until tomorrow when this nasty storm system blows through.

As Fade mentioned earlier today, a tornadic storm system tore through the Western part of the Southern USA. That same system is bearing down on Middle TN right now and many regions directly north and south. It is headed East toward Knoxville and has been producing tornadoes along the way.

I know most of you are probably aware already but just in case you didnt know, check your local weather to be prepared for this booger. Fade mentioned deaths in Arkansas so this thing is serious. Thread might seem unnecessary but if one person reads it and avoids being killed or injured it is totally worth it.

That's all. Go Vols and be careful tonight.

Thanks,it might be rough until Wednesday afternoon here in SE Tennessee.:hi::good!::thumbsup::salute:
1-2 inches of rain with high winds in the forecast. Even if we dodge the tornadoes it looks like we're in for some flooding.
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We're just now getting the front edge of the system in Virginia. Friends and family in West Tennessee have posted videos of multiple tornadoes. Praying for all of our family and all of Volnation around the southeast. Everyone please seek shelter and remain vigilant. This system is no joke.
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I hope my food gets here quick at Perkins. I'm on my motorcycle. I gotta get that thing to my garage. And get inside myself. Thanks for the info. I didn't know it was that bad.
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I hope my food gets here quick at Perkins. I'm on my motorcycle. I gotta get that thing to my garage. And get inside myself. Thanks for the info. I didn't know it was that bad.

It's super bad. Mississippi has been shredded. Bama hit, and now there's crap going on in Atlanta. It's bad.
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It is definitely a bad storm. A lot of damage in its path. It wasn't so bad here in Memphis, but the outlying areas got hit pretty hard. Stay alert and be safe.
better get a to go box

It's super bad. Mississippi has been shredded. Bama hit, and now there's crap going on in Atlanta. It's bad.

Somebody said it's supposed to rain so as I worked all day. I spent almost all day working under 2 houses. When I got home skies were clear and wife had cooked something I hate. So I hopped on the 2 wheeler real quick. Man oh man.
In jackson TN. "There are tornados everywhere". Hit the bomb shelter ya'll!

Mistaken...It's jackson Mississippi. Sorry to scare ya. They were looking at tennessee and then jumped to Jackson and I thought they were still in TN.

You guys watch yo ass tonight!
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I don't want to get any wilder than this


Watch out folks!!!
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1-2 inches of rain with high winds in the forecast. Even if we dodge the tornadoes it looks like we're in for some flooding.

Send some of that water to Colorado, Texas, Kalifornia and just about anywhere West of the Mississippi!
Somebody said it's supposed to rain so as I worked all day. I spent almost all day working under 2 houses. When I got home skies were clear and wife had cooked something I hate. So I hopped on the 2 wheeler real quick. Man oh man.

Not supposed to hit the Knoxville area until midnight approximately.
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1-2 inches of rain with high winds in the forecast. Even if we dodge the tornadoes it looks like we're in for some flooding.

There were already 2 1/2 inches of rain accumulation from 7 am to lunch time in the Nashville area. Definitely going to be some flooding.

Just so you all know, they say don't get in flood waters as its polluted. I never fully understood why until I went to college and then started working in the utility industry. When it floods, ground water and rain water infiltrates into the sanitary sewer system and essentially there is a risk of the presence of raw sewage in the flood waters.

Be safe!
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Today was a beautiful day in seveirville.. I had no clue about those storms.

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