Been a little quiet...

After screaming and cheering watching Jones & Co. make it through their first Vol Walk, we'll head inside the stadium and watch the players warm up and the fans file in.

I honestly cannot wait for the T to form and our guys run onto the field for the first game of the new era.

GO TEAM 117!!
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I love quiet! Means no one's getting arrested or into fights or throwing beer bottles. Quiet is exactly what you want right now.
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watching on big screen with the whole family.. the first few games r the only ones lately my wife is comfortable letting my boy hang around... due to some f bombs flying around in the sec

i try but alcohol n losing doesnt mix well at our house!!!!

Yeah I can't wait until my kids can get excited with me. Last year my daughter was 4 and my son had just turned 2. They just plugged their ears and hid behind the chair.
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My plan is to be at every home game. Am really looking forward to the opportunity to do what I've always wanted to do.
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I can't wait til the first game. No better feeling in the world then watching the orange and white after waiting for months.
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Have already pre-ordered frozen bison loin filets. Will be served with pinot noir, steam brussel sprouts and carrots, batter dipped fried squash, and hush puppies. Dessert will probably be either peach cobbler with Hagen Daz vanilla bean ice cream on top or Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy ice cream. All enjoyed while watching Vols -Peay on my big screen TV. Sorry, no other way to phrase that. :)

Saving my money to take in a few SEC home games this year.
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Never miss the opening game with short skirts and cowboy boots worn by the ladies... Tans look so good...

Good thing I'm not going to the 1st game, My tall Kiowa wife, Shirley is naturally tan. I'd probably have to uh, remove you.
Well, I will be hyped all day. Probably have some friends over. Grill some kick ass burgers. Sit down in my comfy chair with a Lienenkugels in my hand practicing arm curls. Then jump out of my chair when the team runs through the T.
Have already pre-ordered frozen bison loin filets. Will be served with pinot noir, steam brussel sprouts and carrots, batter dipped fried squash, and hush puppies. Dessert will probably be either peach cobbler with Hagen Daz vanilla bean ice cream on top or Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy ice cream. All enjoyed while watching Vols -Peay on my big screen TV. Sorry, no other way to phrase that. :)

Saving my money to take in a few SEC home games this year.

What time should I show up with the wife and kids?
I will be there in YY7 as per usual for home games. Jittery as hell until about 10 minutes into the game. Every year, first game jitters even for a fan. Does anybody else get them before that 1st one, or any other one, or is it just me? I don't think it is.

Im like that before every monday im already wishing it was saturday again
Honestly, I love going to Neyland but it's hard to make that trip when my TV at home is so awesome and I can drink whiskey lol. That being said, I usually make it to 1-2 games a year so I'll probably go to the Georgia/USCe game and/or Vandy.

For the first game of the season I'll do what we did last year: party like it's '98 at my brothers with a bout 15-20 die hard vol fans and get nice and tipsy with loads of great food!! GO BIG DAMN ORANGE!!!!:rock:
yea I know what you mean I have a 70 inch hdtv and I have already bought a few different bottles of bicardi 151,a couple of bottles of smirnov vodka and incase things go bad a couple bottles of pga incase we fall behind by three td in first half and the team is not showing more effort than Oregon or bama .I expect a team that will play 60 minuets a game like it is their last. and im hoping that I don't have to open the pga because that means I want to forget what is going on. and I plan on going to two games . the tickets should be sent out soon.i would like to go to all of them but my back is messed up bad I have several disk that are either bulging or herniated or slipped and 1 or two that are gone were I have degenertive disk
Sounds like Shirley can handle herself based on your previous posts...

No checking out the avatars

Oh yeah, she can more than handle things herself being a Xena clone. Trained one at that. But there have been incidents where some leering jackal makes a loud comment and you have to do something or it will just continue. Then you get some sick guys who literally follow her. I can understand, she looks very exotic and has a quiet way about her (until provoked) which some guys take exactly the wrong way. She has it but doesn't flaunt it, but you know some gals don't have to flaunt, it's just there. Don't know how I got her for myself. Well, actually, she initiated the whole thing, I'm just strangely lucky.

CroKev, about the bringing the wife and kids, two things. I'm in Kentucky. I actually wish I could host Vols fans on game days but live in a rural outback. That excuse out of the way, the main thing is bison, elk, and antelope meat we tend to prepare on game days is just too freaking expensive to use for entertaining. But if you ever want to know where to order it, just ask.

One thing I'm going to try doing if a late evening or nite is calm enough is set up my 10X8 foot metal frame mounted backdrop kit using the black or navy blue fabric. Run a HDMI or RGB chain cable to my Hitachi LCD projector to the TV and watch the game outside.

The frame kit is designed for studio photo and video shoots. Don't know why I bought it since I don't have a studio. Yes, I do! It was an online liquidation sale for a mere $30, free shipping and no tax.
Oh yeah, she can more than handle things herself being a Xena clone. Trained one at that. But there have been incidents where some leering jackal makes a loud comment and you have to do something or it will just continue. Then you get some sick guys who literally follow her. I can understand, she looks very exotic and has a quiet way about her (until provoked) which some guys take exactly the wrong way. She has it but doesn't flaunt it, but you know some gals don't have to flaunt, it's just there. Don't know how I got her for myself. Well, actually, she initiated the whole thing, I'm just strangely lucky.

CroKev, about the bringing the wife and kids, two things. I'm in Kentucky. I actually wish I could host Vols fans on game days but live in a rural outback. That excuse out of the way, the main thing is bison, elk, and antelope meat we tend to prepare on game days is just too freaking expensive to use for entertaining. But if you ever want to know where to order it, just ask.

One thing I'm going to try doing if a late evening or nite is calm enough is set up my 10X8 foot metal frame mounted backdrop kit using the black or navy blue fabric. Run a HDMI or RGB chain cable to my Hitachi LCD projector to the TV and watch the game outside.

The frame kit is designed for studio photo and video shoots. Don't know why I bought it since I don't have a studio. Yes, I do! It was an online liquidation sale for a mere $30, free shipping and no tax.

Get out your shotgun, were going hunting for venison! Hmmm Grandpa, what's for supper?
So, I figured it would be interesting to see what Volnation has planned for the first game of this years season.

Personally, I stay at home and watch the game while grilling steaks and sipping on some gentlemens jack!

Here's to a great season ladies and gentlemen!

REAL Vol fans will be AT the game
I will be there in YY7 as per usual for home games. Jittery as hell until about 10 minutes into the game. Every year, first game jitters even for a fan. Does anybody else get them before that 1st one, or any other one, or is it just me? I don't think it is.

Man I get those jitters as in walking into neyland thru the gate heading to the first opening to glimpse the field....takes my breath away every time. Love being a Tennessee Vol!
Have already pre-ordered frozen bison loin filets. Will be served with pinot noir, steam brussel sprouts and carrots, batter dipped fried squash, and hush puppies. Dessert will probably be either peach cobbler with Hagen Daz vanilla bean ice cream on top or Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy ice cream. All enjoyed while watching Vols -Peay on my big screen TV. Sorry, no other way to phrase that. :)

Saving my money to take in a few SEC home games this year.

Who's Pinot Noir?
Oh yeah, she can more than handle things herself being a Xena clone. Trained one at that. But there have been incidents where some leering jackal makes a loud comment and you have to do something or it will just continue. Then you get some sick guys who literally follow her. I can understand, she looks very exotic and has a quiet way about her (until provoked) which some guys take exactly the wrong way. She has it but doesn't flaunt it, but you know some gals don't have to flaunt, it's just there. Don't know how I got her for myself. Well, actually, she initiated the whole thing, I'm just strangely lucky.

CroKev, about the bringing the wife and kids, two things. I'm in Kentucky. I actually wish I could host Vols fans on game days but live in a rural outback. That excuse out of the way, the main thing is bison, elk, and antelope meat we tend to prepare on game days is just too freaking expensive to use for entertaining. But if you ever want to know where to order it, just ask.

One thing I'm going to try doing if a late evening or nite is calm enough is set up my 10X8 foot metal frame mounted backdrop kit using the black or navy blue fabric. Run a HDMI or RGB chain cable to my Hitachi LCD projector to the TV and watch the game outside.

The frame kit is designed for studio photo and video shoots. Don't know why I bought it since I don't have a studio. Yes, I do! It was an online liquidation sale for a mere $30, free shipping and no tax.

Don't believe him when he says he can't afford to invite you Crokey. He invited Pinot Noir and it sounds like that cheap SOB didn't bring anything.:blink:

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