Beltways Stands



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
As promised, this is the first post from me on my political beliefs. Feel free to comment and add your own thoughts, as I am interested in hearing what people have to say.

I believe that the Constitution of the United States should be read as a “living document”. That is, we should to the best of our abilities take the principals set forth by the framers and apply them to our society today. We can not be caught living in the past, in a time that does not reflect our way of life. We must understand the grave nature and consequences of that mistake.

The Constitution does not allow our nation's armed forces ever to be under foreign command, which has become common practice under present UN and NATO deployment. The Constitution requires that the President of the United States shall be the Commander in Chief of our nation's armed forces. It does not provide any means for the President to delegate this authority to any domestic or foreign person or organization, as has happened with NATO and the UN forces of late. Both the UN and the NATO treaty claim authority to direct our nation's armed forces into a war [armed conflict] without the Constitutional requirement of Congress declaring war. Since NATO no longer serves a defensive purpose for the United States, it is therefore time that we withdraw from NATO and permit Europe the task of defending itself.

The United States must withdraw from the United Nations immediately and require the UN headquarters to relocate out of the United States. Our participation as a member nation in this organization was never constitutional and now places our nation's sovereignty in extreme peril. The United States must promptly withdraw from all international monetary and financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, etc. These institutions violate the meaning and intent of our Constitution.

Some of these organizations also claim the unconstitutional power to levy tax on the United States Government and the American citizens. The U.S. Federal Government does not have any Constitutional authority to tax the American people or use any U.S. funds for the specific purpose of providing aid of any kind to foreign governments. Therefore, the United States Congress will review all programs of foreign aid, whether military or non-military, to any foreign government and report to the President on its validity and importance for the sovereignty of our nation. Changes in these fund appropriations should be reviewed and made each election cycle. The United States should ensure it is not giving away “free money” to countries that will never repay the favor.

The United States of America is a Sovereign Republic, subject only to our Creator and not answering to any alien power or foreign potentate. It is therefore imperative that we zealously guard and unequivocally maintain the sovereignty of the United States under all circumstances. Any treaty or alliance that surrenders national sovereignty is, by law and our Constitution, utterly null and void. Any attempt to establish a global government is a direct threat to our Sovereign Republic and endangers our Constitution and will be vigorously opposed.

We are completely committed to defending the permanent liberty and independence of the United States of America. Due to both overt and covert efforts to subvert our national sovereignty, the United Nations is considered a hostile enemy of this Constitutional Republic. Therefore, the UN is to be removed from within our national borders along with its entities such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Our membership with any such organization should be totally severed.

UN ownership of land within our borders will be prohibited and funding or any other support of the UN or any of its agencies or entities by the United States government will be considered a criminal act.

Constitutional Use of Military
The United States military will only be used to protect U.S. citizens, U.S. property and U.S. border integrity. Our troops will not participate under foreign leadership for any reason at any time. The United States military is only to be used when the United States and its people are under, or anticipated to be under, direct threat of invasion or aerial attack. If the United States or our property or borders are attacked or violated, the military shall be given license to seek out and destroy the enemy.

I oppose the use of the military against the America people.
Hmmmmm. Everyone agree, or is it the ole "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" thing?


Come on guys, give me some feedback. We can discuss this without arguing. I'm not looking to change minds, infact, I would welcome others trying to change my mind. :good:
I think everybody's just afraid that they may be talking to the Unabommer. :lol:

Just kidding...
Ha Ha

Surely my views aren't THAT FAR OUT THERE.

Of course you havent seen my stances on Marriage...the elimination of the Dept. of Education, and all the other things. :cool:
Maybe this will draw more discussion since it is a hotbutton topic. Let me know what you think about my ideas.

The power to regulate immigration is a plenary power of Congress under Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, I advocate the following policies regarding immigration.

1. Not rewarding illegal immigrants for breaking the law by granting them temporary or permanent legal status (amnesty).
2. Adopting the core recommendation of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform to eliminate the easy access to jobs that attract illegal aliens by requiring the verifiable proof that the prospective employee is a United States citizen or a properly registered alien.
3. Imposing sanctions including the suspension of visa privileges and cutoff of foreign aid to any country that refuses to cooperate with the U.S. either in the repatriation of its illegal alien nationals, or in preventing aliens from illegally entering the U.S. through its territory.
4. Effective interior enforcement of U.S. immigration laws to insure that all illegal aliens identified or apprehended by law enforcement agencies are promptly deported.
5. Use of the Army, National Guard, or any other branch of the armed forces that may be required to help the U.S. Border Patrol secure our borders against illegal crossing by aliens, drug smugglers, or other criminals.
1. Adoption of a law clarifying that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not give automatic U.S. citizenship to a child born on U.S. soil to illegal alien parents.

Legal Immigration
Because of immigration the Census Bureau projects that U.S. population will exceed 400 million by 2050. A population that big is certain to result in vast increases in traffic congestion, overcrowded schools, urban sprawl, pressure on energy and water resources, and dwindling wilderness and wildlife areas. It will degrade or destroy our American quality of life. Therefore, I support the following.

1. A temporary ban or "time out" on all immigration, except for spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, for a period of ten years, thereafter restoring America's traditional level of legal immigration at a limit of 250,000 per year.
2. Barring the importation of temporary foreign workers that always reduce the wages, working conditions, and incomes of American workers.
3. Reforming the visa preference system to give priority to reuniting nuclear family members such as spouses and minor children, and ending the chain migration of extended family relatives.
4. A national campaign to assimilate new immigrants by teaching them the English language and encouraging them to learn about American history, government, and civic culture.
5. Re-implementation and enforcement of immigration sponsorship policy or proof of financial viability.

Cultural Identity
I support passage of legislation designating English as the official language of the United States. The United States shall, in all instances, restrict itself to the English language. Citizenship shall not be granted to anyone that is not at least marginally proficient in speaking, reading and understanding the English language, the U.S. Constitution and our national history.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@May 12, 2005 1:13 AM
Citizenship shall not be granted to anyone that is not at least marginally proficient in speaking, reading and understanding the English language, the U.S. Constitution and our national history.

I think you just turned half the D-linemen in the SEC into illegal aliens.

Seriously, I agree with some of your points, but I can't go for your stance on temporary foreign workers. I think it would severely injure many of our nation's farmers that depend on those hard working people.
OK. This one has some "interesting" thoughts in it. Feel free to contiue reading and not replying, or try something new, and reply with your thoughts. :moon2:

America is being bankrupted by a bloated federal bureaucracy that now squanders more of our tax dollars than at any point in our nation's history. We are an over-regulated, over-taxed, and over-governed society. I advocate a return to Constitutional compliance in the size, scope, and authority of the Federal government in the budgetary process by returning to full compliance with the Tenth Amendment.

I support the following changes in budgetary policy:
1. Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment
2. The overall budget of each department of government, as well as each line item of the Federal budget shall be prioritized such that if unexpected costs arise, or revenue does not meet projections, there will be orderly retrenchment, thus preventing deficit spending.
3. Pay down the Federal Debt as quickly as possible, consistent with honoring Federal commitments made to bondholders, until the principal balance is zero and American taxpayers no longer have to pay interest on the debt.
4. Budget surpluses shall be applied in the following order of priority:
a. Eliminating the Federal debt;
b. Improvement of defensive military capabilities;
c. Funding tax reductions.
d. In no event shall budget surpluses be used to expand existing Federal entitlement programs or to create new ones.
5. All Federal programs shall include in their enabling legislation
a. Cost estimates;
b. A mechanism for tracking actual costs;
c. Provisions for the orderly scaling back of the program if costs exceed estimates;
d. A clear statement of a quantifiable expected benefit which is expected to accrue to the taxpayers from the program;
e. A mechanism for measuring the benefit attainment actually realized. The executive branch shall be charged with publishing an annual report detailing the actual cost and attainment statistics for all programs. Any program that fails to deliver at least 75% of its stated benefit shall become null and void after two consecutive years of non-attainment.
6. Review existing government programs every 5 years for cost effectiveness. Programs that are not cost effectively accomplishing their initial goals will be eliminated.
7. Remove all trust fund balances from the budget deficit calculations, so that the true size of the federal deficit is made clear to the American people. Report all trust fund balances according to the same generally accepted accounting practices that businesses must comply with.
8. Every Department of the Government shall be audited annually.
9. As a sovereign Republic and a self-governing nation I call for the reestablishment of a United States Treasury Bank. Therefore, as provided for in their original charter, the privately owned Federal Reserve Banks shall be purchased by the United States government and United States Treasury Notes shall be reinstated, replacing Federal Reserve Notes as the official currency of the United States of America.
10. As long as the United States has a national debt, a trade deficit, or unfunded long-term commitments to Social Security, it violates the fiduciary responsibility of the Federal government to our own people to make any loan or grant to any foreign entity. Therefore, the Federal government shall make no further loans or grants to foreign entities from taxpayer funds.
11. Eliminate funding for the United Nations.
12. Whereas the Federal government has no Constitutional authority to expend funds for the propagation of ideas, I call on Congress to eliminate funding for the National Endowment of the Arts, the National Endowment of the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and all similar activities buried within other Federal budget items. Furthermore, I call on Congress to dismantle the Department of Education and return the responsibility of our children's education to state and local control.
13. Dismantle the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
14. End corporate welfare and special interest subsidies.
15. Whenever possible, services provided by the Federal government shall be supported by user fees. Such user fees shall be used to fund the service provided, and not be used as revenue sources for other programs.

Regulation of trade using tariffs and treaties, to promote the general welfare of the United States, is a fundamental Constitutional mandate. Eliminating trade deficits and protecting domestic production are paramount.

I advocate a Trade Policy that:
1. Operates within the boundaries of the U.S. Constitution;
2. Restores Congressional authority to regulate commerce;
3. Safeguards American labor, health, safety and environmental standards from cheap imports;
4. Eliminates trade deficits;
5. Protects U.S. jobs and industry in order to ensure the blessings of liberty to all Americans and their posterity.

A vital national trade policy shall require:
1. A strict "Buy American" policy that patronizes American made goods;
2. A rigid ban on imported products of child, prison, or slave labor;
3. U.S. ability to manufacture and stockpile all products vital to maintaining U.S. strategic military strength and national security;
4. The ability to feed our own people;
5. All food sold in the United States must be clearly labeled with the country of origin.

I will support candidates for federal office that support the following positions:
1. All international trade agreements are in fact treaties and as such must be passed by a 2/3 super-majority in the U.S. Senate
2. "Fast Track" trade negotiating authority shall not be abdicated to the Executive Branch
3. A complete U.S. withdrawal from the following institutions: World Trade Organization (WTO), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank
4. Revocation of Most Favored Nation trade status from any nation that restricts the basic human rights of workers
5. Required revenue tariffs on all foreign made goods sold in the United States to achieve balanced trade, and replace federal income taxes.
By adhering to the above positions, the United States will guarantee its ability to be self-sufficient through bilateral trade and negotiation with other nations.
Have a look at this one. Some more ideas that you won't hear from many, if any Repubs or Dems.

Tax Reform
I shall endeavor to direct the taxation policy of the nation and our state to that of one reflecting the original intent of the framers of the Constitution.

I shall execute a plan to impose and raise tariffs on all goods imported to this country for sale, determined by the country of origin. There shall be no excise taxes imposed on any goods produced within the United States containing at least 75% of its value from components produced within the United States by American-own producers. Tariffs and excise taxes shall be the source of at least fifty percent of the total taxes collected by the Federal Government of the United States. I believe that the remainder of federal receipts should be from usage fees and sales taxes, which shall be uniform among all citizens.

I shall work toward the effectual elimination of all state, and local income taxes by immediately and unceasingly reducing the tax in an aggressive, structured, and responsible manner until the tax is nonexistent. I hold that the federal income tax is unconstitutional, as the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified. At no time shall any tax jurisdiction impose both a sales tax and an income tax.

I shall oppose all taxes on property beyond any sales taxes paid upon acquisition of that property and hold that no taxes shall be levied on property transferred to any citizen upon the death of another citizen, or taxation of the seller's receipts of a property sale by a citizen.

I shall endorse efforts to prohibit the federal governments raising or disbursing tax revenues to be in turn paid to state governments for expenditures strictly within the Constitutional auspices of the state governments, except during a short and limited term of transition to a return of Constitutional governance of our republic.
I live in Arizona, so it is a little more pressing here than maybe anywhere but Calif. The unfortunate thing is that decisions like this cause politicians to lose minority support. I agree in closing the borders by using Nat Guard or military personnel. If the Minuteman project can succeed in closing a small portion of the border, think what out military could do.

I do think English should be the national language, but the liberals would never let it pass. In southwest states it would be seen as discrimination. Just like it's discrimination to deny ILLEGAL immigrants healthcare and even drivers license. The US needs to put pressure on Fox in Mexico to make it more liveable and quit encouraging their citizens to cross the border. I would also like to see our local and state authorities have the ability to verify citizenship and detain offenders. I don't want them to act like INS, but they should be able to report and illegal who has committed a crime.

I just hope we can shore up our borders before anything gets through that we truly regret. I hope it won't take that for reform to happen. Good post, however you may need a more liberal view to survive there.
If there aren't any comments on this one, you all are just no fun at all!!!

It is my belief that every American citizen be given the right to marry any other American citizen of their own choosing. For too long in this country, marriage has been misused and mishandled by the government. At this point and time the only way to reform it and return marriage to a place where it can be respected again is with government’s harsh intervention. It is my belief that too many individuals have been allowed into marriages uninformed of what awaits them. Because of this, I support the creation of a National Marriage Counseling Department (NMCD) which will oversee the counseling of citizens before they are issued their marriage licenses.

I call on congress to actively pursue a law that will ensure that couples of any race, gender, religion, origin or sexual orientation that are both U.S. citizens over the age of twenty-one that complete a forty hour course given by a NMCD official be recognized as fully and officially married under United States law and be afforded all rights as such.

As it is law to obtain a license to be married, I call on congress to make individuals require a license to be officially divorced. This would include an additional sixty hour class given by a NMCD official and the judgment of a United States judge. Anyone who is seeking to marry for a second or more time shall wait for a period of no less than three years from the date they obtain their divorce license and must retain copies of each marriage and divorce license awarded by the NMCD.

Both marriage and divorce licenses shall cost the individual citizen no less than two-hundred U.S. dollars. These collected funds shall be used only by the NMCD for materials related to the teaching and counseling of the American citizens.
On most policies, a Libertarian is just a Republican who has had too much to drink and is telling you what he REALLY believes.
Role of the Government in Moral Issues
I shall address social, moral, and civil rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and its amendments so as to promote freedom tempered by responsibility while seeking justice for all our citizens.

I affirm the principle espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that we are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and among them is the right to life. The right to life is not superseded by any foreign or domestic law.
Since the United States Supreme Court decision in the case of Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, there have been over 40 million unborn babies slaughtered, laying to waste an entire generation. I am committed to protecting the lives of these innocent persons.

I recognize that life begins at conception and continues until natural death. I will seek to remind medical practitioners that when treating a pregnant woman, a doctor in fact has two patients - the mother and the unborn baby. I support the overturning of Roe v. Wade and seek the passage and vigorous enforcement of legislation which protects the right to life, regardless of age or state of gestation.

Cloning and Genetic Manipulation
The mapping of the human genome at the dawn of this new century is a tremendous achievement that will propel us towards real cures for many diseases that baffle our medical community today. It has allowed us to learn how to read a complex code laid before us by our creator. However, we must be mindful of our obligations to use this technology wisely and with great reverence and using the highest moral standards.

I call for the following minimum guidelines to be codified into law regarding the further research and development of this technology:

1. Outlaw the cloning of human beings and of other mammals, fowl, fish, and reptiles.
2. Outlaw the modification of the human genome to eliminate undesirable traits, to enhance existing abilities or traits, or to create new abilities or traits.
3. Require that all human genetic material used in research or in the production of medications be given without coercion and without duress, deception, or relief of criminal responsibility.
4. Oppose the coerced collection and use of genetic information as a factor in hiring, the issuance of life or health insurance, housing, or access to public places.
5. Outlaw the use of fetal tissue for genetic or other research, but permit the use of placenta tissues collected following the natural birth of a child.

Parental Primacy
I unequivocally support the return of all God-given rights for every family to decide how to discipline their children, what their children are allowed to do, and with whom their children are allowed to associate. Parents will decide where and how their child will be educated, whether in public, private or religious education. Parents will have the right to withdraw their child from sexual education classes if they believe the program is not in the best interest of their child.

Parents must be notified if their child asks for birth control pills. There should never be any type of sexual examination at school or on school time. An examination must be done with the parent's consent, and at their physician's office, or in extreme cases where abuse can and will be proved, by court order.
No family should ever be threatened with the taking of their child if they do not conform to government rules and regulations. The government of the United States of America should never interfere with how a family decides to rear one's child. If it comes down to real child abuse, government involvement should revert to the county where the child lives, and then only with proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Every child should be allowed to have prayer at school, during recess, lunch, or after school on school property. They should be allowed to have religious classes on their own time. These schools are paid for by "We the People."

A free society demands an educated people. Parents have the right to make decisions concerning their children's education. Because Federal education programs are unconstitutional, this function must be returned to the states and/or to the people.

Whereas our United States Constitution does not grant powers to the Federal Government other than those enumerated therein, I call for the dismantling of the Department of Education.

The Federal Government shall not regulate nor intervene in our schools. It must not provide or endorse a particular worldview or philosophy, in keeping with the First Amendment, which prohibits the establishment of a religion. The responsibility to educate our youth belongs to the people, in particular to the parents or legitimate guardian of the child, and this right shall not be denied them. They shall have the right to choose the method of education that shall include but not be limited to: private schools, correspondence schools, home schooling or public schools run by local and independent school boards, whose members are elected in fair elections, free from special interest groups, union and political influence.

The indiscriminate diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), hyperactivity, and depression by school staff, and the undue pressure exerted on parents to medicate their children with mind-altering drugs such as Ritalin, Paxil, and Prozac (to name a few), is a scandal in our school system and an injustice to our children.
The diagnosing, prescribing and dissemination of medication and medical procedures are not legitimate functions of our schools, and should be discontinued immediately.

The responsibility for the health and welfare of children belongs to the parent or legal guardian in consultation with their family physician, and this right shall not be breached by school administrators, staff or federal and state agencies.

I do not support bilingual education, which only prolongs the assimilation of immigrant children into our American culture. Children progress faster when immersed in the English language. For this reason, I do not support keeping immigrant children languishing in foreign speaking classes.

I oppose federal funding for education. I believe funding for public education should be derived from local sources such as state and county taxes, municipal bonds, private grants and philanthropic scholarships.

To this end, I will work to discontinue a national curriculum, mandates, federal grants and programs such as Goals 2000, Outcome Based Education, School to Work, sensitivity workshops, sex education and a host of other programs that proliferate in our schools and seek to corrupt our children and undermine parental authority and traditional family values. The right of parents to educate their children is paramount.

Homosexuals in the Military
I believe that it is the right of every qualified individuals, male or female, white or black, gay or straight to serve in the United States Armed Forces. Nowhere in our Constitution does it outlaw the serving of homosexuals in our Armed Forces, and I believe that it violates their civil rights to deny them that privilege if they so desire it.
Originally posted by GAVol@May 12, 2005 12:39 PM
On most policies, a Libertarian is just a Republican who has had too much to drink and is telling you what he REALLY believes.


That's not exactly me. But I understand your comparison. Read some of my stances on Moral issues and you will see I'm not all Republican or Libertarian.
What's up with throwing all my stuff into one thread???

Boooooo :bad:

You know, I would of atleast appreciated a private message from the mod that did this BEFORE he was going to do it. :lame:
No offense intended - just merging everything into one thread for organization's sake. We were up to our 5th or 6th "Beltway's stand" thread.

:bad: I'd hate to have gotton in the way of all the threads about T-shirts, Avatars, Post Counts, Number of board members, and all that other "important stuff".

You could have atleast done them in order, or asked me to do it, then deleted the double posts. Freak didnt mention number of threads as being a condition of posting my views.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@May 11, 2005 11:47 PM
Ha Ha

Surely my views aren't THAT FAR OUT THERE.

Of course you havent seen my stances on Marriage...the elimination of the Dept. of Education, and all the other things. :cool:

Based on some posts on this board, it appears the Department of Education has already been abolished. I know one other poster that agrees :disappointed:
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN+May 12, 2005 1:10 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BHAMVOLFAN @ May 12, 2005 1:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-BeltwayVol@May 11, 2005 11:47 PM
Ha Ha

Surely my views aren&#39;t THAT FAR OUT THERE.

Of course you havent seen my stances on Marriage...the elimination of the Dept. of Education, and all the other things.  :cool:

Based on some posts on this board, it appears the Department of Education has already been abolished. I know one other poster that agrees :disappointed: [/quote]
Which is why it should OFFICIALLY be abolished, No since floating money over there if it isn&#39;t working.
Truthfully, how many are working? We&#39;ve become a nation of people that don&#39;t take responsibility for ourselves. We want someone else to do everything for us and when that doesn&#39;t happen, we become a nation of whiners.

I don&#39;t see much value in any of the parties anymore. Political parties have become nothing more than poll takers and fundriasers. They are both hypocritical to their own platforms (i.e. Republicans are/were fiscally conservative, that thar is funny&#33;). If you disagree with the "party line" then you are labeled as an outcast. Geez, politics and government have sunk to an all time low because our citizens have sunk to an all time low in regard to responsibility and character.

OTOH, I don&#39;t believe in many things the Libertarian party stands for either. No, drugs shouldn&#39;t be legalized, why....because they would be abused much more so than they are now leading to a further decay in society. Same goes with some other Libertarian ideals.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@May 12, 2005 11:36 AM
I told you that I leaned between conservative and Libertarian. :thumbsup:

Yet many of your trade ideas are not Libertarian. For example, a "buy American" policy is an example of the government dictating consumption behavior - clearly anti-thetical to a libertarian view point. In effect you are calling for more government involvment in our lives.

Strangely enough, the free-trade view is refered to as "liberalism" in terms of political economy studies. Many love to trash Wal-mart and the negative impact it has on our trade balance. However, we love those low prices&#33; Restrain global trade and be prepared for the rise in prices. We may save some manufacturing jobs but the effective value (buying power) of those jobs will be reduced.

I haven&#39;t read through the other views enough to comment.
Agree in part. The U.S. should never take a back seat to any other country. Our military needs strenghtened. :good: Should we go back to the "drafting" again? :dunno: How many people want to stand up for our country and protect it?
There are some things that I don&#39;t totally agree with that politicians are doing. Seems that they, U.S. senators and congressmen/women, can give themselves more and bigger raises than the military. I know they have two households to support, but they chose to do that. I say never trust a politician. They&#39;ll cheat and lie to you in a heartbeat.

VN Store
