Beltways Stands

Strangely enough, the free-trade view is refered to as "liberalism" in terms of political economy studies. Many love to trash Wal-mart and the negative impact it has on our trade balance. However, we love those low prices! Restrain global trade and be prepared for the rise in prices. We may save some manufacturing jobs but the effective value (buying power) of those jobs will be reduced.

Doc, ain't it funny how this once proud GOP platform is now a "liberal" idea? What happened? :blink:
Originally posted by TennFan@May 13, 2005 2:56 PM
Agree in part. The U.S. should never take a back seat to any other country. Our military needs strenghtened. :good: Should we go back to the "drafting" again? :dunno: How many people want to stand up for our country and protect it?

There are some things that I don't totally agree with that politicians are doing. Seems that they, U.S. senators and congressmen/women, can give themselves more and bigger raises than the military. I know they have two households to support, but they chose to do that.  I say never trust a politician. They'll cheat and lie to you in a heartbeat.

We do not need a draft.

Over-exaggerate claim by the Democrats.

What we also don't need is another President who rushes into things he can't finish and/or do properly.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@May 12, 2005 1:00 PM
P.S. You missed one.  :rolleyes:


The spelling and punctuation (or lack thereof) I have witnessed on the internet is disgraceful. Not that I am perfect. But I DO care about how I portray myself through my spelling, punctuation, and writing skills.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@May 11, 2005 8:53 PM
The United States must withdraw from the United Nations immediately and require the UN headquarters to relocate out of the United States.

BTW, please tell me kidding.
None of what I posted is me "kidding".

The United Nations is a corupt group from it's leadership down. They obviously do not help nations when they really need it. If they are going to stay together as an intity, they should relocate their offices to a third world country that needs UN support and have their fat cat leaders show up there for meetings so that they understand more how the "other side" lives instead of having headquarters in one of the most expensive areas in New York City.

Kofi Annan should be in jail for his involvement in the oil for food scandal.
Ok call me what ever but after much reading beltway' and im not political minded' i assume they are all crooks to strive for that type of power but!.....I have to agree with alot of your "idea's" not to offend anyone. But yea the loss of the minority would kill ya' not that im for that..I just figure if your a US citizen or wish to be you best be ready to conform to our policys and regulations .... I live close to a lot of tobacco farmers that rely on that "mexican" group that does good work for decent pay and room/board etc...But none of these guys could explain their status! They get all shifty and all of a sudden dont speak english...Im in no way raciest or else negative towards others that try to be anything but good citizens. So yes i agree with alot you spoke of...Its too bad politics get to $$$ hungry to make their decissions that prove to be nothing but a speach....Again not my fav topic sorta like trying to argue religion leave me out....But read your posts and respect most of your your insight of Vol's everywhere
Originally posted by IBleedOrange24/7@May 16, 2005 5:33 AM
Ok call me what ever but after much reading beltway' and im not political minded' i assume they are all crooks to strive for that type of power but!.....I have to agree with alot of your "idea's" not to offend anyone. But yea the loss of the minority would kill ya' not that im for that..I just figure if your a US citizen or wish to be you best be ready to conform to our policys and regulations .... I live close to a lot of tobacco farmers that rely on that "mexican" group that does good work for decent pay and room/board etc...But none of these guys could explain their status! They get all shifty and all of a sudden dont speak english...Im in no way raciest or else negative towards others that try to be anything but good citizens. So yes i agree with alot you spoke of...Its too bad politics get to $$$ hungry to make their decissions that prove to be nothing but a speach....Again not my fav topic sorta like trying to argue religion leave me out....But read your posts and respect most of your your insight of Vol's everywhere

Thank you.
I have no problems with people that have different opinions.

I just can't stand the Ann Coulters of the world who demean and put down everyone and everything that isn't as extreme as her.

That serves zero purpose in today's world other then cater to her right-wing extreme agenda which has so many holes it's scary.

This comes from a man who is MUCH MORE of a Republican then Democrat.
no updates today Beltway? If the thread moves to the second page you may lose it forever. :lol:

I was really surprised no one commented on my Marriage proposal, so I will repost that for now, and see what happens....

It is my belief that every American citizen be given the right to marry any other American citizen of their own choosing. For too long in this country, marriage has been misused and mishandled by the government. At this point and time the only way to reform it and return marriage to a place where it can be respected again is with government’s harsh intervention. It is my belief that too many individuals have been allowed into marriages uninformed of what awaits them. Because of this, I support the creation of a National Marriage Counseling Department (NMCD) which will oversee the counseling of citizens before they are issued their marriage licenses.

I call on congress to actively pursue a law that will ensure that couples of any race, gender, religion, origin or sexual orientation that are both U.S. citizens over the age of twenty-one that complete a forty hour course given by a NMCD official be recognized as fully and officially married under United States law and be afforded all rights as such.

As it is law to obtain a license to be married, I call on congress to make individuals require a license to be officially divorced. This would include an additional sixty hour class given by a NMCD official and the judgment of a United States judge. Anyone who is seeking to marry for a second or more time shall wait for a period of no less than three years from the date they obtain their divorce license and must retain copies of each marriage and divorce license awarded by the NMCD.

Both marriage and divorce licenses shall cost the individual citizen no less than two-hundred U.S. dollars. These collected funds shall be used only by the NMCD for materials related to the teaching and counseling of the American citizens.
Let's try Campaign Finance Reform too......

Campaign Finance Reform
The source of corruption of our political system that causes so many of our people to turn away in disgust or to adopt an attitude of cynicism instead of optimism is not money but rather the source of that money. I believe that government of, by, and for the people cannot endure when our political conversation is controlled and polluted by corporations interested in profits instead of the best interests of the American people. I believe that the protections of the 1st Amendment were primarily designed to political speech of individual citizens. I also believe that individual citizens have a constitutional right to speak on the issues of the day, to assemble collectively to do so, and to influence the elections in which they can vote and to know who is attempting to influence their vote. I shall promote and enact the following reforms of our campaign finance system:
1. All election laws should be vigorously enforced, and the penalties should serve as a deterrent.
2. The states shall be permitted to experiment with different forms of campaign finance reform, so long as they protect the rights of citizen participation and equal access irrespective of party affiliation.
3. All donations to political organizations be they issue-oriented, political parties, or candidate committees, must come from actual persons who are citizens and registered to vote or from other political committees.
4. At least 50% of the funds donated to a candidate committee must come from citizens who can vote for the candidate.
5. All political organizations shall disclose the source of every donation within 48 hours of receipt in a manner easily accessible to the public.
6. All political organizations shall have equal access to all forms of advertisement.
7. In all political advertisements that mention a candidate, show the likeness of one, or take a position on a referendum before the people, the five largest sources of funds for the organization or person that puts the add forward should be shown in a visible manner.
8. The Federal Election Commission is supposed to be the people's watchdog and nonpartisan oversight of the election processes. One-third of the American people belong to neither major party. Therefore, one-third of the membership of the FEC should be independent of the major parties.
9. In matters of political speech, the 1st Amendment does not apply to corporations or non-citizens.
10. All candidate forums which are broadcast or published and contain candidates from more than one political party must include all candidates who can legally win the office.
In your firt post you noted that you feel the constitution is a "living document". Does that mean that you believe the constitution should change as society changes..if you do, isn't that the epitome of liberal thinking?
NO the Constitution should NOT change, (except in the instances of Amendment's that are needed to undo what people have done against it since it's creation).

"Living Document" means that it's principals should still be practiced today. It means that the constitution is alive and not just a dead piece of paper on display in a museum somewhere.

Too many politicians have been looking away from the Constitution and trying to say that it is out-dated, when in reality if we were still upholding it fully, a lot of liberal ideas woudn't exist.

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