Bernie and Graham The Debate We all have been pining for.

Exactly the guy is an idiot. Has proven never earned an honest paycheck in his life unless you count consistently proving he's a moron.
Remember the exchange he had with the small business owner? Guy was probably worth a few hundred thousand and Bernie’s talking to him like he’s a zillionaire!

Bernie heard the words “business owner” and immediately profiled the guy as a anti-government tax cheat. Bernie’s not likable and his ideas are dangerous.
Apparently the video will be available Saturday after it airs on Fox? I disagree with Bernie on a lot, but he's consistent at least. Graham is a snake in the grass that will go with whatever suits him at the moment. And he just annoys the **** out of me. Wish they both would retire.

Sanders is waaaaay too far left, and you are dead on right about Graham being as loathsome a politician as there ever was. Since Fox viewers will not buy into a single thing from Sanders, this seems like a ploy to boost Graham for some purpose.
Sanders is waaaaay too far left, and you are dead on right about Graham being as loathsome a politician as there ever was. Since Fox viewers will not buy into a single thing from Sanders, this seems like a ploy to boost Graham for some purpose.
This is to boost two insatiable egos for ratings and money. They aren't boosting either, the Fox News crowd despises Graham.
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Sanders is waaaaay too far left, and you are dead on right about Graham being as loathsome a politician as there ever was. Since Fox viewers will not buy into a single thing from Sanders, this seems like a ploy to boost Graham for some purpose.
Nobody likes Graham. He has no chance in any national election if thats what you are implying
Remember the exchange he had with the small business owner? Guy was probably worth a few hundred thousand and Bernie’s talking to him like he’s a zillionaire!

Bernie heard the words “business owner” and immediately profiled the guy as a anti-government tax cheat. Bernie’s not likable and his ideas are dangerous.
Agreed. Not saying applicable to you, but this is what makes me laugh, at all the Tulsi fanboys from the GOP. She's a younger female Bernie. It's crazy
Good luck with term limits. They would have to term limit themselves. Never gonna happen.

If there’s one issue I take exception with the founding fathers over, it’s that they didn’t work term limits for congress into the Constitution. I understand why not, but this country is paying dearly for it.
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Agreed. Not saying applicable to you, but this is what makes me laugh, at all the Tulsi fanboys from the GOP. She's a younger female Bernie. It's crazy

She’s pretty hot and willing to have civil conversation about the issues. That’s about as far as it goes for me.
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I trust Bernie Sanders more than Lindsey Graham, and I think the American people do as well.

I may not agree with Bernie. I think his ideas are terrible and they’ve been proven as such by history. But at least he’s authentic and consistent.

The only thing JLindz seems to be consistent in is getting his face in front of a camera.

THIS. I respect Bernie far more than Graham although I disagree with almost everything he says. He at least has the dignity to realize he is a jackal scavenger and try to convince the foolish that is a good thing. Graham though, is a wolf in elephant’s clothing.
Agreed. Not saying applicable to you, but this is what makes me laugh, at all the Tulsi fanboys from the GOP. She's a younger female Bernie. It's crazy

In the world of the blind (progressive Dems) the one eyed woman is queen
There is a lot of competition in that category. McCain, Romney, Murkowski, the Maine-iacs Snowe and Collins...
McCain had more spine than 99.999% of Americans. Romney is well equipped there also as is Murkowski. Snowe is long since retired. Collins fits your description to the letter.
Why? What is respectable or admirable about that man?

Don’t necessarily respect or admire him. I probably did about 10 years ago before he completely sold out. I do find him amusing like that guy in your fraternity who you knew wouldn’t amount to anything but was fun to get drunk with.
Don’t necessarily respect or admire him. I probably did about 10 years ago before he completely sold out. I do find him amusing like that guy in your fraternity who you knew wouldn’t amount to anything but was fun to get drunk with.

I can see what you’re saying, I just find him too disgusting. He pours gas on the ignorance held by the impoverished.

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