Best Healthcare System in the World



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
It's well know we lead the world in cancer survival rate (can link if anyone would like). According to the WHO we have about half as many hospital acquired infections as Europe (link below). Granted this is an older study (I'd love to know if anyone has more recent data) but we are almost dead even with Canada in terms of stroke survival (image and link below). When the US is wrongly ranked near the bottom in terms of healthcare outcomes one of the reasons is they include life expectancy which is a non-health care related issue in the US (gun deaths, and vehicle deaths skew that data and when removed we have the highest life expectancy).

For anyone who disagrees can you provide outcome specific data?

For anyone who agrees, can you provide additional areas we are world leaders that I failed to address?

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American's are also more likely than Canadians to receive treatment for chronic disease

Driving thru small towns in West Tennessee last weekend and seeing dialysis treatment centers stacked on top of each other…..we should grade our healthcare system on a curve.
Driving thru small towns in West Tennessee last weekend and seeing dialysis treatment centers stacked on top of each other…..we should grade our healthcare system on a curve.

I'm not sure if I'm following? I think it's great that people who need dialysis receive it. We are world leaders and a lot of healthcare equipment. Dialysis machines, MRI machines, etc.
I'm not sure if I'm following? I think it's great that people who need dialysis receive it. We are world leaders and a lot of healthcare equipment. Dialysis machines, MRI machines, etc.
It's just another area where Americans have it all (and don't realize it) compared to even many of the most developed countries in the world. To me, this is why traveling the globe is incredibly important.
Our extremely unhealthy population, coupled with our ingrained individualism, is the elephant in the room when it comes to our US healthcare system.
Our extremely unhealthy population, coupled with our ingrained individualism, is the elephant in the room when it comes to our US healthcare system.

Agreed. But the obesity of Americans is not indicative of our healthcare system. It’s something these WHO rankings fail to recognize. Nor is an increase in car crashes
Us being healthy or not is not an indication of our health care system. The fact that we can provide for as many medical needs as we do, even if it's not enough, is probably unprecedented.

Our health care system is an indication of how unhealthy we are as a civilized nation.
Our health care system is an indication of how unhealthy we are as a civilized nation.
Is that true for the rest of the world?

I would say your argument makes sense in a capitalistic society. It becomes an apples and oranges issue in other countries with more/longer socialized healthcare systems.
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Agreed. But the obesity of Americans is not indicative of our healthcare system. It’s something these WHO rankings fail to recognize. Nor is an increase in car crashes

It depends on what you mean by "indicative of our healthcare system".

With respect to medical technology, prowess, and outcomes, I would agree. With respect to how costly it is, it is absolutely tied to it.

What is great is now that here is a push back on fat shaming. Hell, now there is a push to accept being obese as "healthy".
It depends on what you mean by "indicative of our healthcare system".

With respect to medical technology, prowess, and outcomes, I would agree. With respect to how costly it is, it is absolutely tied to it.

What is great is now that here is a push back on fat shaming. Hell, now there is a push to accept being obese as "healthy".
Obesity and its subsequent ailments are the #1 drivers of strain on our system. The systems themselves, and pharma companies, have no interest in actual "health" as it would mean less for them. Same case for most food processors and restaurant chains.

Anyone that follows along with the "fat is beautiful and healthy" narrative is a stooge.
The systems themselves, and pharma companies, have no interest in actual "health" as it would mean less for them. Same case for most food processors and restaurant chains.

With respect to obesity, I don't blame the health care system, pharma companies, or food companies.

Americans simply choose to live a lifestyle that fosters obesity and buck at those who try to shame them or hold them accountable for their actions.
Obesity and its subsequent ailments are the #1 drivers of strain on our system. The systems themselves, and pharma companies, have no interest in actual "health" as it would mean less for them. Same case for most food processors and restaurant chains.

Anyone that follows along with the "fat is beautiful and healthy" narrative is a stooge.
Corn subsidies don't help
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A couple days in and no one has provided any evidence showing our system performs poorly. Can’t say I’m shocked
I will say that for as diverse and generally available as care is in the US, and as advanced as all of it is, I'm always caught by surprise because the economics of healthcare in the US are so awful. Without insurance meddling in every aspect of healthcare I think the US would have far and away the #1 system in the world and there wouldn't be an argument about it.

It's hard for me to articulate well any real solution. I just am miffed that I can get so much OTC everywhere else, or I can go directly to get treatment for specific ailments (like an injured foot, or skin condition, etc.) from specialists without the wait and without the endless cycle of referrals that I have to go through in the US.
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I will say that for as diverse and generally available as care is in the US, and as advanced as all of it is, I'm always caught by surprise because the economics of healthcare in the US are so awful. Without insurance meddling in every aspect of healthcare I think the US would have far and away the #1 system in the world and their wouldn't be an argument about it.

It's hard for me to articulate well any real solution. I just am miffed that I can get so much OTC everywhere else, or I can go directly to get treatment for specific ailments (like an injured foot, or skin condition, etc.) from specialists without the wait and without the endless cycle of referrals that I have to go through in the US.

I agree with you on increasing the number of OTC options. My understanding is seeing a specialist in a different could take longer based on the data I’ve seen.

Our insurance system is a mes. Between FDR and Obamacare they created an odd form of fascism where they force you to buy a really bad product.

Despite all this we still excel in terms of outcomes, at least the ones I’ve seen and I’m willing to entertain the possible I haven’t seen them all. Which was my desire with this thread.
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A couple days in and no one has provided any evidence showing our system performs poorly. Can’t say I’m shocked
I don't think my take is exactly what you're looking for but since no one is able to provide the content you asked for, I'll share.
I don't believe we have the best healthcare in the world. I believe we have the most innovative, the best emergency, and the best critical care in the world. Basically, we excel at crisis care. We also do a pretty good job of managing chronic issues pharmacologically.
With that said, I admit it is next to impossible to identify where the best healthcare is. The best healthcare is where the state of being healthy is best managed. We don't focus on retention of good health as much as we focus on the what to do once the good health is jeopardized.
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